Humanitarian intervention is an oxymoron. Like military intelligence. Like voluntary compliance (a favorite one of the IRS, a private Puerto Rican trust and collection agency masquerading as a lawful agency of the US Government). With ...
A timeline to WW3 may be developing right before our eyes. It’s a scary prospect, but when you look at the horrible warfare that has happened in the Middle East in the last 3 years ...
Fake ISIS beheadings are the latest technique that the psychopathic ruling elite – power-crazed and unable to feel empathy – are trying against the awakening masses. These controllers are very well versed in human psychology, ...
ISIS and ebola are two very contrived and convenient enemies served up on a silver platter for the general population to fear. With these convenient enemies, the NWO (New World Order) elite can carry out ...
The demonization of Islam continues unabated with the Zionist segment of the New World Order unleashing two new recent attacks in Australia and France, both blamed on “Islamic terrorism“. It is highly probable that both of ...
With the dust settling, the fact remains that there is evidence of Paris attack foreknowledge. It’s always important to question everything. It appears that certain people and groups knew in advance that the Paris attack was going to ...
The propaganda of Islamophobia and the agenda of painting all Muslims as crazy and evil is in full swing. In the face of the latest mass shooting in San Bernardino, California (another blatant false flag attack) ...
The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel, according to Simon Schama. They built the Israeli Supreme Court. They own Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest media agencies in the world. They have a ...
Vladimir Putin in particular, and Russia in general, have been the focus of an intensive high-drama propaganda campaign of late. Are you buying it? For the time being, Russophobia has replaced Islamophobia as the driving force behind ...
The Pivot to Asia, which is really the US militarization of the Pacific in preparation for a war with China and Russia (which could become World War 3), is a highly disturbing trend. Not so much ...
The recent Putin WW3 warning dished out by the Russian President to journalists at the end of the International Economic Forum at St. Petersburg was very telling – and urgent. For years, Vladimir Putin has been ...