As we pass the one year anniversary of the false flag Hamas attack that Israel knew about and allowed to happen, a new documentary “Atrocity Inc.” by Max Blumenthal highlights the lies in the ...
The patsies are Deep State dupes or stooges. If they wanted Trump dead, he would have been dead a long time ago via professional assassins for a bounty A LOT higher than $150,000! Now Trump ...
The effects of the 9/11 false flag operation, orchestrated by Israel, still reverberate around the world today. Here’s a quick overview of the crime of the century. Shownotes: ...
Crisis actors were used at the Trump assassination attempt hoax, just as they have been in the US for decades, especially during the Obama years of countless mass shootings. See for yourself. ***** ...
Question everything. What are the chances photographer Doug Mills was in the Florida school classroom with George W. Bush on 9/11 and also at the staged Trump assassination attempt? What are the chances he could ...
The evidence in so far appears to show the attempted Trump assassination was a staged event. It’s a hoax. Take a close look and make up your own mind. Shownotes: ...
Zio Islamic Terrorism is the same old playbook for 75 years: starting with the Lavon Affair of 1954, then the big one of 9/11, then Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS and Hamas. Get wise to ...
Israel has some of the most sophisticated military equipment and surveillance technology in the world, including the Iron Dome missile defense system and its fence. How did it all just fail? Who had the power ...
Is there another generated crisis just around the corner as the COVID scamdemic wanes in its ability to keep people afraid and acquiescent? Most probably, yes. The New World Order (NWO) runs on its basic ...
As the 911 17th anniversary approaches, it is worth casting our minds back to that “catastrophic and catalyzing event”, that new Pearl Harbor (in the words of the PNAC neocons), which has cemented the false ...
With the San Bernardino mass shooting the latest in a long string of staged false flag terror events, there can really be very little doubt to anyone even moderately awake that the event is a ...
They planned and prepared for the coronavirus … decades in advance. The infrastructure has been clearly set up over the last 2+ decades to ensure that when Operation Coronavirus went live, all the pieces would ...
Let me begin by saying I have no idea what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. However, since 9/11, I have questioned the veracity of many news reports and claims issued ...
Israel (Zion) is the planned home and headquarters of the coming NWO (New World Order), an agenda which becomes clearer and clearer as the years go by. When Rome was the center of the world, ...
The Trump Syria strike – an aggressive, preemptive, unprovoked US attack on Syria which completely violated international law and killed around 14 people (civilians) – was based on the same old lies used to justify ...
The ISIS Puppet Show shows no sign of abating in recent weeks, with the fanatical mercenary group miraculously branching out to somehow attack the Philippines, Australia, Britain and now even Iran. Yesterday on June 7th, ...
The 911 attacks that happened in the USA on September 11th, 2001, did indeed change the world in a way that hardly any other event has. As we arrive at the 15th anniversary of the grandest ...
Mass shootings have become a common occurrence in modern America, especially the type involving a gunman on Big Pharma psychiatric drugs who supposedly acted alone – the “lone nutter” story. We’ve had an awful lot ...
Gun control is the stealthy plan to confiscate guns from the public under the pretense of making society safer. For the record, I don’t own a gun and don’t believe in violence. However, I do ...
Sandy Hook foreknowledge exists! Sandy Hook has all the hallmarks of a classic false flag operation – a staged terror event made to look as though it were it carried out by someone else (in this ...
The Sandy Hook conspiracy is now coming to fit the classic mold for staged false flag events, as more and more information comes to light. The Intel Hub recently reported that a shooting drill – ...
Disinformation is outright lies packaged as the truth or real information, and disseminated with the purpose on deceiving, confusing and leading people astray. The New World Order Controllers running the planet often use covert deceit ...
I strongly suspect we are looking at a Boston Marathon false flag operation, even though all the evidence is not in yet. Yesterday on Monday, April 15th, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish ...
Proof of the Boston false flag event is now all over the internet. The Government is attempting to cover it up, but their efforts to hide it are in tatters, as pictures of military agents ...
Change the Constitution or the terrorists will get us – this is the basic sentiment of New York Mayor’s Bloomberg’s recent treasonous suggestion that we change the Constitution, the very foundation of US law since ...
Gun control brainwashing has been a key item on the NWO Agenda in the last few years, especially after the false flag events of Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston. Whatever other ulterior motives these events ...