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Solutions to the Global Conspiracy

Consciousness Conspiracy ETs, UFOs & Alien Agenda Solutions Sovereignty

Solutions to the Global Conspiracy


Exposing the truth is good, but more vital is creating solutions. If we focus on creating a new system of peace, freedom & love, the old system will crumble.

Solutions are what are most needed

right now, as another solar cycle comes to an end on Winter Solstice 2014. There are many people doing great work exposing the global conspiracy, shining the light on the “Matrix” and digging up the dirt on the New World Order. This is very important work, for without an accurate idea of what’s really going on in the world, we are blind. We would have little or no idea of what to change. Not only that, but we would little or no motivation to change. Often, it is anger at the sheer injustice of what is happening that spurs people to stand up for truth and freedom, and to make a difference. Sometimes, we need to realize just how bad things are before we decide that we are going to dedicate our lives to doing something about it, to conceiving and implementing solutions.

There’s no doubt that it’s good to expose the truth and shine the light on the darkness, but what we most need are solutions. Broadly, there are 2 modes of activities: creation and destruction. If we spend all our time just exposing the dirt, we are only in destruction mode, and that is not going to get us out of this mess. We need to create, not destroy. Since, on the deepest level, we are beings of energy not matter, we need to work with frequency and vibration. We need to attune ourselves to frequencies of peace, abundance and love; then the old system will crumble by itself. What we focus on, we create; energy flows where attention goes. As we head into a new year, it’s time to put more focus on solutions.

A Brief Recap of the Conspiracy Exposed Thus Far

Before we do that, let’s do a brief recap of the great work of many researchers in the alternative media and truth field. We know that a psychopathic cabal of super wealthy bankers, politicians, industrialists, military and corporate heads (many blood related) has seized the reins of global power and is working to implement their dystopic vision of a worldwide, centralized, communist/fascist dictatorship. They are highly intelligent and have access to metaphysical knowledge hidden from the general public, but severely lack compassion and wisdom, and thus are not applying their knowledge in a way that will benefit all of humankind. With a deadened conscience and a greatly hindered ability to feel others’ pain, they are a grave danger to the future of the world. We have long had documented evidence proving their eugenics mindset and intent to depopulate the world (e.g. Kissinger’s Memorandum 200 from 1974), showing they are cold-blooded murderers. They have falsified the history of practically every major event in the world (e.g. the real reasons for the American Civil War, WW1, WW2, the sinking of the Titanic, the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and JFK, the Roswell UFO crash, and much much more), with many of these involving false flag attacks designed to justify their agenda of more war and draconian legislation. They have introduced numerous health threats, such as geoengineering/chemtrails, fluoridevaccines, antibiotic overuse, EMF pollutionGMOs and mind control, all of which have the result of weakening, dumbing down and killing people, normally in a “soft-kill” or “slow-kill” way that escapes immediate detection.

As an added layer to all of this, we know that ET (Extraterrestrial) life is a reality, and that there is a Secret Space Program involving the colonization of the Moon, Mars and other planets and their moons (see the testimony of Randy Cramer among others for more details). Thanks to the courage of whistleblowers like Phil Schneider, Bill Cooper, Bob Dean and many others, we know that humanity is already interacting with several species of aliens, some of which definitely do not have humanity’s best interests at heart, and are behind decades of human abduction and mutilation, including the ongoing and tragic phenomenon of missing (abducted) children. However, the lies, deception and brainwashing are so complete that those who expose this are disbelieved, branded as lunatics or forcefully silenced.

So, that is the situation in a nutshell. For truthseekers, there will always be more to know, however we are well and truly at the point where we don’t need to know all the details to act to transform it.

Solutions on a Spiritual Level

When we talk about solutions to the global conspiracy, it’s best to start with the most fundamental and powerful of all the solutions: you. Yes, you are a powerful and energetic being, just as each and every one of us is. Since the cosmos is holographic in nature, it rearranges itself according to our thoughts, feelings and state of being. Quantum physics has already shown that the observed is not separate to the observer; we are projecting our realities and creating our worlds, weaving and spinning them into existence as we go along, whether we like it or not, and whether we are aware of it or not. We can never stop this creation! We are creators; it’s part of life.

The trick is to become conscious of our creation.

