It is crucial to be aware of the New World Order mindset
as we experience the intensification of its longstanding agenda. While each passing week seems to bring us more and more bizarre news in the unfolding of Operation Coronavirus, it is worthwhile taking a step back to look at the mentality which is orchestrating this scamdemic – this New World Order mindset. If we want to live free, we have to understand the nature of the force that is seeking to enslave us. This article is an attempt to sketch out some of the hallmarks of the depraved and twisted psychology of the New World Order (NWO) ruling class. By getting your head around how these people think, how they view those outside their cult (the public masses), how they view the world and what motivates them, hopefully you can begin to grasp what is needed to ensure we defeat them and maintain a world of peace, freedom and abundance. Thanks as always to David Icke who, after 30 years of full-time research, has distilled and communicated the essence of this mindset to the world, in the hopes that we can understand and recognize this force.
1. It Can’t Stand Surprises
A hallmark of the New World Order mindset is a distinct intolerance for, or even a hatred of, surprises. For many people, it is a joy and a relief to live spontaneously, at least for some of the time, without having to spell everything out. Not so for the NWO. This mindset has to have absolutely every detail planned out. Not only that, it needs to ensure nothing can happen to disrupt its plans. Everything must be precisely calculated and tightly controlled. Icke explains it by way of analogy with a sports match. If you want to influence the outcome, you control one team or side; if you want to totally control the outcome, you control both sides. This leaves nothing to chance. It doesn’t take too much of a stretch of the imagination to see how this plays out in US politics, with rigged elections going all the way back to at least the days of JFK (whose well-connected father Joseph Kennedy bought votes for him) if not much further. The recent fiasco where Biden got in was shockingly undeniable and blatant riggery, yet Biden still sits in (or rather hides in the basement of) the White House. The NWO doesn’t ‘hope’ a particular candidate gets elected. They make it happen, every time.
In short, the New World Order mindset is that of a control freak. And what is behind the psychology of a control freak? A lack of comfortability with the unknown and with not being in control. In other words, fear (see #11).
2. The PC Woke Movement and Virtue Signalling
The NWO mindset, being very far from a heart-based consciousness, clearly lacks kindness, compassion and empathy. In a world where such a distinct lack of empathy could render it ostracized, the NWO mindset has to make up for that by pretending to care. However since it is all a ruse, it has to go to great lengths to impress others and visibly demonstrate its (fake) kindness. This is the reason for the Hollywood-style obsession with superficialities and appearances. It’s all about image, baby. This is also the foundation for the recent explosion in the PC (politically correct) woke movement, which never misses an opportunity to demonstrate just how kind it is through its constant virtue signalling. People who are truly kind don’t need to boast how kind they are; people who are truly secure don’t need to show off to hide their insecurity; people who truly see others as humans, all equal, looking at their character not their skin color, don’t need to go around proclaiming how wonderfully anti-racist they are.
3. Military-Style Perception Management: More Spin Than a Washing Machine
To go further with this point, the NWO mindset doesn’t just obsess over image to virtue signal its woke credentials (to cover up for its lack of heart); it also obsesses over image to control mass belief, opinion and perception. It’s military-style perception management. This is reflected in what some of its adherents have said. Take arch-NWO insider and war criminal Henry Kissinger, for example, who once stated that “it is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.”
In this case, what is driving the obsession over image is also a raw lust for control, and a lack of tolerance for widespread distribution of power and decentralized decision-making. It’s about entrainment, the bringing of other mindsets down to its level and frequency so that it can control them. This leads the NWO mindset to spin the truth on every topic under the sun to make itself look better and to mold people’s perceptions to further its own objectives.
4. Always Right, Never Wrong
Ever met a person who always has to be right no matter what? What about a person who will argue, defend and find loopholes in every situation because they’re deadly afraid of being wrong? Either way, such people are characterized by a lack of responsibility and a lack of being willing to take the blame when they deserve it. Former CIA director and Secretary of State under Trump, Zionist Mike Pompeo, proudly proclaimed that in his days at the CIA, “We lied, we cheated, we stole!” The NWO mindset will do whatever it takes to advance its agenda, even if it has to lie, cheat, steal, injure and kill.
