Musk Pushes Free Speech/Hate Speech Oxymoron – Video #63
It’s common sense to know that freedom is the opposite of tyranny or slavery, that they cannot co-exist, and that one increases the other decreases. So, the more you censor due to hate speech, the less free speech you have. The push using fake hero Musk to get you to hold two opposing values is inherently contradictory, but it’s designed that way. They pay lip service to freedom (via free speech) while pushing the actual agenda of censorship and narrative control (via hate speech).
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and , the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.