The existence of a mind virus that plagues all of humanity – every man, woman and child – at first may seem like a far out concept, but it’s an idea that has been around ...
Animal communicators are people who can fully communicate with an animal just as they would with a normal human person. The communication is telepathic and 2-way; the animal communicators can both “speak” (by sending thought ...
Less government and less tax are two widely held desires by many people of the world, regardless of whether they live in overtly repressive regimes or supposedly enlightened democracies. Around the world, we are drastically over-governed ...
What if there were a 2016 presidential candidate who proposed banning fluoride, aspartame and fracking, protecting the right NOT to be vaccinated, working with the Alternative Media instead of the Mainstream Media, legalizing marijuana/hemp/cannabis, stopping police ...
Grey ETs (Extraterrestrials) are the most common ET or alien reported in contactee and abductee encounters. So who or what are they? In eyewitness accounts, grey ETs (aka gray ETs, grey, grays) are typically described as around 40 inches ...
Spiritual maturity is what is needed most right now by humanity en masse to deal with the predicament we are in. We are in the midst of an unspeakable and horrific evil, but rather than ...
Are you a terrorist? According to the US Government, you may well be. For decades now, and especially since the false flag attack on 9/11, the Government has been using its intelligence agencies (the CIA, ...
We all have inherent rights, no matter whether the governing authority of a particular geographical area recognizes it or whether it has been written down on a piece of paper as law. People from different from ...
The end of September 2015, or more precisely the period from around September 15th to September 28th 2015, has become the subject of much attention, apprehension and prediction. As usual, there is a certain amount ...
The Original Distortion is what lies at the root of the conspiracy. Following the daily news, whether in the mainstream or alternative media, it is easy to see all the manifestations of the global conspiracy, from ...
Legal corruption in the US has been exposed by a brilliant woman whose name is Tamah Jada Clark. She recently served a most unusual notice upon the courts in Georgia. It is highly unlikely you will ever have ...
Plastic oils are the name I am giving to the hydrogenated oils that have been pushed by the big chemical companies, ever since Proctor and Gamble released Crisco in 1911. So what’s better for you: ...
Sovereignty is something to be asserted and upheld. The degree of sovereignty established by the individuals of a nation over their government is clearly a reflection of their awareness of their inherent rights and their ...
When it comes to sovereignty, every generation must fight for their rights, again and again, else their rights will lapse and Big Government will step in to the power vacuum. When it comes to an ...
Congress is about to pass internet censorship (SOPA), even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill – PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House – to ...
The smart meter technology that is being rolled is being sold as more efficient and beneficial to the public. In reality, the technology is derived from the military. Smart meters are actually armed or weaponized ...