New research shows plants absorb 31% more CO2 than previously estimated. Whoops! The implications are massive. This affects everything the IPCC/UN/Agenda 2030 pushes. The fake manmade carbon climate change hoax underpins C40 Smart Cities, Managed ...
The manmade climate change hoax is being tied to so-called human rights in law cases across the world. Legal precedents are being set, but it’s all based on a giant lie. The real target are ...
The manmade climate change hoax keeps advancing. It’s all about getting everyone on a centralized energy grid. These things always start small, than slowly increase and expand until they capture everything, using the the frog-in-the-boiling-pot ...
I am definitely not advocating for pollution or polluting the Earth; there are valid problems with oil, coal and natural gas. However, we can’t deny how much energy they produce per liter or unit. They ...
The cries are growing ever more hysterical as the UN and its Agenda 2030 promoters try desperately to scare people into believing in manmade global warming. ***** Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media ...
Apparently, a new disease has emerged, which allows the NWO manipulators to perfectly cross-pollinate their narratives. Ticks, red meat allergies, climate change, fear, guilt … there’s something in this for everyone. Shownotes: ...
Coronavirus and climate change may at first glance not seem to be connected. One is a tiny invisible virus, and the other is an issue as big as the planet itself. However, there are some ...
Recall the Kuwaiti incubator baby hoax. It was foisted on a gullible public as part of a huge propaganda push prior to the first Bush invasion of Iraq. A Kuwaiti girl, supposedly a volunteer at ...