20 and Back is the standard phrase use to describe the tour of duty undergone by recruits into the SSP (Secret Space Program). The term 20 and back refers to the 20 year commitment that ...
Your Inner Terrain defines you and your state of health. Your microbiome, which consists of bacterial cells that outnumber your human cells 10:1, is the key to your health. This is why natural health and ...
Google documents leaked by whistleblower, activist and Google employee Zachary Vorhies reveal black-and-white proof that the Big Tech giant is violating its mission statement, engaging in widespread censorship and tampering in US politics/elections. Vorhies, to ...
The seemingly cold case of Jeffrey Epstein has become hot again. This is surprising – not because pedophile rings, child sex trafficking and blackmail operations don’t exist (the world is full of them), but because ...
A Syrian ground war is being prepared for by at least 2 nations in the last few days. Yesterday, on Thursday Feb. 4th 2016, the Iranian news medium PressTV reported Russia as saying they had detected Turkey preparing ...
Sovereignty is not something you sign up for. It’s not an exclusive club you join where you get benefits as a matter-of-fact, but rather, it is a way you choose to experience life. It is ...
Cannabis oil is gathering an unstoppable momentum as a world class healer, and there is little or nothing Western Governments are going to be able to do stop it. Cases are popping up all over ...
Dirty Electricity: learn how to identify and protect yourself from the hidden health effects of smart meters, which can lead to chronic disease.
Big Brother has a dark new agenda to endanger your health and privacy: smart meters. These toxic spy devices are all about control, not conservation, of energy.
We the People have the power. We are many, they are few. Any self-proclaimed “ruler” or so-called “authority” only has as much power as we invest in him or her. Politicians are representatives. They are ...
Free energy, also known as zero-point energy or over-unity energy, has always existed. The natural state of the universe is plentiful and infinitely abundant. The state of the world on Earth right now is an ...
Love not fear is at the heart of any solution to overcoming the conspiracy of control or the NWO (New World Order) which has grown in the darkness around us. It may sound trite, it may ...
Be yourself – unreservedly. Be yourself – without fear, without worrying about the future, without being anxious about failure, without caring what other people think. This is part 2 of the series on The Way ...
The NSA controls the world. Or, to be slightly more accurate, it’s not just NSA control, but rather the entire conglomerate of military-intelligence agencies which control the world. It’s the Shadow Government. In the US, ...
Govern yourself. That way, you don’t need anyone to do it for you. And more importantly, you don’t allow anyone to do it for you. This is part 3 of The Way to Overcome the ...
Choose your vibration. Be proactive and decide to choose the attitude and emotion with which you greet every single person or situation in your Life. This is part 4 of The Way to Overcome the ...
Create a new system. Don’t spend all your time resisting the old one, or else you’ll unwittingly feed it and keep it alive! This is part 5 of The Way to Overcome the Conspiracy series (click ...
Convert fear into awareness. In order to master dealing with the New World Order (NWO) conspiracy, you need to be able to convert fear into awareness, and become aware, not afraid. This is (the final) part ...
Cop ticket quotas are another symptom of a society that has lost touch with the basic tenets of freedom. It conclusively proves that Government is out of control and has utterly exceeded its mandate to ...
Breatharianism – what’s it like? For many people, it is difficult to believe that breatharianism is even possible. Breatharianism means existing without any food or water. Breatharianism is considered impossible by mainstream science, due to ...
The false dichotomy of mainstream science and mainstream religion has confused many people and left them limited in their outlooks – often for life. In the West we are presented with a massive false dichotomy ...
Obamacare, the giant behemoth, has arrived. How will it affect you? Will it change society for the better? Although nothing is black and white and any issue has many sides, I think it is wise ...
Bacopa brain – have you got yours today? In a world filled with paperwork, documents, school tests, legalese and more, the demand for us to be mentally sharp is higher than ever. Luckily we can ...
The power is in our hands … but do we realize it? When learning the truth about what’s really going on in the world, it’s possible to feel sad, overwhelmed, depressed and angry. It’s especially ...
Do you want to get your case dismissed, regardless of whether it’s a moving violation, tax issue, parking ticket or another charge? ToolsForFreedom.com has an informative report that may be of interest to you, entitled ...
Independence Day amnesia rears its ugly head every year in July in America. Yes, Independence Day is here again in the United States, but you wouldn’t know it. Everyone is walking around saying “4th of ...