With the San Bernardino mass shooting the latest in a long string of staged false flag terror events, there can really be very little doubt to anyone even moderately awake that the event is a ...
Sandy Hook foreknowledge exists! Sandy Hook has all the hallmarks of a classic false flag operation – a staged terror event made to look as though it were it carried out by someone else (in this ...
The Sandy Hook conspiracy is now coming to fit the classic mold for staged false flag events, as more and more information comes to light. The Intel Hub recently reported that a shooting drill – ...
I strongly suspect we are looking at a Boston Marathon false flag operation, even though all the evidence is not in yet. Yesterday on Monday, April 15th, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish ...
Change the Constitution or the terrorists will get us – this is the basic sentiment of New York Mayor’s Bloomberg’s recent treasonous suggestion that we change the Constitution, the very foundation of US law since ...
Another 9/11 anniversary is upon us – this time number 12 – so I thought I would put together a list of the top 12 loopholes in the official narrative, framed as questions. Some might ...
As we reach the 9/11 13th anniversary, it is worth casting our attention back to that horrific event, and continuing to shine light on the utter nonsense that is the official story of 9/11. Although ...
False flag operations, it is no exaggeration to say, are a dominant theme of the true history of the world in the last 100 years, and probably far more. The recent French false flag operation of ...
A Paris Attack just occurred hours ago on November 13th 2015. Click here for 10 signs it was a false flag operation, and here for the Paris attack foreknowledge and aftermath. Around 129 people were killed in ...
The Paris shooting of November 2015 which just occurred on Friday 13th November bears many of the telltale signs of a false flag operation with foreknowledge. Now more than 48 hours later, we have some clues that ...
A false flag formula is becoming readily apparent in the face of so many mass shootings and bombings in the US. The phenomenon has become so commonplace in the last 3 years that it’s becoming more American than apple ...
The Las Vegas false flag mass shooting that occurred on the night of October 1st, 2017, is without doubt another false flag operation. The clues are everywhere, the official narrative is full of holes and the ...
Are we looking at an Orlando false flag with the recent mass shooting at Pulse (a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida) where over 50 people were reportedly killed? Here is a list of the top ...