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Controlled Opposition Protests: Social Engineers Flick the Race Bait Switch


Controlled Opposition Protests: Social Engineers Flick the Race Bait Switch

controlled opposition protests
controlled opposition protests

The social engineers are attempting to hide their agenda of testing, contact tracing, surveilling and force vaccinating with controlled opposition protests.

Controlled opposition protests

have been happening not just throughout the 50 US states but on 3 continents worldwide, from London to Seoul to Melbourne. Why? Why would the people of Europe, Asia and Australia care so much about the alleged murder of a black man that they would feel compelled to actually take to the streets and protest over it, given the incident didn’t even even happen in their country? For those following the worldwide conspiracy closely, these kind of things are clues that this whole event – race baiting, agent provocateurs, conveniently dropped off pallets of bricks, looting, Antifa, BLM (Black Lives Matter), government-sanctioned controlled opposition protests and more – is yet another piece of social engineering from the NWO (New World Order) script. It’s a blatant divide-and-conquer tactic devised to distract people away from the serious rights and freedoms that are being destroyed under the guise of fighting a pandemic. It’s a transparent ploy to stoke and then exploit racial tension. So, let’s take a look at how the NWO manipulators are doing it.

Controlled Opposition Protests Actively Encouraged by Government

The first clue things are not as they seem in the Matrix is that numerous government officials have been telling people to protest! That’s right; not only have officials stated they have no problem with people demonstrating, they have actually encouraged and promoted it. Why? When has government ever done this in the past? Why on earth would self-interested politicians want people to protest against them unless it was part of their plan? What self-respecting activist needs to be formally and officially invited by the government to protest? If red flags haven’t gone up for you when you hear that, you need to seriously develop your skepticism and bullshit detect-o-meter. What would you think if a bank formally invited thieves to come and rob it that night, and rolled out the red carpet for them to do so?

People need to realize that:

– it serves the NWO agenda for people to fight among themselves so they are divided not united against the real threat (the enslavement of the mass population by the social engineers, banksters and conspirators);

– its serves the NWO agenda for people to be focused on imaginary, inflated or unimportant issues (race wars) rather than actual and essential issues (the destruction of freedom and inherent rights);

– whether people protest or not, stay at home or not, social distance or not, wear a mask or not etc. has nothing to do with science, reason or logic and everything to do with how it serves the NWO agenda. For instance, when COVID was the focus in March-May, it served the ruling class for everyone to be OCD and scared of everyone and everything around them. Now, it serves the ruling class for people to protest, which is why social distancing has dropped off the radar and no one seems to care about enforcing or performing it anymore. Yet, logically, if there were a contagious virus that was on the loose, and social distancing worked, why would it suddenly not work just because a black man was killed?;

– the masses are being played by the pied piper. When authorities tell them to stay at home, they obey. When authorities tell them to be scared (immensely scared), they obey. When authorities tell them to social distance, they obey. When authorities tell them to wear a mask, they obey. Now, when authorities tell them to dutifully protest, they obey. So tell me: where were all these protestors 3 months ago when a coup was being pulled off to permanently transform society? Hiding in their houses like scared little mice, most of them;

– Social engineers are telling you how to think, how to feel and what you allowed to be angry at. You’re not allowed to question the scientific basis of the fake pandemic; you’re not allowed to be angry at forced contact tracing surveillance and vaccination; but you may be angry at racism, as long as it’s white on black racism. How do you like being told what to feel?;

– These controlled-opposition protests are corporate-sponsored. Nike, Amazon and all the big corporate giants can’t tell you fast enough how much they deeply care for black people. Sure, some of this is good old-fashioned virtue-signalling (look at me, look how pious I am) and market posturing which will be calculatedly exploited to increase profit. However, it is also more evidence that this entire phenomenon is scripted by the big players who are in on the agenda and are collectively and systematically promoting it;

– As with any MSM-reported event, we have to question everything. If Floyd was really killed by police officer Chauvin as depicted in the video, is it just a coincidence that they both knew each other and worked as security for the same club as reported here?

A Quick Look at BLM (Black Lives Matter)

It is an open secret (pun intended) that George Soros funds groups like Antifa and BLM. Therefore, it is logical to think that part of BLM’s mission will be to carry out Soros agendas. So what is BLM’s mission? Take a look at their website:

“We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.

We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.

We intentionally build and nurture a beloved community that is bonded together through a beautiful struggle that is restorative, not depleting.

We are unapologetically Black in our positioning. In affirming that Black Lives Matter, we need not qualify our position. To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.

We see ourselves as part of the global Black family, and we are aware of the different ways we are impacted or privileged as Black people who exist in different parts of the world.”

So far, so good. This is to be expected for an organization formed to stand up for Black rights. But look what it goes into next:

“We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.

We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.

We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work. We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”

Whoa! Wait a minute here. What does standing up for black rights and standing against racism have to do with sexual identity, transgenderism, “cisgender privilege”, feminism, sexism, misogyny and gay rights? What is going on here? A good 40-50% of their “What We Believe” page, which is like a mission statement, has absolutely nothing to do with blacks at all! This is yet another clue that reveals that society is being steered in a certain direction which has nothing to do with genuine care for black people or a genuine desire to stop racism. Many blacks are getting it, such as Candace Owens and this passionate and intelligent black man who tells his white friends that “All Lives Matter”, that they shouldn’t be feeling any white guilt just for being white and that they should absolutely not buy into the lie that white people today should pay reparations to black people today.

