Another Jeffrey Epstein victim, Juliette Bryant from South Africa, reports that she personally witnessed the sexual predator turn into a “devil” and take a form like a lizard while he was orgasming. This is a ...
The story of Alandra Markman once again shows there is one giant conspiracy where everything is connected. This Secret Space Program (SSP) and Montauk Project experiencer describes his “20-and-Back” tour of duty, meeting Jeffrey Epstein ...
Tucker Carlson recently broached the topic of UFOs again, specifically underwater UFOs, with Joe Rogan. Bill Cooper wrote about seeing one decades ago. Learn more. Shownotes: ...
How can we overcome the psychic predators that have overtaken humanity’s mind – the Archons, Djinn, Demons, Kundabuffer, Mud Shadows or Flyers? Learn the strengths and weaknesses of these parasitic entities so that you may ...
How can we overcome the psychic predators that have overtaken humanity’s mind – the Archons, Djinn, Demons, Kundabuffer, Mud Shadows or Flyers? Learn the strengths and weaknesses of these parasitic entities so that you may ...
Don’t expect either the MSM or the MAM to discuss this, however La Quinta Columna has found that the nanotech inside the Big Pharma COVID fake-vaccines are identical to certain alien implants (such as the ...
Here are 7 key deeper points to consider re: the Jeffrey Epstein saga. It goes way beyond just pedophilia, child trafficking, blackmail, espionage, Israel and the Mossad. Learn about the connections to eugenics, transhumanism, satanism ...
Whistleblowers gave congressional testimony on July 26th 2023 and spoke of non-human biologics. Is real disclosure coming or are we being led into a Project Blue beam scenario? Shownotes: ...
Is there another generated crisis just around the corner as the COVID scamdemic wanes in its ability to keep people afraid and acquiescent? Most probably, yes. The New World Order (NWO) runs on its basic ...
Hyper-dimensional entities have been observed, warned about and even fought with throughout the history of humanity by shamans, mystics and prophets. Although the way these hyper-dimensional entities have been described in each case is different, ...
Admiral Wilson is a military officer with a long and distinguished career. He was a Real Admiral (upper class). He served as the Deputy Director, and later the Director, of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). ...
The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has ...
The Kennedy assassination, still to this day – 52 years later – is a subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation. This is part 3 of 3 of the JFK assassination series which examines ...
20 and Back is the standard phrase use to describe the tour of duty undergone by recruits into the SSP (Secret Space Program). The term 20 and back refers to the 20 year commitment that ...
The Secret Space Program had more of its secrecy exposed by Project Camelot in their pilot TruTV show called “Shadow Operations – The Mars Project” featuring Gordon Novel, Brian O’Leary, Andy Basiago, Richard Hoagland, David ...
What is the New World Order (NWO)? It is a rich and powerful group of mostly genetically-related individuals, including many of the world’s top politicians, international bankers, heads of military and intelligence, corporate elite and so-called “royal” bloodlines, ...
ET disclosure is a hot topic right now, with the recent release of Sirius with Dr. Steven Greer and Citizen Hearing on Disclosure led by Steven Bassett. The movement will be getting a big boost ...
ET disclosure is a topic which goes through periods of popularity and decline, as people alternate between optimism that officials will finally come clean on over 60 years of secrecy, and pessimism that there is ...
ETs are real, and have been among us on Earth for a long time. More evidence of the reality of extraterrestrial presence on Earth recently surfaced with the amazing interview above. Richard Dolan interviews a ...
ET Discovery? A miniature 13cm humanoid figure has recently been in the public spotlight. The fossil was found in 2003 in the very dry Atacama Desert, part of the Andes in Chile – and may ...
Do Reptilians exist? There are many in the alternative research community and truth movement who, even though they are open minded in many areas, still cannot accept the idea that an extraterrestrial reptilian species really ...
Reptile on Mars? Apparently so. The NASA photo above shows some kind of creature that resembles a lizard on the surface of Mars. This is not the first time a reptile has been spotted on ...
MK Ultra supersoldier Max Spiers has undergone tremendous pain, abuse and torture, like many mind control victims. However, he is the process of mind control recovery, and is step by step regaining memories and fragments ...
Mars whistleblowers are surely but surely stepping forward and coming to light … and the most recent one (going by the pseudonym Captain Kaye or Captain K) has an astonishing story to tell. Interviewed by ...
ET contactee Simon Parkes, a local politician (councillor) in England, recently did a stunning interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot in which he reveals some shocking information (see video above). Parkes is a rational, ...
Mars disclosure is the name I am giving to the extraordinary phenomenon that has begun to occur, with now more than 7 different whistleblowers having come forward and claiming they have set foot on Mars. ...
Christmas has come around again, and as we all scurry about hanging lights and stars everywhere, and adorning our trees with red and white ornaments, how many of us reflect on the occult origins of Christmas? How ...