Genetically modified proteins found in GMOs, and the GM food we eat, could bypass digestion and go directly into your bloodstream, a study from July 2013 indicates. Published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, the ...
Vaccine fraud is becoming more and more widespread. The latest scandal is more of the same: vaccine spiking. ABC news reports that a former Iowa State University laboratory manager named Dong-Pyou Han “has confessed to ...
A timeline to WW3 may be developing right before our eyes. It’s a scary prospect, but when you look at the horrible warfare that has happened in the Middle East in the last 3 years ...
The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has ...
ET contactee Simon Parkes, a local politician (councillor) in England, recently did a stunning interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot in which he reveals some shocking information (see video above). Parkes is a rational, ...
Israeli control extends all across the globe. Not only has it managed to infiltrate the Governments of the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia and Canada, as well as many others too numerous to ...
Western medicine is Rockefeller medicine – all the way. Western medicine has some good points, for sure, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine ...
The MSM is reporting that Epstein is dead. That’s right. The man who was jailed, put in a high-security area of prison due his notoriety, previously tried to commit suicide in that prison, then was ...
The Pope Francis missile deal of 1981 has just been exposed by ITCCS, a courageous organization on a mission to shed the light of truth on British Royalty and Vatican crimes. The information was leaked ...
The power is in our hands … but do we realize it? When learning the truth about what’s really going on in the world, it’s possible to feel sad, overwhelmed, depressed and angry. It’s especially ...
The US is not a democracy – well, what a huge surprise! For many readers this may be as obvious as saying the sky is blue, but what is interesting about it is where the ...
Banksters are the new rulers of the world. Ever wondered why the tallest buildings in pretty much any city or country anywhere in the world are now banks, not temples or churches? The center of ...
Another 9/11 anniversary is upon us – this time number 12 – so I thought I would put together a list of the top 12 loopholes in the official narrative, framed as questions. Some might ...
Smart meter blood analysis in the video clip above reveals some rather shocking effects. In all cases shown, the blood was degradated, meaning the blood cells were in a weaker, more diseased condition than before ...
Conspiracy evidence is often asked for by naysayers who find it hard to believe that the world is being run by a Shadow Government behind the scenes. Some people simply can’t fathom the monstrosity, depth ...
The SMART deception is in full swing, as we are being sold the idea of green, smart technology for every aspect of our lives. Yes, our self-appointed rulers have decided that we’re all going to ...
Breatharianism – what’s it like? For many people, it is difficult to believe that breatharianism is even possible. Breatharianism means existing without any food or water. Breatharianism is considered impossible by mainstream science, due to ...
New Catholic Church child abuse laws were handed down by Pope Francis on July 11, 2013. But was this real reform, or another gagging order? The new Vatican legislation clarified and expounded upon some existing ...
Obama Syria 2013 is Bush Iraq 2003. Do you see any substantial difference? Bush and US administration, with the support of Blair and his British administration, went around the whole world telling us that Saddam ...
Humanitarian intervention is an oxymoron. Like military intelligence. Like voluntary compliance (a favorite one of the IRS, a private Puerto Rican trust and collection agency masquerading as a lawful agency of the US Government). With ...
Bacopa brain – have you got yours today? In a world filled with paperwork, documents, school tests, legalese and more, the demand for us to be mentally sharp is higher than ever. Luckily we can ...
Tax exempt foundations and charities are one of the key ways that the elite push forth their agenda. They are very useful tools for the NWO Controllers, since these tax exempt foundations appear to act ...
Obamacare, the giant behemoth, has arrived. How will it affect you? Will it change society for the better? Although nothing is black and white and any issue has many sides, I think it is wise ...
There are many Jews against Zionism. Judaism and Jewishness are not the same thing as zionism. This is one of the great misconceptions which is plaguing people’s minds across the world. I’ll say it again: ...