5. It Can’t Do Empathy
Continuing on from point #2, the NWO mindset is devoid of compassion, so it doesn’t quite know how to do it. It doesn’t pull off empathy very well. An instructional example are the recent absurd CIA woke ads, where the CIA is desperately trying to convince you that they are something they are not. Think about it – this is an agency that has consistently instigated, over the course of 7+ decades, some of the most evil and monstrous acts done by humans on the planet, including overthrowing foreign governments, assassinating foreign and domestic leaders (e.g. JFK), selling weapons illegally, bolstering the production of dangerous drugs (heroin and cocaine) so as import them into the US on the blackmarket, controlling the media by paying off journalists via Operation Mockingbird (see #3 on perception management) and running mind control experiments on its own citizens (MK Ultra). Now, we are suddenly supposed to believe the CIA has grown a conscience and deeply, truly cares about minorities, racial issues and gender equality? It is beyond ridiculous, however the good thing about it all is that the NWO mindset doesn’t see how transparent its woke attempts are.
6. It Projects a False Sense of Omnipotence
The New World Order mindset is very much like the Borg from Star Trek. One of their key mantras was: “Resistance is futile.” This is the message the mindset keeps projecting. It desperately wants us to believe its nefarious agenda of control is a fait accompli, a forgone conclusion, when it is not. Think about it: a truly omnipotent force does not need to convince you that it is omnipotent and that you cannot resist. Its strength would become apparent and their would be no need for attempts at persuasion. Only a force that is secretly weak, but is trying to project an image of strength, would resort to this kind of psychological messaging. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, many times: the New World Order is not set in stone. Your very act of reading these words, and taking this message to heart in an empowered way, is stopping the NWO nightmare from becoming a reality. The world is waking up and this process cannot be stopped.
7. Censorship and Cancel Culture: It Can’t Stand Shades of Grey or Opposing Views
Another clue that the NWO mindset is rigid, as well as inherently insecure and weak, is that it can’t stand shades of grey or opposing views. It gets very caught up in dogmatic black-and-white thinking. Remember what the mentally challenged US President George W. Bush said after the 9/11 false flag op: “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.” The explosion of censorship and cancel culture over the last few years is indicative of a vast insecurity. Censorship is a tacit admission by the censors that their arguments, theories or beliefs are very weak, because they can’t hold their own in the battlefield of open debate, where ideas are exchanged freely and analyzed critically.
8. It Can’t Tolerate Humor
Stop laughing! No jokes allowed! The NWO mindset takes itself very seriously, so seriously in fact that it can’t tolerate humor. John Lennon instinctively realized this truth when he advised people to just laugh at the system:
“When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.”
The PC movement has been killing comedy, but those true comedians out there will realize that it’s their job to communicate the hard truths (that people would prefer not to hear or confront) under the guise of humor. Thanks George Carlin – you are a legend. Laughing at the absurdity of the official narrative, whether it’s Operation Coronavirus or any other false flag kind of operation, is a great way both to communicate truth and defuse the sweat and tension that comes with being a truthseeker and freedom fighter.
9. It Looks at the Rest of Humanity as Cattle
An empathetic mindset consider the feelings and needs of those around it. The psychopathic NWO mindset looks at people around it as things to be exploited or used for its own gain. Former CIA director Allen Dulles, mastermind of the JFK assassination, constantly gauged whether people around him were “useful” or not, even those who were fond of him. The phrase “useless eaters” to describe the masses of humanity is attributed to Kissinger. Time after time, NWO insiders have expressed their contempt and disgust for the rest of humanity. This is the mindset talking.
10. It’s Not Just About the Money
Some people studying the worldwide conspiracy believe it’s all about the money. It’s not. Yes, on many levels, it is about the money, because the New World Order mindset uses the manipulation of money to siphon off wealth from society via its bloodline banking families. However, it’s not just about the money. Money is a tool of control, and the NWO agenda is about long-term power and control. Money is a means to an end. This agenda is millennia old, intergenerational and involves interdimensional beings, all of which is obviously well beyond the scope of this article. Money is just a tool to this mindset.
11. It is Always Anxious and Afraid
Now we come to the penultimate point and the crux of the matter. The NWO mindset is paranoid, anxious and afraid. This explains the constant psychological projections it spews out, such as calling genuine truth seekers “paranoid conspiracy theorists” merely for questioning things and thinking critically. It is paranoid that it will be exposed and uncovered at any moment. It is anxious, always on edge, always pushing its agenda, worried things may not work. The New World Order mindset promotes so much fear because it feels so much fear. It is fear! (For those wanting a deeper understanding of this, please check out my articles on wetiko and the Archons.)
Beneath all the analysis, it is fear. The NWO mindset is deathly afraid of a united, awakened humanity rising up in a non-violent, non-compliant way to step into its true divine power. Unfortunately for the NWO mindset, that is our birthright and nothing can stop it.