Obama Foundation George Floyd Poster Before Death

Did the Obama Foundation release a poster picture of George Floyd on May 17th, 8 days before his death?

Obama Foundation Foreknowledge? Releases Poster Picture of George Floyd … 8 Days Before He Dies

George Floyd was a troubled individual and a felon, who had done things in his past such as hold a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly. He apparently had meth and fentanyl in his bloodstream at the time of death. The above tweet from the Obama Foundation is dated May 17th. Snopes predictably defends the Obama Foundation by claiming Twitter automatically updated the image from the tweet later on. Do you buy that? Or was there a poster of Floyd prepared at least 8 days before he died? If so, this kind of foreknowledge is typical of psychological operations and false flag events where the entire incident is planned well in advance, the real orchestrators are hidden from public sight and the event is made to look like a random occurrence. Consider all the foreknowledge involved in the 911 false flag attack (e.g. BBC knowing that WTC7 would fall before it happened), Sandy Hook (e.g. donation and charity pages going live before the event) and all the other false flag ops where the drill went live by a stroke of sheer luck.

Questions to Consider in Looking Closely at BLM and the Controlled Opposition Protests

In this Instagram video, Tommy Vext does a great short analysis of how this thing works: the MSM focuses on BLM and Antifa, who are in turn funded by Soros, the Clintons and others. Agent provocateurs make it look like normal, peaceful Black Americans are violent and crazy. The same people who orchestrated the event control the MSM to direct people’s perception of it. The great website Off Guardian did an article on 20 unanswered questions surrounding the death of George Floyd plus the subsequent protests and riots. I have taken some of them and added in my own below:

1. Why are people protesting in Australia, Korea and the UK over the death of an American black man?

2. Police brutality is rife over-militarized America. It happens all the time. Why is this death different? Why did the George Floyd video suddenly get noticed, and not the dozens of other videos of police being brutally violent? Why is an allegedly grass-roots social revolution enjoying sponsorship as if they were a sports team?

3. Why are we being led to obsess over race?

4. Why are we being led to hyper-focus on the idea that individuals should be defined in terms of their group identity – not their personality or – as Martin Luther King Jr. famously said – the content of their character?

5. As Douglas Murray writes in his article Why I won’t ‘take the knee’, when does this over-correction end? How much longer do white people need to apologize and prostrate themselves at the feet of black people for the crime of being white, even when they are not racist themselves and it’s 100% about what some white people (not even their direct ancestors) did to some black people generations ago? Murray writes: “The current moment of over-correction appears to consist of an attempt to make all white people confess to some culpability in racist murder … “Who will tell you when you have over-corrected for long enough?” and “How would you know that you have?” Perhaps most pertinently for the present moment is the question “How would you be sure that this overswing of the pendulum in one direction does not lead to its overswing in the other direction when it starts to head back?””

6. If these are not controlled opposition protests, and the looters genuinely care about black lives, why are rioters attacking so many black businesses?

7. Caitlin Johnstone writes about this video:

“An officer with the Saint Paul Police Department has been publicly named by someone identified as the officer’s ex-wife, who said his voice, walk and gas mask made her “90% sure” it was him. The Saint Paul Police Department has denied this. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but it is a very safe bet that it’s a law enforcement officer of some kind. Disruptive police infiltration of protest movements is a historical constant in America, after all. It is the norm, not the exception.”

8. Who is pushing the idea of defunding the police? Why? While police brutality is a big problem in America, there is possibly a bigger problem: having no police at all. This would create a power vacuum and likely lead to either mob rule (with more rioting, looting and theft), martial law or a new kind of force to “keep the order” which could mean national or international police. If the latter, this would mean new police that are entirely disconnected from the community they are policing and its needs. Is the call to defund the police part of the New World Order strategy to create even less connection between the rulers/enforcers and the rest of us?

Conclusion: Protests Play Right into the Government’s Hands

These protest and riots are exactly what the government wants. Government is pretty useless at taking care of most things, but if it’s one thing it excels at, it’s taking care of riots. Governments love violence. When people get violent, it gives the power-hungry control freak politicians the perfect excuse they need to mobilize the police and military. Government has way more firepower than the people, so there’s no point fighting them int that arena. It won’t work.

By the way, did you know that some governments have already begun using contact tracing (supposedly just to protect against COVID) to track arrestees?

Clearly, the social engineers have certain formulas they use to control the masses. One common tactic is for them to race bait, invoke massive emotion, stir up anger and create social unrest. It’s like flicking a switch. Just when people were starting to become really fed up and angry with the ridiculous restrictions of the fake pandemic, the NWO controllers decided it was time to inject a new narrative into the mass consciousness. Stay alert and aware.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Steemit and FB.




















Makia Freeman

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles, a long-time truth researcher and a promoter of freedom. He provides insightful, non-partisan, unique and cutting-edge analysis on who's running the world, how they're doing it and what the deeper agenda is – as well as solutions for restoring peace and freedom to the world. He writes articles exposing propaganda and the numerous aspects of the worldwide conspiracy, in addition to geopolitics, sovereignty, health and higher consciousness. His articles are regularly syndicated and featured on sites such as David Icke, Wake Up World, Activist Post, Waking Times, Global Research, The Sleuth Journal and many more.

Thursday, February 6, 2025