Monsanto, Empire of Evil, has perpetrated massive damage upon the planet at large: Agent Orange, DDT pesticide, rBGH (Recombinant Growth Bovine Hormone), the artificial sweetener aspartame, GMOs, Terminator seeds. It’s easy to see why they ...
The ultimate scheme of the elite Controllers is to use the US – the military arm of the NWO (New World Order) – to pick off poor, defenseless countries, one by one, and bring them ...
The Catholic Church has been caught child trafficking over the years in several countries – Spain, Ireland, Cuba, Canada and Australia to name just a few. And we’re not talking small numbers either: in Spain ...
The Obama Kill List is an assassination program of targets (including US citizens) who are chosen to be killed by UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or drones without charge, trial or due process. After receiving a ...
Obama’s handler Zbigniew Brzezinski, a big-time NWO (New World Order) globalist insider, put the matter rather bluntly by asserting that it was now harder to control, but easier to kill, a million people. Specifically, he ...
Obama vs Romney: it’s the same old “lesser of two evils” theme yet again. Every time we have an election we are dished up the unenviable choice of having to decide between two corrupt politicians, ...
The Illuminati now refers to the general group of NWO (New World Order) globalists who are plotting a centralized world government in the form of a planetary-wide totalitarian dictatorship, with themselves at the helm as ...
Free energy, also known as zero-point energy or over-unity energy, has always existed. The natural state of the universe is plentiful and infinitely abundant. The state of the world on Earth right now is an ...
The Obama Kill List is going to be expanded – and renamed the “Disposition Matrix” in true Orwellian Newspeak language. As reported by the Washington Post, Obama’s current Kill List will be combined with a CIA ...
Love not fear is at the heart of any solution to overcoming the conspiracy of control or the NWO (New World Order) which has grown in the darkness around us. It may sound trite, it may ...
Be yourself – unreservedly. Be yourself – without fear, without worrying about the future, without being anxious about failure, without caring what other people think. This is part 2 of the series on The Way ...
Mass shootings have become a common occurrence in modern America, especially the type involving a gunman on Big Pharma psychiatric drugs who supposedly acted alone – the “lone nutter” story. We’ve had an awful lot ...
Gun control is the stealthy plan to confiscate guns from the public under the pretense of making society safer. For the record, I don’t own a gun and don’t believe in violence. However, I do ...
Psychiatric drugs and mass shootings are inextricably connected. The mainstream media, sponsored by Big Pharma, has tried hard to hide the connection, because once the truth becomes widely known, not only will the pharmaceutical industry ...
Sandy Hook foreknowledge exists! Sandy Hook has all the hallmarks of a classic false flag operation – a staged terror event made to look as though it were it carried out by someone else (in this ...
The Sandy Hook conspiracy is now coming to fit the classic mold for staged false flag events, as more and more information comes to light. The Intel Hub recently reported that a shooting drill – ...
Climate remediation is the latest Orwellian Newspeak phrase to replace the more commonly known terms of “geoengineering” and “chemtrails”. Presumably those two terms, especially chemtrails, had become too tainted with negative connotations in the public’s ...
Hillary Clinton 2016 are three words a lot of people would rather not see in the same phrase – not because it wouldn’t be fine to have a female US president, but rather because Hillary ...
If you want to join the military, stop and think carefully. What is your motivation? Do you think you’re going to be defending or serving your country? Do you think you’re brave or that there’s some ...
What is the New World Order (NWO)? It is a rich and powerful group of mostly genetically-related individuals, including many of the world’s top politicians, international bankers, heads of military and intelligence, corporate elite and so-called “royal” bloodlines, ...
The gap between the rich and poor has become so extreme in the US, and all over the world as well, that it causing severe (and preventable) suffering, disease and even death. If you think ...
Disinformation is outright lies packaged as the truth or real information, and disseminated with the purpose on deceiving, confusing and leading people astray. The New World Order Controllers running the planet often use covert deceit ...
I strongly suspect we are looking at a Boston Marathon false flag operation, even though all the evidence is not in yet. Yesterday on Monday, April 15th, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish ...
Change the Constitution or the terrorists will get us – this is the basic sentiment of New York Mayor’s Bloomberg’s recent treasonous suggestion that we change the Constitution, the very foundation of US law since ...
ET disclosure is a topic which goes through periods of popularity and decline, as people alternate between optimism that officials will finally come clean on over 60 years of secrecy, and pessimism that there is ...
ET disclosure is a hot topic right now, with the recent release of Sirius with Dr. Steven Greer and Citizen Hearing on Disclosure led by Steven Bassett. The movement will be getting a big boost ...