Hillary Clinton 2016 are three words a lot of people would rather not see in the same phrase – not because it wouldn’t be fine to have a female US president, but rather because Hillary ...
The reopening of the Hillary email case is another jaw-dropping and unprecedented scene in the 2016 US presidential reality TV drama series. However, in all likelihood, there are 2 deeper themes behind it. On the surface, the ...
Who is the real Hillary Clinton? When you listen to the people who have researched Hillary in depth (such as Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash), the people who have worked with her (such as ...
With the June 7th primaries now over, anointed establishment candidate Hillary Clinton has emerged, predictably, as the presumptive Democratic nominee. Unfortunately for Bernie Sanders supporters, it was always going to be like this. Bernie didn’t ...
Billary Clinton – the rapist and coverup team of Bill and Hillary Clinton – is the monster that never seems to die. It is truly mind-boggling to consider that the pair of them are not ...
The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is a Anglo-American group of wealthy elites that grew out of Cecil Rhodes’ ambition for the British Empire to rule the entire world. Funded heavily by the Rockefellers, the ...