It is also worth highlighting the genuine psychopathy behind this mindset. This quote is from an article Behind a Manufactured Crisis: The COVID-19 and Psychopathy Connection:
“Based on the recurring behavior of these powerful families and individuals throughout history and today, we can observe what psychologists and psychiatrists call observable traits associated with a condition called clinical (primary) psychopathy. This is a genetic (congenital) condition characterized by the inability to feel the otherwise normal human emotions of empathy, guilt, and remorse. Innately devoid of these restraints, needless war, terrorist events, famine, genocide, assassinations, and mind control and manipulation become everyday business practices.”
12. It’s Cut Off From Spirit / Source / God / Infinite Consciousness
Call it what you like – Spirit, Source, God, Infinite Consciousness, etc. – whatever your notion is of what we come from, what we return into and what we are. The New World Order mindset is cut off from its connection with the infinite. It is so focused on the 5-sense world of particles and gross materialism that it has no appreciation for an expanded awareness. To put it another way, the ruling class who is possessed by this mindset are so cut off from god they have to play god – and thus we get transhumanism, the desire to be immortal even though we already are. This transhumanistic desire is based on a denial and rejection of our souls, and a fear of death. Thus, so much of this mindset comes back to fear.
Operation Coronavirus is a Rush to the Finish Line
Consider this point. The usual modus operandi of the New World Order is to use the frog-in-a-boiling-pot approach, to slowly introduce and force its agenda upon people step-by-step so that they don’t notice. However since the launch of Operation Coronavirus, the NWO has changed its tactics. What is unfolding now appears to be more a mad rush to the finish line – before it gets overtaken and loses the race. As I have outlined above, the New World Order mindset is always afraid of getting caught in a lie and getting found out. There seems to be a scramble underway to get as many people as possible vaccinated with the highly magnetic COVID non-vaccine while the official narrative still holds some sway over people’s minds. However, with a growing awareness that this entire COVID op is a giant scamdemic, replete with fake case counts, fake PCR tests, fake death counts and a fake virus, the truth has spread far and wide. It’s turning into a race against time. Will the NWO infuse their nanobots and fibers into humanity before people sufficiently awaken?
Solutions to Disrupt the New World Order Mindset
So what are the solutions? Well, give the NWO what it can’t stand and doesn’t like! It hates surprises, so give it surprises! It hates humor, so laugh at it! It thinks it’s omnipotent, so prod its weaknesses. It loves to censor, so refuse to self-censor! It thrives on violence, so non-violently resist. It needs your energy, obedience and compliance, so refuse to comply!
Finally, do the inner work to weed out any aspect of the New World Order mindset within yourself. This is the hardest part of all of this, but each and every one of us must do this work. No one else can do it for you. Consider honestly how much of this mindset is within you, then work to identify it, integrate it and transform it. As Jung said, “One who looks outside, dreams. One who looks inside, awakens.” Being aware of every detail of the NWO is good, and being aware of solutions is good, but we must transform ourselves within to change the world outside.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.
Brilliant and inspiring food for thought – [I’m rather glad someone suggested this site to me [Gypsy]
I find myself on the same page as Makia Freeman in that the paranoids are in charge now – at the minimum they’re pretending to be that’s the deception since they’ve learned the fine art of deception just like a Neocon is a disciple of leo Straus.
I’ve noticed a similarity in the places where I worked where health and safety officers use the imaginary fear of something to implement unpopular and unpractical changes yet in the end and in my experience it’s all part and package of a power grab to further their own selfish career objectives which would otherwise never be available to them…unless they play the game of deception and follow Straussian ideology.
Yep. All hypocrites are paranoid (“You’re always all out to get me!”) masochists (“So I’m always your intended victim”)! And there is no “psychopathy” – that’s just the criminal hypocrites’ usual “I didn’t do it – only my brain did it!” alibi to excuse their own criminal desires and actions. There is only all-too-common HYPOCRISY at work here. Remember: ALL criminals are hypocrites – and also, all hypocrites are criminals, too! I call this new age “The Hypocracy,” and it’s ruled by Hypocrats.
That’s the Strausianism, they pretending to be paranoid in response to a non existing threat in order to maintain the exceedingly long state of ”emergency”.
Remember Tony Blair and those non existing WMD in Iraq?
All NeoCons and NeoLiberals are Straussians – All of them consider themselves exceptional and beyond accountability to the electorate that they are meant to be representing – [hypocrisy rules]
There ya go! Now which came first and created which – the hypocrisiesses, or the Straussses? I think we all knows the answer, Preciousss!
