Guatemalan surgeon and scientific researcher Dr. Wilfredo Stokes exposes the full scope of the NWO mind control agenda via nanotech. He describes it as a mutation of the human species. See blood under microscopic ...
Around 2 years ago in 2022, WEF founder, transhumanist, and 4IR & NWO promoter Klaus Schwab revealed that “the CHIPS Act is an important step to create the physical brain for digitalization.” Shownotes: ...
The biometrics agenda – which is closely connected to the cashless agenda and DPI (Digital Public Infrastructure) – has dangerously advanced. Kuwait is about to freeze the bank accounts of those who don’t comply with ...
The 15-Minute City goes hand-in-hand with the Smart Grid and C40 Cities agendas. It’s all one big push for the ultimate control – and it includes calorie controlled diets and a ban on private vehicles. ...
UK firm BioTeq partnered with Pfizer to develop microchip tags which have been tested in people, spread to all organs, can be spread to other people and which are activated with 5G. These leaked ...
Good Cop vs. Bad Cop, Soft Sell vs Hard Sell … Musk and Rogan are at it again. At a police encounter, you know both cops are on the same team and have the same ...
Don’t expect either the MSM or the MAM to discuss this, however La Quinta Columna has found that the nanotech inside the Big Pharma COVID fake-vaccines are identical to certain alien implants (such as the ...
The next generation of fake vaccines are here. Japan has just made an entirely new saRNA vax. These new mRNA vaccines contain saRNA, which tells the body how to make more mRNA. Essentially, it ...
The Anti-Human Agenda that underpins the NWO (New World Order) is moving sharply into view with the advent of the COVID scamdemic (Operation Coronavirus) and its experimental nano-infused mRNA tools of destruction they are calling ...
The core of surveillance and remote control of the public is the human biofield or aura. The Deep State and its agencies/corporations actually use people as nodes on their networks, called WBAN (Wide Body Area ...
DPI – think mandatory vaccine passports, mandatory health certificates, CBDCs and more. It’s the fulfillment of the 4th Industrial Revolution Great Reset: the fusion of the biological with the digital. It’s coming. Time to wake ...
Here are the latest COVID trends, following on from the COVID trends summarized in August, September, October, November and December last year in 2021. The news is a mix of good and bad, with COVID ...
There is more evidence of a COVID vaccine MAC address connection as the various videos linked in the sources below demonstrate. I reported in May 2021 that some people who took the COVID non-vaccine discovered ...
Is a bluetooth vaccine the next phase of weirdness associated with the rollout of the experimental COVID non-vaccines? Is bluetooth connectivity or compatability another effect of the vaccine? It’s been a string of bizarre events, ...
The Internet of Bodies (IoB) hasn’t gotten as much attention as it needs to. It’s an outgrowth of the Internet of Things (IoT), a term that has been with us for several years now and ...
It’s NOT a vaccine. The mRNA COVID vaccine now being militarily deployed in many nations around the world, is NOT a vaccine. I repeat: it is not a vaccine. It is many things indeed, but ...
The nanotech agenda – involving the placement of tiny sensors, devices and machines measured in nanometers inside the human body – is receiving a boost from the current fake pandemic which I have labeled Operation ...
An implantable hydrogel biosensor, made via a DARPA-Gates funded Silicon Valley company, appears to be slated to be used in the upcoming COVID vaccine. The US Department of Defense and the Bill and Melinda Gates ...
The COVID tests being rolled out around the world, roughly in line with 1-3-30 plan of the Rockefeller Foundation, are the main focus of this current phase of Operation Coronavirus. The more people tested, the ...
A 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper now proposes the next phase of the solution to the coronavirus crisis – after the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Paper which predicted and analyzed the problem and reaction. It’s problem-reaction-solution, Rockefeller-Gates ...
In many ways, the Rockefeller Pandemic could be a good name for COVID-19. Back in 2007, film director Aaron Russo said during an interview with Alex Jones he was told by Nicholas Rockefeller the ruling ...
While the coronavirus epidemic continues, with people debating on both sides whether it is being overplayed or underplayed, it is worthwhile pausing to consider what agendas – and I mean which NWO agendas – are ...
Unless you’re vaccinated … NWO (New World Order) frontman Bill Gates has suggested 1 of the 5 intrinsic, natural, human rights enumerated in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution – the right to peacefully assemble ...
Digital vaccine certificates are the next step in the scripted coronavirus operation, which some people have been referring to as a scamdemic, plandemic or plannedemic. In a recent Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) and recent ...
Digestible microchips are the latest step along the path of enslavement. The FDA of the United States (following in the steps of the UK) has just approved digestible microchips (microchips embedded inside of medicine). The cover ...
The phenomenon of people voluntarily chipping themselves is a stark and scary reminder of how the seduction of technology – of ease, of convenience – could well lead us down the path of total enslavement. ...
Welcome to the Ebola Hoax! The US Government and the Rockefeller-created WHO (World Health Organization), part of the Rockefeller-created UN (United Nations), are doing a grand job indeed of hoaxing it up right now when ...