The MSM outlet The Washington Times reported on a US Army study on September 10th 2001, the day before 9/11, that the Israeli Mossad was a “wildcard” and was “ruthless and cunning. Has capability to ...
Israel (Zion) is the planned home and headquarters of the coming NWO (New World Order), an agenda which becomes clearer and clearer as the years go by. When Rome was the center of the world, ...
Radical Islamic Terrorists are everywhere, it seems. They’re all over Syria and Iraq. They’re in Libya and Nigeria too. They attacked the former Soviet Union from Afghanistan and modern day Russia from Chechnya. We’ve seen them ...
Donald Trump has been at the top of the ratings in the race to become the Republican candidate for US President. It has been fascinating to watch Trump’s incredibly unconventional campaign and how, despite putting his foot in ...
War on Terror has become a catchcry phrase after the biggest of all false flag operations, September 11th. While it’s true that 9/11 became the pretext for the War on Terror™, and catapulted the doctrine from an ...
The Military Intelligence Complex (MIC), in many ways, is the biggest threat to a free society. Since the Military Intelligence Complex has access to anyone’s personal and private information at will, the potential for bribing, ...