Hey Southern.
Just wanted to say thanks for joining in on that sh*tfest with those zio-monsters the other day.
I’ve never encountered anything like that. It was kind of strange….and then ultimately kind of depressing.
I’m saddened that there are people and organizations that do and say what those people did.
Going back over ‘their’ comments and how repetitive and disjointed they were, I think we may have been arguing with bots.
You’re welcome – They couldn’t handle me – my last replies to them were immediately removed – not even pending – vamous – [which goes to show they were unable to provide a valid counter argument and in desperation hit the panic button instead]
So I somehow doubt that they were bots [Bots would have kept going] – more like a childish team effort with access to [or someone with] moderating privileges – that means that someone with administrative access on a certain site is able to tick a box next to an account which from that moment on will automatically trigger comments to be removed.
I’ve been privileged to that level of access once upon a time and know what is possible when a nominated account has that level of access.
I’m not aware of ”third parties” having that level of access but I would not rule it out.
The key is to simply stick to defending humans rights – never ever mention anything to do with religion.
Mind control is literally the use of Mind to substitute control for love, life & truth.
A Course in Miracles reveals it as ‘the ego’ and as a choice that you are making, and so can unmake.
But it reveals You to your Self, not a model or set of ideas to serve the ego of the belief you must get a handle or better control over your self and world as a conflicted reality.
Describing and studying ego or mind-as-manipulation is also a way of feeding the habit.
It is set in seek and do not find and so loves to seek answer and solutions everywhere BUT where a problem or need can be truly addressed, and so frames all such needs to limit a range of false choices, in exchange for the freedom to ask from the heart and receive answer.
The idea that The ego or evil or alien agenda rules the world is in a sense correct when such ‘world’ is recognised as the result of a Self-alienating dissociation.
I wrote a bit on this in my own terms on:
Understanding fear from fear is not a true appreciation but a shifting of illusion, one to another, as if to change.
You make what you defend against,
and by your own defense against it is it real and inescapable.
Lay down your arms, and only then do you perceive it false.
The ego does have a purpose like everything in the universe. It’s purpose is to be the personality force to accomplish what SPIRIT directs us to be and do in our life mission to support and contribute to the human family. The universe is teleological designed with purpose not the result of some random causeless
“explosion”. Our ego must be sublimated and put in check via consciously reconnecting to SPIRIT/INTELLIGENCE/ENERGY, the source of all creation, life and wisdom. When we discover we are far more brilliant and powerful than the oligarchs tell us and we develop our innate divinity and potential, our very existence will pose a serious threat to the NWO agenda because we will refuse to fall for their flim flam, we will not fight their wars, eat and drink their poison and hate (fear and envy) our fellow man and destroy nature at their behest and manipulation. Being different we will stand out in stark contrast to the zombies and cyborgs they intend us to become, The bottom line is which side do we want to be on?.
Divide and rule OUT is the ego of a masking persona.
But seen truly truth and lies are not both choices.
For one is everything and the other is nothing – but costs awareness of everything when we seek to see through its glass darkly – as the mindset in conflict.
If you must side, side with freedom and give as you would in truth receive.
Narcissists are not the best choice to be leaders but they often seem to be on the surface. Anyone who is considered to be a pillar of the community is probably a narcissist.
The mindset of the NWO is best described as psychopathy. The traits of a psychopath are: glibness/superficial charm.(shallowness superficiality), grandiose sense of self-worth (megalomania. gender and racial chauvinism) need for stimulation (drug addition, recklessness) proneness to boredom, pathological lying, conning/manipulative (divide and rule resourceful), lack of remorse or guilt, shallow affect (i.e., reduced emotional responses), callous/lack of empathy. We can see these traits in most world leaders and people like Bill Gates and the Rockefellers. Psychopaths seek out ambitious, greedy, unethical and unconscious people for use in their sordid schemes and endeavors on both the local and global levels. The psychopaths at the top of the global hierarchal pyramid use their wealth, influence, guile, institutions they control and technology to manipulate the rest of humanity.
Indigenous people would say the oligarchs are possessed by evil spirits (selfish ideation emotions and motives) and use rituals, incantations and other means to counter and protect themselves from these demonic people/forces.
Our best defense is self transformation being authentic and genuine knowing we are spirit beings living in a material space undergirded by SPIRIT/ENERGY/FREQUENCIES possessing innate but undeveloped powers and abilities. This is what Yeshua meant when he said “The Kingdom of the Father is spread throughout the earth and no man sees it” The Gospel According to Thomas 113
Osho is a good freaky man poisoned by those possessed minds …listening to what he expressed …opens a door …
Why NOT discover and EXPOSE the REAL players…?
