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The Top 20 Most Fascinating, Mind-Blowing Alien Abductee / Contactee Cases – Part 2

Conspiracy ETs, UFOs & Alien Agenda Mind Control NWO

The Top 20 Most Fascinating, Mind-Blowing Alien Abductee / Contactee Cases – Part 2

Published 9 years ago on

The alien abductee / contactee phenomenon is not all good.

Alien abductee and contactee cases are far more common

than the average person believes. This is the 2nd part of the 2 part series on alien abductees and contactees (click here for part 1). The list continues on – although with these 10 individuals, there are more alien abductee cases than contactee cases, showing a darker side to the whole phenomenon. Some of the alien abductees’ accounts are truly scary and horrifying. There are many alien agendas that exist simultaneously, and it’s not all love and light:


Alien abductee / contactee Bonnie Meyer claims to have met a duck-like race of ETs.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #11: Bonnie Meyer

Bonnie Meyer claims to have come into contact with a race of advanced ETs (Extraterrestrials) who have a humanoid, duck-like appearance. According to Meyer, these ETs were loving and compassionate, and followed the ideal of non-interference (a theme which crops up in alien research, and was made famous by the science-ficton series Star Trek, which promulgated the “Prime Directive” of never interfering in the development and evolution of another race). These beings warned Bonnie about the entrenched unholy alliance between the US Government and the Greys, as well as the existence of weather manipulation programs. They also firmly stated that they were here to help – not save – humanity.


Alien abductee Niara Isley forgot an entire segment of her life (at Tonopah) until she recovered her repressed, traumatic memories.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #12: Niara Isley

Niara Isley exposes how, while serving in the USAF, she was forced at gunpoint to “forget” all the UFOs she saw near the Tonopah base in Nevada. She testifies to the reality of out-of-body travel, Reptilians, free-energy devices and humanity’s psychic abilities, and how the coming ET disclosure and raising of human consciousness will allow us to regain these powers and reactivate our full DNA. Although Isley is a self-admitted MILAB (military abductee), it is fair to also think of her as an alien abductee, since there were Reptilian ETs involved.


Alien abductee Nadira Duran learnt a lot about the Greys during her time with them.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #13: Nadira Duran

Nadira Duran is another fascinating case of an alien abductee who learnt a lot about the alien agenda through her abduction experiences. Duran claims to have actually met a female Grey ET. This Grey revealed she was wearing a mask and uniform, because the Greys are fragile, and in an Earth-type environment, human germs/bacteria would kill them. To her surprise and shock, Duran discovered her gall bladder was missing – without a visible scar – and recalled it was removed by advanced ET technician! Duran came to believe that time travel was intimately connected to the alien agenda, and that the Greys are future humans going back in time to prevent an undesirable outcome. She states that if humanity keeps on current path, we will end up in fragile bodies, emotionally deficient, unable to reproduce, with short lifespans – the exact reasons why the Greys went back in time.

Interestingly, this theme of the desensitization of humanity – of humans breeding out emotion and becoming purely logical, rational and passionless – is definitely a part of the NWO (New World Order), because the dark forces guiding this are themselves emotionless. Duran’s story has a deep ring of validity to it. Food for thought.


The Body Snatchers, a shocking book by alien abductee Susan Reed.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #14: Susan Reed

Susan Reed went public in her book The Body Snatchers to expose her traumatic relationship with a reptilian consciousness (who had overtaken a human host), who seduced and began a relationship with her. Through this she learnt much about how Reptilian ETs think and behave, and what they want. This is highly significant if you want to understand what is happening on Earth now, and in which direction we are being pushed, since many sources indicate the Reptilians are at the top of the extraterrestrial hierarchy and are the overlords of the New World Order.


Alien abductee “Maarit” chose to remain anonymous in coming forward with her horrific tales of Reptilian abduction.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #15: Maarit

Maarit is the pseudonym of an anonymous, brave Scandinavian woman who is a MILAB (military abductee) and an alien abductee. Her story is an eye-opener for anyone, especially those foolishly believing that only benevolent ETs exist. Maarit explains how hostile ETs (such as Draconian Reptilian ETs [from the star system of Draco]) not only exist, but have been actively carrying out mind control operations, abductions, mutilations and other forms of control against humanity. She reveals how she is herself genetically modified, and how these aliens use soul recycling and cloning technology to keep mankind in submission.


Alien abductee Kim Carlsberg reveals the extensive genetic experimentation being performed on humans by aliens.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #16: Kim Carlsberg

Kim Carlsberg has provided us with a fascinating glimpse into the world of ET contact. She was abducted by aliens and put in a program for many years where she was part of a genetic experiment the aliens were conducting on the human race. She discovered other abductees’ experiences and published a book called The Art of Close Encounters, which contains 150 illustrations along with each person’s intimate story about their encounter. Like many other alien abductees, she alludes to the ongoing alien-human hybrid programs.


A alleged picture of the Venusian ET “Valiant Thor” whom Dr. Frank Stranges got to know.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #17: Frank Stranges

Have you ever wondered why aliens don’t just land on the White House lawn, if they are real? Well guess what? According to Dr. Frank Stranges, they already have. Stranges claims that in 1959 a humanoid alien from Venus called “Valiant Thor” visited Washington DC and met US President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon. Stranges met Thor and got to know him. He claims Thor stayed at the Pentagon for 3 years, offering to help humanity become free of poverty and disease, but his offers were rejected by Eisenhower, Nixon and other top US officials, who allegedly said the reason for their refusal was that “it would hurt the American economy”! They also refused to tell the public about Thor’s existence, because they said it would cause too much chaos. This fits in with what we know of the massive amount of secrecy around the ET/UFO/Alien issue ever since the Roswell crash of 1947 and the rise of the military-industrial-intellignece complex after WW2.


