There is a deliberate concoction of 4 separate elements which work synergistically together to shut down your pineal gland, it appears, unless you subscribe to wild coincidences. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is a renowned natural doctor ...
Toxic vaccine adjuvants and ingredient are not emphasized enough in the debate over the safety of vaccines. The medical establishment, which has essentially been wed to Big Pharma ever since its inception by the Rockefellers, ...
GM Food. Animals don’t eat it. Why do you? Squirrels reject genetically modified maize or corn when offered it. Do animals instinctively know something that many humans don’t? Monsanto and other large bio-tech corporations are ...
Monsanto, Empire of Evil, has perpetrated massive damage upon the planet at large: Agent Orange, DDT pesticide, rBGH (Recombinant Growth Bovine Hormone), the artificial sweetener aspartame, GMOs, Terminator seeds. It’s easy to see why they ...
Proposition 37, the issue of whether companies must label the GM (genetically modified) ingredients in their foods or not, is all about the right to know. Consumers have a fundamental right to know what’s in ...
Monsanto forms part of the corporatocracy that really rules America and the world, not the puppet politicians we are led to believe hold the power. There are former and current Monsanto employees and agents everywhere ...
The cause of cancer, a disease becoming so widespread today in America and in many other parts of the world, could fairly be attributed to EMF pollution, or radiation, or GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), or pesticides ...
The Monsanto Protection Act has just been passed by the traitors in the US Congress and is on its way to the Senate. This wording of Continuing Resolution HR 933 (dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act”) allows ...
The organic raw vegan diet is a clean, pure and high energy diet, consisting mainly of fresh and uncooked fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and oils. After experimenting with meat, dairy, cooked food and many other types ...
Pesticide-caused bee deaths are posing a very serious risk to the global environment, as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has wreaked havoc on the bee population in numerous countries. Astoundingly, as reported by Natural News, last ...
Elite Monsanto, afraid of the uprising against their toxic GM (genetically modified) food, are running out of excuses and defenses for their appalling actions. This Saturday, May 25, 2013, the March Against Monsanto will be ...
Yet again in a 2-3 year period, Hungary has deliberately set fire to fields containing GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). According to an original Portuguese article translated into English on GMWatch, Hungary burnt 500 acres of ...
GM wheat or genetically modified wheat has just been discovered in Oregon fields, as reported by the USDA, in what constitutes a serious example of uncontrollable GMO contamination. The GM wheat discovered was not approved ...
Glyphosate-caused diseases are more than just on the rise – they are skyrocketing – thanks to Monsanto’s toxic herbicide Roundup. Glyphosate is the main ingredient of Roundup, and alarmingly high levels are been found not ...
Were GM crops torched in America around June 22nd, 2013? According to this source and this source, yes! The authors report that 40 tons of GM sugar beets in Oregon – 2 full fields of ...
The US is not a democracy – well, what a huge surprise! For many readers this may be as obvious as saying the sky is blue, but what is interesting about it is where the ...
GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are a hot topic right now. All across America, from Hawaii to California to the Northeastern states like Vermont, the debate is raging over whether to label GM foods, and in ...
Genetically modified proteins found in GMOs, and the GM food we eat, could bypass digestion and go directly into your bloodstream, a study from July 2013 indicates. Published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, the ...
The Space Fence is a massive, planetary-wide, space surveillance system currently being constructed that aims to monitor you all the way down to your DNA. Officially, the Space Fence is, according to Wikipedia, a 2nd generation ...
Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. The ...
The Biotech industry assures the public that GMOs are substantially equivalent to their non-GMO or near-isogenic counterparts. In fact, the whole idea of substantial equivalence has been spun into existence by Big Biotech as a clever way ...
Big Pharma-Big Agra mergers have accelerated recently, with Syngenta being bought by ChemChina (China National Chemical Corporation), Dow Chemical merging with DuPont, and Monsanto agreeing to be acquired by Bayer on Sept. 14th 2016 for ...
We all have a massive glyphosate problem on our hands, even if you have eaten 100% organic food all your life. The pesticide chemical glyphosate, Monsanto’s gift to mankind, is totally out of control – ...
So where do the 2016 US presidential candidates stand on vaccines and GMOs? With every subsequent election cycle in the US, technology advances, making it easier for the citizenry to track what the various presidential ...