The recent IRS harassment scandal, where the IRS was found to have been targeting patriot and conservative groups who applied for non-profit status, has revealed the true extent of US Government criminality. Obama is playing ...
Vaccines reduce population growth, according to Bill Gates. He comes right out and says it. In the above video clip at the 0:28 mark, you can hear Gates say that “the benefits (of vaccines) are ...
Omega 3s fight flu effectively, a recent scientific study shows, which is yet another amazing aspect of these all-important nutrients. In other Freedom Articles I had reported that omega 3s (found in abundance in chia ...
Pesticide-caused bee deaths are posing a very serious risk to the global environment, as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has wreaked havoc on the bee population in numerous countries. Astoundingly, as reported by Natural News, last ...
ET Discovery? A miniature 13cm humanoid figure has recently been in the public spotlight. The fossil was found in 2003 in the very dry Atacama Desert, part of the Andes in Chile – and may ...
ETs are real, and have been among us on Earth for a long time. More evidence of the reality of extraterrestrial presence on Earth recently surfaced with the amazing interview above. Richard Dolan interviews a ...
ET disclosure is a hot topic right now, with the recent release of Sirius with Dr. Steven Greer and Citizen Hearing on Disclosure led by Steven Bassett. The movement will be getting a big boost ...
ET disclosure is a topic which goes through periods of popularity and decline, as people alternate between optimism that officials will finally come clean on over 60 years of secrecy, and pessimism that there is ...
Change the Constitution or the terrorists will get us – this is the basic sentiment of New York Mayor’s Bloomberg’s recent treasonous suggestion that we change the Constitution, the very foundation of US law since ...
Wake up humanity! There is so much riding on the decisions we make right now. Each of us has the power to affect the future of this world. Each of us, through our own individual ...
Proof of the Boston false flag event is now all over the internet. The Government is attempting to cover it up, but their efforts to hide it are in tatters, as pictures of military agents ...
The war on drugs is an illusion, cleverly designed to give you the impression the Government is doing something to stop widespread drug use and abuse, while secretly encouraging it and profiting from it – ...
I strongly suspect we are looking at a Boston Marathon false flag operation, even though all the evidence is not in yet. Yesterday on Monday, April 15th, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish ...
North Korea deception is being used by the mainstream media to trick you. The mainstream media is trying to give the impression that North Korea is itching for war and is constantly parading its tanks, ...
The Pope Francis missile deal of 1981 has just been exposed by ITCCS, a courageous organization on a mission to shed the light of truth on British Royalty and Vatican crimes. The information was leaked ...
The war on drugs is an absurdity that has gone on far too long. It’s time we learnt the truth and faced the facts about this so-called war. The term “war on drugs” become popular ...
The organic raw vegan diet is a clean, pure and high energy diet, consisting mainly of fresh and uncooked fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and oils. After experimenting with meat, dairy, cooked food and many other types ...
Micronutrients are the vitally important minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other tiny nutrients within our food which are essential for good health. They are small in size, but huge in influence. Micronutrients are almost always completely ...
The Monsanto Protection Act has just been passed by the traitors in the US Congress and is on its way to the Senate. This wording of Continuing Resolution HR 933 (dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act”) allows ...
Jesus and Christianity are two mutually exclusive entities. Jesus was not a Christian (and the Buddha was not a Buddhist either)! Most modern forms of Christianity – especially the rotten-to-the-core Catholic Church – have departed ...
Disinformation is outright lies packaged as the truth or real information, and disseminated with the purpose on deceiving, confusing and leading people astray. The New World Order Controllers running the planet often use covert deceit ...
Catholic Church pedophilia may well be the reason why the Pope resigned – and wants to sequester himself for the rest of his life in Vatican City (a sovereign state or country) where he has legal ...
The gap between the rich and poor has become so extreme in the US, and all over the world as well, that it causing severe (and preventable) suffering, disease and even death. If you think ...
What is the New World Order (NWO)? It is a rich and powerful group of mostly genetically-related individuals, including many of the world’s top politicians, international bankers, heads of military and intelligence, corporate elite and so-called “royal” bloodlines, ...
We are in the midst of a geoengineering methane crisis – one which is already causing a sharp increase in the rate of extinctions on the planet, and which threatens to change the atmosphere on ...
If you want to join the military, stop and think carefully. What is your motivation? Do you think you’re going to be defending or serving your country? Do you think you’re brave or that there’s some ...