Monsanto Protection Act = Mafia Protection Act
The Monsanto Protection Act has just been passed
by the traitors in the US Congress and is on its way to the Senate. This wording of Continuing Resolution HR 933 (dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act”) allows Monsanto to plant and disseminate their genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as soon as they are approved by the USDA, regardless of what the courts say. Monsanto has an iron grip on the US Government, having bribed countless politicians and having former employees in key positions, such as Clarence Thomas being a sitting Supreme Court judge and Michael Taylor being the head of the FDA.
The Monsanto Protection Act Shows the Extent of Monsanto Infiltration in the US Government
Congress passed the Act which contained a “rider” or an added passage, Section 735. This provision creates an unprecedented limitation on judicial review. In other words, if the Senate passes this bill and it becomes law, all the Big Agra companies who peddle GMO crops (Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, etc.) can immediately plant these GMOs once the Monsanto-controlled USDA says so. As Food Democracy Now notes, “The judicial review process is an essential element of US law and serves as a vital check on any federal agency decision that may negatively impact human health, the environment or the livelihood of farmers, yet this provision seeks an end-run around such judicial review by preemptively deciding that industry can set its own conditions to continue to sell biotech seeds, even if a court may find them to have been wrongfully approved.”
The big problem with the Monsanto Protection Act is that we need checks and balances within the Government to guard against one part becoming corrupted to moneyed interests. The courts serve as a judicial safeguard to protect America’s citizens, farmers and the environment against the capricious approval of new GMO crops. In 2010, a federal judge revoked the USDA approval given to Monsanto to plant GMO sugar beets due to environmental concerns. This no doubt threatened Monsanto’s plans for planetary domination and complete control of the global food supply. As we know, Monsanto will stop at nothing to increase its own power, including bribing legislators to include Monsanto-friendly passages in their bills.
The Monsanto Protection Act Protects the Corporation Who Gave Us Dioxin, DDT and Agent Orange
It is worth remembering that Hitler and the Nazis could not have become such a powerful force without the help of their pharmaceutical cartel, IG Farben, Bayer and others. Likewise, the US Government and Monsanto have formed an unholy alliance bent on controlling the world and disseminating poison as they do it. Monsanto has an ugly history of killing and injuring thousands of people, with Vietnam estimating that Agent Orange caused 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children to be born with birth defects.
As it stands, there are currently 13 new crops are awaiting approval at the USDA. AquaBounty’s GMO salmon is on the verge of being approved by the FDA. The Monsanto Protection Act would open the floodgates for the rapid dissemination of these GMOs.
There is something you can do – contact your Senator and demand this the Monsanto Protection Act be stopped:
Copyright Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles. Reposting permitted as long as source is credited.