Hero of the Rightwing and the MAM (Mainstream Alternative Media), Elon Musk is actively supporting wars (helping Ukraine and Israel) and pushing the NWO. Learn why Musk, like other Big Tech billionaires, is a ...
Yes, COVID was a scamdemic. Yes, COVID was a plandemic. Yes, it was a COVID Cult. Now, discover why COVID was a military op too. ***** Shownotes: https://thefreedomarticles.com/exposing-the-occult-corona-initiation-ritual/ https://www.americaoutloud.com/why-covid-19-mass-vaccination-is-a-military-operation/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/covid-vax-contents-2-more-docs-reveal-creepy-microscopy-images/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/dS9WzwGkAHaP/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/keoCmPh3vuiG/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/h0RAPvp4tUmf/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/3RtUTid1XCqi/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/bFZhlkBecZJP/ ...
Who’s at the top of the hierarchy or pyramid of control when it comes to cancel culture? Who has the power to shut others down and cancel their free speech? Shownotes: https://thefreedomarticles.com/israel-planned-home-of-new-world-order/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/q3sKM5KhT8sG/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Y5bWybKww https://mtracey.substack.com/p/democrats-and-republicans-pretend ...
An implantable hydrogel biosensor, made via a DARPA-Gates funded Silicon Valley company, appears to be slated to be used in the upcoming COVID vaccine. The US Department of Defense and the Bill and Melinda Gates ...
Exposing War Crimes: Fair Journalism or Illegal Offence? Tomorrow in the UK a judge will start the process of answering a very important question. It’s a question that many of us knew was the heart ...
US strikes against targets in Iraq and in Syria belonging to Iranian-linked militias operating across the territory of both Middle Eastern nations directly before New Year’s marked a new low for US foreign policy in ...
So the US has decided to become an invading, occupying force in Iraq again. It won’t be as exciting as last time. There will be no “shock and awe” invasion tactics this time. The invaders ...
New statistics released last month by the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) reveal a disturbing trend. The world now has the most refugees ever. At the end of 2018, there were a total ...
Full-scale war has been avoided – for now – but Trump warmongering continues. The United States and Iran entered into a direct military exchange for the first time ever with the drone assassination of General ...
Sky News, doing what it does best—dispense war propaganda—broadcast this know-nothing report soon after “Iran” attacked the Green Zone in Baghdad this evening. Two rockets have been fired into the Green Zone in Baghdad, Iraq ...
Whistleblowers have come forward revealing what many had known all along – that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had deliberately altered various reports and suppressed evidence regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks ...
The ongoing theatrical absurdity of twisted forever war propaganda went over the top on Sunday when President Trump announced the death of the elusive leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Trump announced the ...
Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw has a popular post going around on Twitter at the moment admonishing Senator Bernie Sanders for saying that the US government should not go to war if it can’t afford to ...
Admiral Wilson is a military officer with a long and distinguished career. He was a Real Admiral (upper class). He served as the Deputy Director, and later the Director, of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). ...
Nuclear treaties (mainly between the USA and Russia) have formed the cornerstone of world peace, stability and safety for decades. They have been an essential mechanism in the international security architecture. Nuclear treaties gave assurance ...
The Pentagon-CIA Influence is subtle yet, when you become aware of it, all-pervasive. We enter this world believing that we live in a society where the Media, the Film Industry, the Weapons Industry, the Tech ...
Dark suits run the US and whatever figurehead puppet president that gets installed in the White House. The same goes for many countries, including Russia, the home of President Vladimir Putin himself. However, there is ...
The ultimate scheme of the elite Controllers is to use the US – the military arm of the NWO (New World Order) – to pick off poor, defenseless countries, one by one, and bring them ...
Look at the USA history of aggression! It’s staggering: bombing, sabotage, assassination, drugs, weapons, overthrow of legitimate government, installation of puppet dictators, condoning of ethnic cleansing and genocide … the list goes on and on. ...
War is not entertainment. There’s nothing glorious or honorable about violence, slaughter, war, murder and genocide, even if lawmakers legalize it in code. The very fact of going to war shows that peaceful diplomacy, communication ...
The US Defense Budget is truly a bottomless pit. The US allocates a staggering 50-60% of its tax dollars to war. It provokes new wars, funds UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or drone attacks in the ...
Commercialization and weaponization are the two chief obsessions of the New World Order, which aims to turn everything in existence – the Earth’s natural resources, people’s labor, creativity and imagination, and the sum of human ...
The NSA controls the world. Or, to be slightly more accurate, it’s not just NSA control, but rather the entire conglomerate of military-intelligence agencies which control the world. It’s the Shadow Government. In the US, ...
Humanitarian intervention is an oxymoron. Like military intelligence. Like voluntary compliance (a favorite one of the IRS, a private Puerto Rican trust and collection agency masquerading as a lawful agency of the US Government). With ...
Government torture is a sad but unfortunately very routine, ordinary and normal part of how Government operates, and has operated, for a very long time. Government is a creature of coercion for the most part. ...