The DODD REPORT – Internet Archive
“Transcript of Norman Dodd Interview”
Zionism Vs Bolshevism By Winston Churchill Law 102-14 is a religious law%2C a,the United States was founded on Jewish Law.
What is Jewish Noahide Law and U.S. Public Law 102-14
Read it for YOURSELF… NOT what people say it says.
There is a lot more that could be said along these lines. Of particular interest are the books The Synagogue of Satan, which is no longer available on and The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”: The Unrevealed in History.
For news check out Also, Christopher Bollyn has done great work on how the Mossad perpetrated 9/11. The American Free Press is probably a relatively trustworthy source of news.
Thank you, I’m not familiar with
“The Hidden Hand”: The Unrevealed in History
Just downloaded it!
binra keeps using A Course in Miracles as the basis of truth is his/her comments. This is a book that was received via demonic possession. It is utterly untrue and untrustworthy.
Sure Bill,,,,, sure…
And what did they say about( and to) Christ,?,, back in the day?
Because you don’t get it yet….it’s dangerous….(for everyone and anyone)….of course…
The egoMatrix still has you.
Be as you Will.
I looked up ego matrix and it is an Eastern religious concept. Satan is a deceiver and uses such nonsense to ensnare the naive – like you. You think you “get it” but you don’t. You are prideful (ego). When you empty your mind, demons flood in. You are possessed and being used by the Devil – and are totally clueless.
I live in reality. Knowledge is power and the truth will set you free. I will follow Scripture.
The Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it fearlessly, as I should.
This is a bit one-sided when it comes to election stealing. ALL elections in the US for presidency have been manipulated. Not just the dem side. People need to wake up and realize we have been played for fools for decades. Both sides belong to the same coin! They just put a Republican in there and then a Democrat when they see fit. The people decide NOTHING. Both sides are the same evil coin. There is NO PARTY for the people — NONE! We are fooling ourselves if we think either one of those two corporate and corrupt parties are for the people — not one bit.
Right! The word “government” comes from the Latin roots meaning “mind control”! Government is savior-programming slavery.
The conflict of Judaic Law with Christianity –
Jewish supremacist rabbi, Harry Waton, confessed that not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews — a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud. In his 1939 book, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity”, the racist rabbi wrote:
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews. The Jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside of us, but we must see him right within us,” (p. 148) “Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews,” (p. 99) “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100) [pdf 2012 Feb] The Jew World Order Unmasked
Matthew 20:27 Context
24And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. 25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 29And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
The Freedom Articles is and always has been non-partisan. We don’t take sides. Both political wings are controlled by the same force. I did not mean to imply the Republicans were any better than the Democrats; I am sure you are correct that the Republicans rig the vote just as much (e.g. Bush 2000).
The mindset of the NWO is best described as psychopathy. The traits of a psychopath are: glibness/superficial charm.(shallowness superficiality), grandiose sense of self-worth (megalomania. gender and racial chauvinism) need for stimulation (drug addition, recklessness) proneness to boredom, pathological lying, conning/manipulative (divide and rule resourceful), lack of remorse or guilt, shallow affect (i.e., reduced emotional responses), callous/lack of empathy. We can see these traits in most world leaders and people like Bill Gates and the Rockefellers. Psychopaths seek out ambitious, greedy, unethical and unconscious people for use in their sordid schemes and endeavors on both the local and global levels. The psychopaths at the top of the global hierarchal pyramid use their wealth, influence, guile, institutions they control and technology to manipulate the rest of humanity.
Indigenous people would say the oligarchs are possessed by evil spirits (selfish ideation emotions and motives) and use rituals, incantations and other means to counter and protect themselves from these demonic people/forces.
Our best defense is self transformation being authentic and genuine knowing we are spirit beings living in a material space undergirded by SPIRIT/ENERGY/FREQUENCIES possessing innate but undeveloped powers and abilities. This is what Yeshua meant when he said “The Kingdom of the Father is spread throughout the earth and no man sees it” The Gospel According to Thomas 113
RE: “Spirit / Source / God / Infinite Consciousness.” This reference is a very slippery slope that people must be very, very, VERY wary of. There is only one true Creator. He is the Ancient of Days, the Father of Lights, Abba Father. He had one Son born of a virgin woman. His name was Jesus. He is our Messiah who will return to earth in physical form to save us sinful humans from ourselves and to judge the wicked and the evil.
