We don’t need a new plantation master. We need the consciousness that forms the basis of a self-governing system. Is humanity ready to evolve beyond the point where it needs government? Can people disengage ...
We are creators. Once we truly remember this, and use our creative power to manifest what we want not what they want, it’s game over for the NWO manipulators. Shownotes: https://rumble.com/v1urqis-laura-aboli-changing-the-world-one-person-at-a-time.html https://thefreedomarticles.com/new-system-consciousness-not-new-president/ https://rumble.com/v2pkf9m-larken-rose-the-tiny-dot.html https://www.amazon.com/Break-Your-Chains-Conspiracy-Presenting-ebook/dp/B0CBJSXPHP/ ***** ...
In the age of the polycrisis, we must see through ALL concocted problems, operations, hoaxes and scams. Shownotes: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/polycrisis-global-risks-report-cost-of-living/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/deep-down-virus-rabbit-hole-question-everything/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/10-reasons-sars-cov-2-imaginary-digital-theoretical-virus/ https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1710689115522371772 https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/former-breitbart-colleague-i-saw https://thefreedomarticles.com/zionist-neocons-at-helm-usg-salivate-idea-wider-war/ ***** Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / ...
Pineal gland activation may be the key to the overcoming the global conspiracy and reclaiming our superhuman abilities. Since the culmination of the Mayan Calendar on December 21st, 2012, many have been wondering what the ...
Hyper-dimensional entities have been recognized, discussed and warned about for literally millennia throughout the history of humanity. Naturally, there are many people who scoff at the very idea of such beings, believing them to be ...
Hyper-dimensional entities have been observed, warned about and even fought with throughout the history of humanity by shamans, mystics and prophets. Although the way these hyper-dimensional entities have been described in each case is different, ...
The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has ...
Breatharianism – what’s it like? For many people, it is difficult to believe that breatharianism is even possible. Breatharianism means existing without any food or water. Breatharianism is considered impossible by mainstream science, due to ...
The false dichotomy of mainstream science and mainstream religion has confused many people and left them limited in their outlooks – often for life. In the West we are presented with a massive false dichotomy ...
Bacopa brain – have you got yours today? In a world filled with paperwork, documents, school tests, legalese and more, the demand for us to be mentally sharp is higher than ever. Luckily we can ...
The power is in our hands … but do we realize it? When learning the truth about what’s really going on in the world, it’s possible to feel sad, overwhelmed, depressed and angry. It’s especially ...
Christmas has come around again, and as we all scurry about hanging lights and stars everywhere, and adorning our trees with red and white ornaments, how many of us reflect on the occult origins of Christmas? How ...
Solutions are what are most needed right now, as another solar cycle comes to an end on Winter Solstice 2014. There are many people doing great work exposing the global conspiracy, shining the light on the “Matrix” and digging up ...
Reincarnation is frequently rejected as impossible by those who worship at the altar of rational materialism and mainstream science. Yet, for those with an open mind who realize that logic and reason cannot possibly grasp ...
A new consciousness, and a new system which springs from that elevated consciousness, is what the United States needs most right now – not a new president. Here we are again in the midst of ...
The existence of a mind virus that plagues all of humanity – every man, woman and child – at first may seem like a far out concept, but it’s an idea that has been around ...
Animal communicators are people who can fully communicate with an animal just as they would with a normal human person. The communication is telepathic and 2-way; the animal communicators can both “speak” (by sending thought ...
Spiritual maturity is what is needed most right now by humanity en masse to deal with the predicament we are in. We are in the midst of an unspeakable and horrific evil, but rather than ...
The end of September 2015, or more precisely the period from around September 15th to September 28th 2015, has become the subject of much attention, apprehension and prediction. As usual, there is a certain amount ...