Alien contactee Stan Romanek.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #18: Stan Romanek

Stan Romanek claims to have had incredible ET encounters and even had alien visitations in broad daylight. He even managed to catch an ET, and other inexplicable balls of light, on video. Like other alien abductees, what Romanek has experienced changed his life, and helped him realize how important and powerful the human race is. Fascinatingly, top physicists validated certain mathematical equations Romanek came up with during his hypnotic regression in July 2002, after his first abduction experience. As a side note, Romanek has been affected by this learning disability all of his life and his math competency was estimated to be at a 4th grade level. Romanek’s equations were no only real but extremely advanced, and it seems clear that he had no way of knowing about or fabricating them. Romanek’s overall message is that humanity has forgotten who it is – but we are on the road to recovering that knowledge.


Alien abductee Thomas Reed.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #19: Thomas Reed

Thomas Reed has an incredible story of multi-generational alien abduction which spans 50 years and 5 states! Reed first discovered he was an alien abductee when he was 6 years old. He reveals how he and his entire family were the subject of various visitations over the decades, some scary, some neutral, some enlightening. It has changed his life forever. To this day Reed still continues his search for the reason why all this has happened to him and his family.


Alien abductee / contactee Bridget Nielsen, who claims to have mothered several hybrid alien-human children.

Alien Abductee / Contactee #20: Bridget Nielsen

Even among alien abductees, Bridget Nielsen’s story is extremely remarkable. Nielsen claims she has not only been taken aboard ET craft, but has actually mothered numerous children with ET fathers – in other words, she claims she has created alien-human hybrids. She claims that Greys are humanity’s genetic ancestors, and states that the Greys are borrowing/taking (depending on how you look at it) human genes, like breeding a racehorse, to find certain gene sequences that have special energetic frequencies which they need to construct people. According to Nielsen, the Greys are taking DNA from 8 species: Arcturian, Orion, Pleidian, Sirian, Obsilo, Annunaki, Zeta Reticulan and Homo Sapiens. Nielsen further says the Greys are also taking energetic (not genetic) imprints. Nielsen talks about her relationship with self-admitted Grey ET “Bashar”, channeled by Darryl Anka. Bashar has joked about “abduction dating services” where people are meeting and procreating aboard alien ships. According to Nielsen who quotes Bashar, around 47% of humans are involved in ET abduction programs!

How Much Validity is There to These Cases and Accounts?

Ultimately, you have to decide how much you believe in what these 20 people are claiming. Whether you believe every little detail and word or not, there are undeniably valid themes in the cases of these 20 alien contactees / abductees, comprised of unconnected individuals of both genders, many countries, many personality types and all ages. When different, unconnected people tell stories which contain the same basic themes, over and over again, it is a sign there is a real validity to it, regardless of whether every small point can be proved to the satisfaction of the rational mind. Truth is greater than reason and logic.

Conclusion: Alien Contact and Abduction is a Very Real Phenomenon

The above 20 cases are not isolated. There are tens of thousands of documented cases of alien contact and abduction, and in reality probably many more we don’t know about, since some people either don’t recall the incident (self-imposed memory suppression as a psychological defense mechanism to protect against trauma, or externally imposed memory wipes/mind control), or are too afraid to go public with it for fear of ridicule, ostracism or other reasons. MILABs or military abductees can not account for all the abductee cases (as some like Dr. Steven Greer suggest)! There are simply too many variables in play here.

What About “Contact”?

So where does all this leave us? Well, for starters, contact has already happened. ET is not coming; he’s here. However mass contact has not yet occurred. When considering the reasons for this, Marshall Vian Summers does a good job summing it up:

“The unpopular truth is that the human family is not ready for a direct experience of Contact and certainly not ready for an intervention. We first must put our own house in order. We do not yet have the species maturity to engage with other races in the Greater Community from a position of unity, strength and discernment. And until we can reach such a position, if ever we can, then no race should attempt to directly intervene in our world. The Allies are providing us much needed wisdom and perspective, yet they are not intervening. They tell us that our fate is and should be in our own hands. Such is the burden of freedom in the Universe.

Regardless of our lack of readiness, however, Intervention is occurring.”

The extraterrestrial issue is not just some side issue. It is hard to imagine a topic of greater importance to humanity. Also, for those interested in knowing the truth of who is running the world and how they are doing, the extraterrestrial issue is vital, because when you follow the trail to the very apex of the New World Order pyramid, you discover that it is non-human entities who are really running the show.

It’s time to stop ignoring this crucial issue. Even if we do a great job exposing political corruption, GMOs, geoengineering, secret societies and Satanism, we can’t hope to uncover the full truth while denying the existence of ETs, UFOs and the various alien agendas converging on this planet at this time.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.



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Makia Freeman

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles, a long-time truth researcher and a promoter of freedom. He provides insightful, non-partisan, unique and cutting-edge analysis on who's running the world, how they're doing it and what the deeper agenda is – as well as solutions for restoring peace and freedom to the world. He writes articles exposing propaganda and the numerous aspects of the worldwide conspiracy, in addition to geopolitics, sovereignty, health and higher consciousness. His articles are regularly syndicated and featured on sites such as David Icke, Wake Up World, Activist Post, Waking Times, Global Research, The Sleuth Journal and many more.

Friday, September 13, 2024