On the other hand, there are also evil spirits in that realm beyond that which we can see, which is where the “great dragon….that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” also resides….currently. (Rev. 12:7-9). Satan and his demons has authority over this ‘present evil age’….currently. (Job 1:10-12, 2:4-6; Galatians 1:4; 1 John 5:19, Colossians 1:13; Corinthians 4:4…..)
Therefore, when we involve ourselves in spirit, source, consciousness in anything that is not solely of God as God instructed in His Word, we (wittingly or unwittingly) engage with demons. This is why God, through His Word, instructs us to avoid the occult, mediums, witchcraft, etc. (Isaiah 8:19, etc…). We are to search the Scriptures daily so that we remain obedient to the Word of God. How? Begin by reading everything Jesus said and by following His example of obedience to the will of The Father in faith and endurance. Maranatha.
Thank you so much for pointing this out. I feel the same dis-ease whenever I read such wishy-washy language.
The Christian God with his various forms… Creator/Father. Jesus/Messiah. Holy Spirit. Beware of evil… the Devil/Satan/dragon. His many demons. And then there are those poor humans… all sinners in need of saving.
Outside of thought and imagination, I’ve never experienced any of those Christian presumptions. However, I do experience consciousness, which I find to be indescribably real. To downplay conscious experience in favor of directing one’s thoughts toward some shared belief of the mind labeled “God” indicates to me a mesmerized individual who has yet to experience moments of alert clarity.
The Christian religion has always been obsessed with conflict, dualism, and form. I suspect this was by design. As Makia pointed out, the mysterious formless state we refer to as consciousness/awareness/attention is what the NWO fear most. Organized religions have been one of their many tools for keeping people from the pursuit of true awakening.
“Consciousness is simply consciousness!” -Osho
Thanks, Lynn, you have articulated a truth that is obvious for those whose awareness recognizes “savior programming” by formal religion and the New (c)Age Movement as a direct THREAT to personal sovereignty and cognitive advancement! Any time a person looks to an established “authority” — be it a god, a guru, government, big pharma, big ag, etc — they are handing over their personal agency to another entity which has NO CARE for them. Let’s keep growing in our awareness and LAUGH these CON-TROLL-ing f**kers right off the planet!
I found the anwer of who, what and why In the late Sherry Shriner book “Interview with the Devil”.
Does any of this article trigger a memory from a few years ago when the alarms were being sounded about the leaked material of the TPP and it’s variants?
In a nutshell the alarms were being sounded about what a sovereignty shredding bad deal the TPP and it’s variants would be – yet now for the past 18 months – something is happening that makes absolutely no sense at all – should have been rejected by governments all around the world – however for some dark and mysterious reason they didn’t, since their hands are obviously tied – they’ve all followed the extremely bad advice given out by the WEF and the WHO.
[Recently a WHO whistleblower revealed that whatever the WHO decides becomes law]
When did they become accountable to the WHO?
What made them so obedient, who or what whipped them into line?
These sovereignty shredding trade agreements have all the criteria that civil rights groups were sounding the alarm over.
The only logical explanation is that under TPP corporations can demand just about anything they want at tax payers expense and that appears to be exactly the case.
Under TPP corporations would be able to challenge existing laws and constitutions.
And what were seeing with these mRNA injections.
Previously existing health and safety standards are no longer able to protect the public from harm while the manufacturers have been granted immunity from lawsuits.
The TPP was designed by the financial elite to make governments accountable to their own financial agenda and forecast, and will allow them to sue for financial compensation in a closed tribunal if a member government does not fall into line – [Is this the reason why there was another bailout of the financial elite?]
Even the V passports were already on the table back in 2018 when the TPP was a regular and controversial topic.
A number of big pharmaceutical corporations were listed on the TPP insider list, [link supplied]
In the end IMO these sovereignty shredding trade agreements served to make government accountable to the NWO which is exactly what they did.
I’m interested to see if anyone else is suspecting that the response to Covid is linked to the last batch of trade agreements.
True. By definition, globalism is treason to all national states and their citizens’ sovereignty.
Nailed it, that’s exactly on par with the terminology used by myself and many others to describe this despicable behavior by our respective political representatives – they didn’t do a very good job of protecting out interests while they gained a step up the corporate ladder.
For the time it’s not that ISDS have been used but the possibility is that they might be while Neoliberal governments simply roll over – In the off chance that a true working class government is elected they can be manipulated via these sovereignty shredding provisions.
