The recent Catholic indulgence bribe offered by Pope Francis is utterly absurd – yet many poor and lost souls will probably dutifully go for it. Pope Francis recently offered “indulgences” (in Catholic Church jargon this ...
Create a new system. Don’t spend all your time resisting the old one, or else you’ll unwittingly feed it and keep it alive! This is part 5 of The Way to Overcome the Conspiracy series (click ...
Choose your vibration. Be proactive and decide to choose the attitude and emotion with which you greet every single person or situation in your Life. This is part 4 of The Way to Overcome the ...
Govern yourself. That way, you don’t need anyone to do it for you. And more importantly, you don’t allow anyone to do it for you. This is part 3 of The Way to Overcome the ...
Mass-hypnotised is one way to describe the population at large, who has bought into the “official” version of history, who we are and who runs the world. However, if you take a closer look at ...
To defeat the New World Order, you need to be strong and healthy. You need to have your wits about you. The elite controllers of the world are throwing everything including the kitchen sink at ...
How to detox fluoride from your body is becoming an increasingly sought-after area of knowledge. People are waking up to the truth, and they want to learn how to detox fluoride, and get it out ...
Reptile on Mars? Apparently so. The NASA photo above shows some kind of creature that resembles a lizard on the surface of Mars. This is not the first time a reptile has been spotted on ...
One mega corporation owns and controls just about everything you can think of, as it turns out. Researchers S. Vitali, J. B. Glattfelder and S. Battiston put the common intuition – or conspiracy theory – that ...
Were GM crops torched in America around June 22nd, 2013? According to this source and this source, yes! The authors report that 40 tons of GM sugar beets in Oregon – 2 full fields of ...
The NSA controls the world. Or, to be slightly more accurate, it’s not just NSA control, but rather the entire conglomerate of military-intelligence agencies which control the world. It’s the Shadow Government. In the US, ...
Commercialization and weaponization are the two chief obsessions of the New World Order, which aims to turn everything in existence – the Earth’s natural resources, people’s labor, creativity and imagination, and the sum of human ...
The Syria agenda is essentially identical to the Libya and Iraq agendas. The Syria agenda is really quite easy to comprehend. The Rothschild-dominated Anglo-American elite want to take over all the Middle Eastern countries – ...
Bankers’ wars account for all the major wars of the last 2 centuries, and probably many more going further back. When you go beyond the official version of history spoon-fed to you through shallow or ...
Do Reptilians exist? There are many in the alternative research community and truth movement who, even though they are open minded in many areas, still cannot accept the idea that an extraterrestrial reptilian species really ...
Are you a terrorist? According to the US Government, you may well be. For decades now, and especially since the false flag attack on 9/11, the Government has been using its intelligence agencies (the CIA, ...
Nascent iodine is a highly charged form of iodine. Iodine itself is an essential mineral for human health. You need a small amount every day to keep your levels up. It has been estimated that ...
Bilderberg 2013 publicity was off the charts! The ultra-secretive Bilderberg Group just conducted their 2013 meeting in Watford, England. The Bilderberg Group was founded in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands and has ...
Glyphosate-caused diseases are more than just on the rise – they are skyrocketing – thanks to Monsanto’s toxic herbicide Roundup. Glyphosate is the main ingredient of Roundup, and alarmingly high levels are been found not ...
Gun control brainwashing has been a key item on the NWO Agenda in the last few years, especially after the false flag events of Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston. Whatever other ulterior motives these events ...
The People’s Voice is a daring idea of David Icke – renowned conspiracy, truth and consciousness researcher – to start up a new internet radio and TV broadcasting center to go worldwide 24/7 putting out ...
GM wheat or genetically modified wheat has just been discovered in Oregon fields, as reported by the USDA, in what constitutes a serious example of uncontrollable GMO contamination. The GM wheat discovered was not approved ...
Yet again in a 2-3 year period, Hungary has deliberately set fire to fields containing GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). According to an original Portuguese article translated into English on GMWatch, Hungary burnt 500 acres of ...
Mainstream journalists these days leave a lot to be desired, such is the depth of their ignorance when it comes to what is really going on in the world, and what forces secretly control it. ...
Fictitious diseases are the invention of psychiatry, a so-called field of “science” which is now merged at the hip with Big Pharma, the cartel of giant chemical and drug companies who have a virtual monopoly ...
Elite Monsanto, afraid of the uprising against their toxic GM (genetically modified) food, are running out of excuses and defenses for their appalling actions. This Saturday, May 25, 2013, the March Against Monsanto will be ...
The private prison conspiracy is the movement, which began around 1984 in the US, to privatize American prisons (as has been done in UK also) and turn them into for-profit businesses. The United States is ...