The root of the global conspiracy is not about controlling a particular system (e.g. banking or surveillance), but rather about controlling what the masses think, feel and project. It’s about controlling the state of being of the people, so that, following the laws of the Universe, they will only create a kind of situation or circumstance in accordance with their inner state. If that inner state is one hemmed in by doubt, guilt, subservience, frustration and fear, the reality projected by these people will match that – and the global conspiracy will continue unabated, despite any attempts on a practical level to produce more freedom.

Hating the controllers will only produce more hate, and thus feed the system. So, while some anger can be a good motivator to take people out of indifference and apathy, too much anger (or just some anger mismanaged and handled wrongly) often produces a negative spiral of revenge, perpetuating the conspiracy.

So, I invite anyone reading this who wants to see a freer world, to work just as much as on your inner state as anything else. Remember, we need to put more attention on our sphere of influence than outside of it, for our efforts can have the greatest result there. It’s simply a matter of efficiency. You can change your family, community or county more easily than the entire world. Most of all, only you can change yourself; no one can do it for you.

Integrating the Inner Shadow

The spiritual solution lies in each person becoming aware of their own shadow. What is the shadow? According to the great psychologist Carl Jung, it is the part of ourself which we have ignored, denied, suppressed and pretended does not exist, often because we mistakenly believe the pain would be too great if we were to acknowledge it. Yet, the pain is much greater by suppressing it, because it only serves to make it fester and become even more twisted, and wreak greater havoc on our lives.

The shadow is not something to be fought; it is something to be integrated. We need to be completely honest with ourselves, acknowledge our own darkness and acknowledge how it affects our personal projection and the world we are creating. There are many paths you can choose which can help you integrate the shadow through inner spiritual work.

Attuning to the Highest Vibration

Alongside integrating the shadow, we simultaneously need to attune ourselves to the highest vibration we can imagine, and that is the frequency of love. Not romantic, sexual love, but rather the love that you have for another human being in general, the love which connects us all. It includes caring, compassion and empathy. It means being there for another, standing up for them and putting yourself out for them. Every time we do this, we inspire gratitude from others, such that they want to help us back. It sends out a ripple throughout the world which can go further than we typically imagine. The more time we spend attuning our own vibration or state of being to being grateful, feeling peaceful, or acknowledging how much we have, the more we are doing to create a new world, and naturally end the global conspiracy without any violence or destruction.

Solutions on a Practical Level

Once the spiritual solution is in place with a critical mass of people learning to consciously control their inner state of being, and consciously choosing to focus more on peace, abundance, freedom and love, practical solutions will flow from that enlightened place. As stated by Geoff Byrd in the video clip above, we literally “starve the malevolent force without effort … allowing the distortion to destroy itself.” Specifically, here are some ideas and solutions we can all be focusing on and working on. What particular ones attract you the most will of course depend on your degree of passion, interest and talent:

Drink Pure Water: Water has memory and can be imprinted with our thoughts and feelings. We are water. By changing the water we drink, we change our very essence. Drink spring water – it’s amazing! Get a filter on your house water. If you have the time and inclination, activate and charge your water by putting it in a glass container in sunlight, and sending it into a spiral.

Eat Pure Food: Purchase non-GMO food. Buy organic wherever possible. Use bilk discounts and go to your local farmers’ market. Grow your own food. Learn about hydroponics, aquaponics and other sustainable systems which are surprisingly cheap and easy to set up.

Use Natural Medicine: Use the allopathic/Western medicine only in an emergency or as a last resort. Take charge of your own health. Do more exercise – you’ll feel better and need less medicine anyway! Investigate the amazing array of natural medicine and alternative healing modalities, from chiropractry to psychotherapy to acupuncture to reiki to massage to naturopathy to homeopathy.

Use Alternative Cancer Therapies: Try alternative cancer therapies such as laetrile (vitamin B17 apricot kernels), DCA (Sodium Dichloroacetate), the Gerson Therapy, the Budwig Diet, Graviola/Soursop and many others which have helped “terminal patients” who Western Medicine had declared incurable. Many successful survivors attest to the power of these natural therapies.

Use Cannabis Oil to Heal: Hemp or cannabis is a plant with incredible healing benefits. It is our right to use whatever plant we want. Medicinal cannabis oil is on an unstoppable momentum, having already healed many serious disease such as seizures, MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and cancer. It will not be long before it is legal in every state of many Western countries. Find a way to access some and use it if you need it.

Invent Sustainable/Non-Harmful Technology: Invent something! Use your creativity to make something that has never been made before. With the advent of 3D printing, the sky is the limit as to what you can do. Did you hear about the man who invented a machine to turn plastic back into oil? Come up with a technology which is neutral or maybe even healthy, rather than the standard destructive ones we have now. We don’t have to give ourselves brain cancer or pollute the earth to talk on mobile phones and drive cars. We could have that convenience without the harm.