Each and every government that signed on to these trade agreements also empowered corporations to use ISDS against them but also against a future government – trade agreements don’t expire when the government that signed for them is voted out of office.
To clarify – by ISDS, you mean ‘Investor-state dispute settlement’ – which is an obscure parallel legal system only accessible to the super-rich. These corporate courts allow transnational corporations to sue governments outside the national justice system. Correct?
Correct – In a closed and private tribunal meaning no press – there is ISDS and there is IIAS – both are designed to have the same effect.
What we see in the world and what you just described is unconsciousness( some people call it evil) so the only opposition to it is what is missing: awareness.
We have a manifestation of collective unconsciousness.
A regression.
People are in the grip of fear( *fear of death)
A great example of seeing how many “normal” people can do horrible things when possessed by political ideology was the Nazi period .The inner state( thought and feelings) manifest in the outer world.
What we see is fear and hysterical states manifesting.
Like Makia’s quote says ” those that look inside awaken”
This has been going on for a very long time and is all explained in the following two books:
The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins &
The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed. This second book provides chapter and verse of what is happening and what will happen in future. Written in 1956 and entirely based on facts It describes in perfect detail everything that has now come true. Read it and you will not only be amazed but you will also understand.
Douglas Reed was an atheist, so that book wasn’t of great interest to me. If it isn’t dangerous to my faith, perhaps I should consider looking at it again.
A particularly interesting book which I haven’t read, but which can be found online and which is probably related to the contents of the books that you mentioned is Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ.
Douglas Reed does not strike me as an atheist. He quotes from the Bible but criticises the inclusion of the Old Testament in the Bible, which he regards – probably correctly – as mainly Levitic propaganda. He makes it clear that there is virtually no commonality between the Old and the New Testament. However, he very clearly and presciently describes the agenda of the Talmudic Jews on the basis of actual events, which includes exactly what we are presently experiencing and which is probably the culmination of a Jewish (Talmudic) campaign, which has been conducted for the last 2000 years. It is a fascinating and enlightening book and highly recommended.
And thank you for the recommendation of “Waters Flowing Eastward”; I shall have a look at it.
Although there may be good information in the book, I can’t agree with its absolution of some Jews. If they aren’t all conscious plotters – probably only the leadership is undoubtedly involved – they are indistinguishable to outsiders and “close ranks” whenever any Jew is caught. From a moral standpoint, defense of the ill done is being an accessory to sin(s). If they aren’t all guilty, neither are they innocent, and they certainly shouldn’t be trusted.
One can find that the Catholic Church has wisely promulgated restrictions on the dealings between Catholics and Jews in the past. Protestants are mostly oblivious to the problem (Although they shouldn’t be because Martin Luther wrote a book The Jews and their Lies.) and that is partly how the Jews have had it so easy. The other reason is that they managed to install the first of a series of antipopes (i.e. every “pope” who has lived there since the papal election of 1958) in the Vatican in 1958 – Antipope John XXIII. Since you seem to be interested in my prior recommendation, I suggest that you check out The Plot Against the Church. Providentially, it was published during the APOSTATE and invalid Vatican II.
Then there is the fact that The Controversy of Zion can be bought on Amazon while The Synagogue of Satan can’t any longer. There was a successful effort to get rid of TSoS, which indicates that it is probably closer to describing the truth.
The Old Testament is a necessary and inspired portion of the Bible, and it is relevant even today. What has happened is that the Talmud which was described by Jesus as the “traditions of the elders” supplanted the Old Testament. The Talmud originated in pagan Babylon, and it has NOTHING to do with the superseded religion of the Old Testament practiced by the Israelites.
This website needs to abandon its commitment to New Age (Or whatever its owner believes in.), and its credulity. The first is immoral, and the second is self-defeating. God exists and He established the Catholic Church to teach the truths that sets men free from sin and helps them save their souls from Hell.
The mechanisms of power aren’t only as subtle as made out to be in this article. One can’t solve this problem by “freeing your mind,” because I am not aware of any irresistible form of brainwashing, and because while there is a mental element there also are identifiable enemies which must be fought. Propaganda can be exposed and is the most effective form of “brainwashing.” Of course, there are “mind games” being played, but ultimately it comes down to evidence and clear thinking.
I will say this. These people – not necessarily the nebulous TPTB which the article refers to – hate exposure – even with Disqus. They have reacted to me. Stinking a blow at them leaves one in danger of being murdered. It can be a price worth paying, but taking advantage of The Second Amendment which is only a statement of a NATURAL RIGHT should help avoid that consequence.
