Upon what does the foundation of control rest? On an energetic or spiritual level, upon the control of perception. On a more physical level, upon the control of money. What is usury? How are we ...
COVID-19 is being used to usher in everything – even suggestions of a World Government. I certainly don’t claim to be a financial wizard. In fact, at best, I have a rudimentary understanding of how ...
The response by the government to COVID-19 will turn America into a third world country in short order. Destroying the economy, throwing millions of people out of work, creating air money and thus inflation, and ...
As the drama unfolds, the coronavirus crisis is showing that we need to be extremely vigilant about what governments are doing right now. In these kind of situations, the far bigger threat is how the ...
The Hong Kong protests are escalating, just as the US-China trade war is also escalating. None of this is out of the blue. For quite some time now, the US has been shifting the focus ...
Draining or sustaining the swamp? The Trump cabinet choices have now mostly been selected, as only 6 weeks remain until the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017. Trump has met all sorts of ...
TISA, TTIP and TPP continue to be negotiated in secret, as WikiLeaks recently released a new leak from the updated TISA (Trade in Services Agreement) core text and annexes. If you want to know what TISA ...