The NWO agenda and the Greater Israel Project is clearly to get the ALL the Palestinians out of Gaza. Will Trump force Egypt, Jordan or Saudi Arabia (secret Zionist ally) to take 1.8 million Gazans? ...
Trump on behalf of his masters wants Ukraine’s mineral wealth – its rare earth assets. Zelensky is willing to make a deal, but Trump wants $500 billion worth regardless of the outcome of the Russo-Ukraine ...
Trump implicitly admits the Gaza Genocide carried out by Israel has killed 500,000 Palestinians, since their population was around 2.2 million before the Israel-Hamas War that began in October 2023. Trump poses as a savior ...
Denmark has announced it will spend USD $2+ billion more than usual on Arctic security after Trump’s continued threats to take Greenland. However, both Greenland and Trump are being used to set the stage for ...
The AI prison is being built. The main point of Trump’s 2nd term, from the NWO controllers’ perspective, is to push forward AI. That’s why they allowed Trump to be elected. They’ll throw the public ...
The new Alex Jones is not the old Alex Jones. What is going on? Has Alex Jones been replaced? Is there a double or clone? Shownotes: ***** Makia ...
Just like when Israel arranged for a ceasefire with Hezbollah, then Syria suddenly fell, so it is with the ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza, then Israel turns to another front, the West Bank. Shownotes: ...
Many people know that Israel secretly allowed the false flag attack by Hamas to happen on October 7th 2023 which triggered a whole new wave of war in the Middle East. Now, see the evidence ...
Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor Jessie Czebotar states in her affidavit she was at a “Ritual of Blasphemy Ceremony” in 1982 – where she witnessed 12-year-old Elon Musk with other famous boys as a victim being ...
The NWO controllers have now apparently decided that the way to achieve their Agenda 2030 Smart 15-minute City Agenda will be via land grabs induced by WEATHER WARS: DEW attacks, hurricanes, winds, fires, floods or ...
The 2025 California DEW fires are reminiscent of Lahaina, Maui: 1. No evacuation notices 2. No water in fire hydrants 3. Destroyed cars (just like Lahaina) 4. Some buildings destroyed while others right next them ...
All of Trump’s talk of merging with Canada, acquiring Greenland and the Panama Canal, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico, is American Empire building – and part of the NAU (North American Union) plot, a ...
Jewish terrorist gangs such as Haganah, Irgun and Lehi (Lehi splintered off from Irgun, and was also called the Stern Gang) sought Nazi help in 1940-1942 to fight the British in Palestine. Shownotes: ...
Elon Musk was again using his fake Adrian Dittman alter ego. Musk has always been someone willing to use his platform to censor criticism of himself, or censor views he doesn’t like, just like most ...
Donald Trump’s Jewish connection stretches way back starting at least with his father Fred Trump. Trump lawyers were bullies Jews and political fixers: Michael Cohen and Roy Cohn who was connected to Mafia boss ...
Flat earthers Jeran Campanella and Austin Witsit participated in “The Final Experiment,” an expedition conceived by Will Duffy, a pastor from Colorado. It purportedly recorded a 24-hour sun in Antarctica. But was it faked? ...
Guatemalan surgeon and scientific researcher Dr. Wilfredo Stokes exposes the full scope of the NWO mind control agenda via nanotech. He describes it as a mutation of the human species. See blood under microscopic ...
Former Mossad agents reveal how they executed the pager and walkie-talkie terror operations against Hezbollah: “We create a pretend world … We write the screenplay, we’re the directors, we’re the producers, we’re the main ...
Around 2 years ago in 2022, WEF founder, transhumanist, and 4IR & NWO promoter Klaus Schwab revealed that “the CHIPS Act is an important step to create the physical brain for digitalization.” Shownotes: ...
Israeli archeologists claim that a recently discovered site in Jordan (at Tulul adh-Dhahab al-Gharbi) resembles the Jewish Mahanaim from the Bible. This is more blatant nonsense and an attempt to legitimize their land grab of ...
As Israeli troops advance deeper into Syria, they are accompanied by archeologists, who potentially hold as much power. Learn the nature of this power and why Israel is using them for its narrative. Shownotes: ...
More signs we are already in WW3. Evidence shows both Russia and Iran are using proxies against the West instead of direct confrontation, just as the US and UK have done for decades or ...
The balkanization of Syria sadly begins. Turkiye, Israel and the US are attacking the dead Syrian carcass like vultures. Israel’s “buffer zone” is a permanent land grab. Shownotes: ...
The Syrian Armed Forces of around 170,000 couldn’t have been magically defeated by 30,000 ISIS and Al-Qaeda rebranded takfiri terrorists … unless they were told to stand down. Why didn’t Russia and Iran help? ...
Turkish-backed HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) and SNA (Syrian National Army) takfiri Islamic terrorists, on behalf of Israel and the US, have militarily overtaken Syria by capturing Damascus. Assad has fled to Russia. Shownotes: ...
A significant point in the recent 2024 US Presidential (S)election is that more eligible people choose not to vote than voted for either Trump or Harris. Can this disinterest be turned into taking the ...
New radical Islamic terror outfit HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham), previously Jabhat al-Nusra and formerly allied with ISIS and/or Al Qaeda, has taken parts of Syria … and they “love Israel”! Meanwhile, Ukraine is ...