Whether via the demonization of carbon, or now nitrogren, the worldwide attack on farming continues. Farmers are being forced to stop farming and kicked off their land. Shownotes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sYVZxg7uSfdV/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/hijacked-environmental-movement/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/anti-human-agenda-behind-covid-and-nwo/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/personal-carbon-allowances-agenda-2030-new-study/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/co2-monitoring-credit-card-cuts-you-off-at-carbon-max/ https://www.globalresearch.ca/carbon-dioxide-climate-hoax-big-reveal/5850442 https://reason.com/2022/09/07/when-sri-lanka-banned-synthetic-fertilizers-the-country-imploded/ ...
Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from the COVID trends summarized in August, September, October, November and December last year in 2021. The news is a mix of good and bad, with COVID ...
Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from the COVID trends I summarized in August, September and October this year. Mass protests around the world are a good sign that some have awoken to ...
The Coronavirus Depopulation Agenda is exposed in this revealing interview with an ex-Russian military intelligence officer. I have taken the time to transcribe it in full below, using the translation provided by YouTube translator Inessa ...
Unless you’re vaccinated … NWO (New World Order) frontman Bill Gates has suggested 1 of the 5 intrinsic, natural, human rights enumerated in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution – the right to peacefully assemble ...
Obama’s handler Zbigniew Brzezinski, a big-time NWO (New World Order) globalist insider, put the matter rather bluntly by asserting that it was now harder to control, but easier to kill, a million people. Specifically, he ...
What is the New World Order (NWO)? It is a rich and powerful group of mostly genetically-related individuals, including many of the world’s top politicians, international bankers, heads of military and intelligence, corporate elite and so-called “royal” bloodlines, ...