Federal income tax in the US (and in many other countries with a Rothschild-controlled Central Bank) only goes towards paying off the national debt. Outrageous as it may be, there is not a single cent ...
The conspiracy is over – just as John Lennon proclaimed on a New York billboard that war is over – if you want it. The conspiracy is us! We hold it in place, we feed ...
The 16th amendment was never actually ratified, as the research of Bill Benson shows, who went from State to State gathering evidence and ended up with irrefutable proof. As the DVD “16th Amendment Fraudulently Ratified” ...
The recent IRS harassment scandal, where the IRS was found to have been targeting patriot and conservative groups who applied for non-profit status, has revealed the true extent of US Government criminality. Obama is playing ...
Income tax is voluntary in the US. Don’t believe it? Then just listen to and read all the various quotes from IRS directors, commissioners and former agents, not to mention all the quotes from congressmen ...