Solutions are what are most needed right now, as another solar cycle comes to an end on Winter Solstice 2014. There are many people doing great work exposing the global conspiracy, shining the light on the “Matrix” and digging up ...
Hiding truth in plain sight is a favorite tactic of the elite. The biggest factor working in their favor is massive and widespread public incredulity at their schemes, because the scale of evil is simply unimaginable for the ...
In many ways, living on Planet Earth is like living on a human farm. We are being trawled for our “human energy”. I was starkly reminded of this the other day when I saw someone ...
Moon anomalies are nothing new – there are many people, including mainstream Western scientists, who have pointed out numerous highly strange and irregular things about the moon. A few years ago David Icke brought the book Who Built ...
Alien contactee and alien abductee cases are much more common than you may believe. The topic is still largely taboo in the mainstream, due to a certain segment of society that is unable and unwilling ...
Alien abductee and contactee cases are far more common than the average person believes. This is the 2nd part of the 2 part series on alien abductees and contactees (click here for part 1). The list ...
The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda, as the late whistleblower Phil Schneider once said. Many are too afraid to touch the topic of aliens for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating ...
The Nazis won the War in many senses, ways and aspects – but it’s all outside the purview of mainstream historical thinking. You’ll have to dig deep to see the truth of it. The shocking fact ...
SSP experiencers (those who claim to have been, or still are, part of the SPP [Secret Space Program]) continue to step forth in multitude. It seems the floodgates have opened as more and more SSP ...
Declassified files reveal the black-and-white facts of governmental collusion, corruption, crime and conspiracy. They show the shocking extent to which groups of people, using and hiding behind the concept of “government”, have committed egregious acts ...
Modern day conspiracy propaganda is plentiful. This article is the final one (part 4) of the series exposing modern day propaganda (click here for part 1, part 2 and part 3). The conspiracy goes way ...
William Tompkins is one of the most incredible whistleblowers to step forward. The depth and implications of his testimony are nothing short of astounding. Of course, there will always be those who refuse to believe ...
Was JFK murdered mostly because he was trying to gain access to classified information on UFOs, ETs and aliens? As we approach the 53rd anniversary of the JFK assassination (which occurred on November 22, 1963) ...
The recent rise of the Flat Earth Movement and those pushing the flat earth theory has taken the webosphere and blogosphere by storm. It is, I would say, the 2nd biggest conspiracy of all. The interest ...
What if there were a 2016 presidential candidate who proposed banning fluoride, aspartame and fracking, protecting the right NOT to be vaccinated, working with the Alternative Media instead of the Mainstream Media, legalizing marijuana/hemp/cannabis, stopping police ...
Grey ETs (Extraterrestrials) are the most common ET or alien reported in contactee and abductee encounters. So who or what are they? In eyewitness accounts, grey ETs (aka gray ETs, grey, grays) are typically described as around 40 inches ...
The end of September 2015, or more precisely the period from around September 15th to September 28th 2015, has become the subject of much attention, apprehension and prediction. As usual, there is a certain amount ...
The Original Distortion is what lies at the root of the conspiracy. Following the daily news, whether in the mainstream or alternative media, it is easy to see all the manifestations of the global conspiracy, from ...