Being fully vaccinated is painted by the MSM (Mainstream Media) as a civic duty, a moral responsibility and ‘the right thing to do.’ Putting aside the outrageous propaganda involved in that claim for a minute, ...
There are 10 current trends that have been emerging and becoming very clear in the last few weeks of Operation Coronavirus. We are now around 1.5 years since the scamdemic was launched in the West, ...
Is there a possible COVID vaccine antidote which could protect those who have been injected with the concoction passing itself off as a COVID vaccine? Dr. Judy Mikovits thinks so. Mikovits, who was featured in ...
The COVID vax transmission phenomenon has now become well-known. Many have experienced it. The COVID vaxxed are transmitting something to those around them (including many unvaccinated people) that is causing those around them to suffer strange ...
Vaccine passports are a major goal of those orchestrating Operation Coronavirus, though not the ultimate end goal of the COVID agenda. The purpose of vaccine passports is clear, despite whatever flimsy and mealy-mouthed excuses given ...
The wireless radiation-COVID connection cannot be ignored if one is truly committed to discovering the underlying medical causes of whatever this COVID thing is. I have dedicated most of my articles to exposing the scamdemic, ...