Get Off the Grid: Become as energy-independent as possible. See if you can produce some of your own power. Explore the many options already available for green, alternative and free energy, including making water batteries and constructing your own free energy devices.

Use Barter and Local Currencies: Using barter and exchange is a perfect example of creating a new system by ignoring the old one. The less people using US dollars, the less power the Federal Reserve has. Did you know there already many local barter communities and local currencies? See timebanks.org and communitycurrencieslaw.org for more info.

Use Bitcoin: Bitcoin is the ultimate decentralized, anonymous currency. Despite a big crash its popularity has not waned. The entire world will be more free if we use money that is not subject to control by a private, unelected financial cabal.

Decentralize, Decentralize, Decentralize: A big part of the problem is that we have abdicated our responsibility and given away our power in many ways, such as allowing “representatives” who don’t represent us to make decisions for us. So, it’s time to decentralize. Create groups and communities where the power and decision-making is as decentralized as possible. Influence your municipality, county or state to decentralize power wherever you can.

Support Direct Democracy: We have the technology. All that is now required is the political will of enough people. We could have a system where all of us vote electronically on important issues, including having veto power. There is not the need for “representatives” to make faraway secret, greedy decisions. We can all have a direct say in what laws get drafted and passed. See Electronic Direct Democracy for more info.

Take Back the Centers of Power in Society: This is a different approach to decentralization, but the two can both work together. If you look at the real (suppressed) history of the last couple of hundred years, or even the last couple of thousand, you can see that the way we got into this mess was by allowing private groups to hijack centers of power (such as the national government, the banking sector, the military intelligence sector, etc.). So one way to reverse this is to get people in those positions who truly have some conscience, and who want to serve humanity, not exploit it. This may take time (just as it took a long time for these groups to wrest control from the people), but the work starts with getting more people elected into power who truly stand for freedom, who can then appoint others in different agencies.

Establish your Sovereignty: Governments are corporations, and in many cases, an invading foreign company that has no natural right to control you. Study the basics of sovereignty. By learning the difference between a right and a privilege, and knowing what your rights are, you can avoid and fend off many bureaucratic challenges to your freedom.

Boycott and Divest: Boycotts are a good reminder that the power ultimately resides with the people. Even giant corporations can be brought to their knees when a critical mass of people stop buying their products. The success of the BDS movement against Zionist Israel (where they recently stopped a massive ship from docking in the US) is a sign of its power. This also includes divesting – taking your money out of industries and companies that are sustaining the current paradigm – and investing instead in companies that will support a new paradigm of peace and abundance for all. Choose where your spend and invest your money in line with your beliefs.

Feed Your Mind: Like your body, you need to feed your mind frequently, and also like your body, the better fuel you give it (whether it’s food or ideas), the better outcome you will receive. So dip into inspiring literature, visit websites with great information and positive ideas, and find a practice, group or community that uplifts you and which you can use to quickly re-attune to powerful frequencies.

It’s all about remembering who you are – a divine being who has the power to create his or her own reality. As long as you remember this, you will be able to come up with, and take part in, the solutions. And, remember, it’s always a good idea to reconnect with Nature. Nature is a great way to decompress and realign. Take a walk in the forest, go hiking, go swimming, go running or go camping, to help attune yourself.

Create Solutions and Let the Old Paradigm Crumble

Visit ToolsForFreedom.com for more ideas on what you can do in your own unique way to create new systems, whether it’s sovereignty, natural cures, alternative energy, free energy or achieving financial independence. Please feel free to add your comments below and share any ideas you have for helping humanity create a freer, better world.

Want to keep informed on the latest and greatest news and analysis on the New World Order, Natural Health, Sovereignty and more? Sign up for free blog updates!

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

Makia Freeman

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles, a long-time truth researcher and a promoter of freedom. He provides insightful, non-partisan, unique and cutting-edge analysis on who's running the world, how they're doing it and what the deeper agenda is – as well as solutions for restoring peace and freedom to the world. He writes articles exposing propaganda and the numerous aspects of the worldwide conspiracy, in addition to geopolitics, sovereignty, health and higher consciousness. His articles are regularly syndicated and featured on sites such as David Icke, Wake Up World, Activist Post, Waking Times, Global Research, The Sleuth Journal and many more.


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