Teal Swan, a famous public figure who conducts spiritual and self-help workshops, was another who was abused within a Satanic cult. Satanism pervades society and is the driving force behind the New World Order. Shownotes: ...
Satanism is the cutting edge and the sordid core of the NWO conspiracy. Yes, Satanic ritual and child sacrifice happens under the Vatican Catholic Church. Find out more. Shownotes: https://aleteia.org/2018/07/06/what-did-paul-vi-mean-by-saying-the-smoke-of-satan-has-entered-the-church/ https://twitter.com/WTAFRich/status/1755638248733343780 https://newagora.ca/inside-popes-reptilian-audience-hall-vatican-city/ https://odysee.com/@50Voices:0/Max-(eng):4 https://www.50voices.org/en/start-en/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/mind-virus-wetiko-collective-shadow/ ...
The LDS Church protects and recycles pedophiles! Did you know that over the last few years, there have been mass arrests and take-downs of notorious pedophile networks all around the world (and it’s all public ...
Scalia was a pedophile according to SRA (Satanic ritual abuse) victim David Shurter. Justice Antonin Scalia, one of 9 judges on the US Supreme Court, died suddenly on February 12th/13th, 2016. His death has sparked intense ...
Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) is a stark reality for some children who are born into Illuminati bloodline families, or military families, or families with connections to mind control, or families with connections to the New World ...