Satanism is the cutting edge and the sordid core of the NWO conspiracy. Yes, Satanic ritual and child sacrifice happens under the Vatican Catholic Church. Find out more. Shownotes: ...
To really understand the Hamas false flag op on Oct. 7th 2023, you need to dive into the Satanic Rothschilds, the origins of modern Israel, Zionism, the Scofield Bible, dispensationalism and Christian/evangelical Zionism. Shownotes: ...
The LDS Church protects and recycles pedophiles! Did you know that over the last few years, there have been mass arrests and take-downs of notorious pedophile networks all around the world (and it’s all public ...
The Catholic Church has been caught child trafficking over the years in several countries – Spain, Ireland, Cuba, Canada and Australia to name just a few. And we’re not talking small numbers either: in Spain ...
The Catholic Church pornography scandal has hit, with evidence coming to light that the Vatican is making some considerable profits investing in companies which sell porn. The Austrian publishing company Beltwild (wholly owned by the ...
Critical thinking is largely absent from organized religion as an institution. Although religion contains some truth and does help some people, overall is not a force for good on this planet. One of the ways in ...
Vatican scandals never seem to end. The latest one to be exposed to the light of day has been dubbed “Vatileaks”, and this time, the butler did it. Yes, believe it or not, even the ...
Scientology abuse has become increasingly brought to light, as ex-scientology members and staff are coming forward and speaking out about the horrendous occurrences taking place inside. The Church of Scientology – or the Cult of ...
Catholic Church pedophilia may well be the reason why the Pope resigned – and wants to sequester himself for the rest of his life in Vatican City (a sovereign state or country) where he has legal ...
Jesus and Christianity are two mutually exclusive entities. Jesus was not a Christian (and the Buddha was not a Buddhist either)! Most modern forms of Christianity – especially the rotten-to-the-core Catholic Church – have departed ...
The Pope Francis missile deal of 1981 has just been exposed by ITCCS, a courageous organization on a mission to shed the light of truth on British Royalty and Vatican crimes. The information was leaked ...
Mass-hypnotised is one way to describe the population at large, who has bought into the “official” version of history, who we are and who runs the world. However, if you take a closer look at ...
The recent Catholic indulgence bribe offered by Pope Francis is utterly absurd – yet many poor and lost souls will probably dutifully go for it. Pope Francis recently offered “indulgences” (in Catholic Church jargon this ...
New Catholic Church child abuse laws were handed down by Pope Francis on July 11, 2013. But was this real reform, or another gagging order? The new Vatican legislation clarified and expounded upon some existing ...
The false dichotomy of mainstream science and mainstream religion has confused many people and left them limited in their outlooks – often for life. In the West we are presented with a massive false dichotomy ...
Why are certain aspects of organized religion Satanic? Most of us who grew up with a religious background are probably accustomed to all the strange rituals that seem to accompany religion, after years of being ...
Disempowering beliefs infect a lot of organized religion, because religion is by definition an attempt to box God and spirituality into set limits and parameters. By doing so it distorts the purity of the original message. ...
Christmas has come around again, and as we all scurry about hanging lights and stars everywhere, and adorning our trees with red and white ornaments, how many of us reflect on the occult origins of Christmas? How ...
The propaganda of Islamophobia and the agenda of painting all Muslims as crazy and evil is in full swing. In the face of the latest mass shooting in San Bernardino, California (another blatant false flag attack) ...
The Israeli-Islamic Terrorism connection has become as clear as day. There are so many clues it’s impossible for the Anglo-American-Zionist axis to hide it any more. This article offers further proof of the Israeli-Islamic terrorism ...
Salafist Muslims in general, and Saudi Arabia (the home of many Salafists) in particular, did not like an event which took place in August 2016 at Grozny, Chechnya, Russia. This under-publicized event was an international Islamic Conference. ...
Zionism vs Islam. Which is more dangerous? Zionism is a massively important piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding the forces that shape the world today. It is a fundamental part of the drive ...
The systemic Catholic Church pedophilia and child sex abuse saga, which evidence shows has occurred all over the world, is finally coming to light enough so that it may be stopped. With molestation occurring worldwide ...
Restrictive, false and dangerous religious beliefs abound throughout the world, and dominate the mainstream teachings of organized religion. Religion has caused a lot of unnecessary pain to mankind, despite whatever truth and good intentions it has. ...
The true meaning of jihad is not what you think. For over a decade now, and especially since the false flag terror event of 9/11, we have been bombarded with the deceptive propaganda that the ...
Pope Francis of the Catholic Church recently came out and released an Encyclical “Laudato Si” (although someone leaked it ahead of time and released it for him) focused on tackling the issues of poverty and ...