Actually, probably the best methods of fighting are with very effective pro se lawsuits and political action. One can reach out to one’s legislators, or even attend committee hearings. The key is to find like minded people within one’s legislative district. This may even mean going door-to-door. Call it direct-to-voter political action.
There are many Catholic websites and discussion groups. This is not one of them.
Actually, there aren’t a whole lot of Catholic websites. The only active and official one with commenting is and there is censorship of comments which are very limited in length. There was a forum, but it was discontinued in early 2017.
I comment where I can and I speak truth. There is no reason why this website has to remain the way that it is, and it ought not to.
There is no “psychopathy” it’s really only habitual HYPOCRISY.
There is definitely a rush to the finish line. The NWO/UN’s plan to install a borderless, nationless, globalist regime by the year 2030 was called “Agenda 21” because the migration was to begin in 2021 and complete in 2030.
The vehicle to deliver this totalitarian hellscape to the masses was the Climate Fraud. They’ve been working on a host of apocalyptic lies to scare people into accepting the NWO plan (Build back better). But, unexpectedly, the wheels fell off the Climate Scam bus. They started their plan too early. The Maldives didn’t sink, the Polar bears population doubled, the global food crop increased, deaths by natural disasters fell, and most significantly – global temperatures started falling. Even after they deleted 50 years of data, the numbers didn’t add up. the ruse fell apart and only idiots and children believed them.
But they had a deadline and their deadline could not be changed. They needed something to scare people, and something in a damn hurry. Hence the Scamdemic. And hence the extreme rush. When the people who have been injected with the experimental gene therapy start to drop (because the spike proteins your own body starts manufacturing damage the cells of your vascular system over time), they will blame COVID and then this project will accelerate so fast your head will spin.
There is no “psychopathy” – that’s just the criminal hypocrites’ usual “I didn’t do it – only my brain did it!” alibi to excuse their own criminal desires and actions. There is only all-too-common HYPOCRISY at work here. Remember: ALL criminals are hypocrites – and all hypocrites are criminals, too! So Now You Know. Y/W!
There is definitely a rush to the finish line. The NWO/UN’s plan to install a borderless, nationless, globalist regime by the year 2030 was called “Agenda 21” because the migration was to begin in 2021 and complete in 2030.
The vehicle to deliver this totalitarian hellscape to the masses was the Climate Fraud. They’ve been working on a host of apocalyptic lies to scare people into accepting the NWO plan (Build back better). But, unexpectedly, the wheels fell off the Climate Scam bus. They started their plan too early. The Maldives didn’t sink, the Polar bears population doubled, the global food crop increased, deaths by natural disasters fell, and most significantly – global temperatures started falling. Even after they deleted 50 years of data, the numbers didn’t add up. the ruse fell apart and only idiots and children believed them.
But they had a deadline and their deadline could not be changed. They needed something to scare people, and something in a damn hurry. Hence the Scamdemic. And hence the extreme rush. When the people who have been injected with the experimental gene therapy start to drop (because the spike proteins your own body starts manufacturing damage the cells of your vascular system over time), they will blame COVID and then this project will accelerate so fast your head will spin.
Exactly. And if the COVID scamdemic doesn’t work to usher in the NWO One World Government, they have a few more tricks up their sleeves … like a fake asteroid or a fake alien invasion.
We can all also work on our manifestation. This is one of those things that our enemies cannot do and, so, have tried to suppress in us. It is our biggest and best weapon.
Exactly! We are creators. We create with or thoughts and feelings, whether we want to or not. It’s an automatic process and part of being alive.
So why not create consciously? Why not use your creative abilities to make the life you want, rather than allowing the ruling class to siphon off your creativity (via MSM, education and ‘authorities’ telling you what to think, believe and feel) and using it to create their dystopia? Do you want to power your dreams or feed their nightmare?
JPSears has superseded George Carlin as Master of Laughing at the Absurdity of the Official Narrative. More wide-raging, more brilliant, and FUNNIER!
The greatest fear a con artist has is he, she or they will be discovered, that people will see them for what they are before they can complete their swindle or con. This where we find ourselves now with regard to the NWO COVID shills. More people are waking up to parts of their con game but not the whole picture. The big picture is global and extremely complicated yet simple. As we learn more, we have to educate the rest of us by connecting the dots, using satire and mockery to expose and ridicule them which will shatter their sense of invincibility while encouraging, empowering and fortifying ourselves.
Thanks for the food for thought and insight. We are speaking to the choir here, we need to spread the word and engage in what I call mental decolonization. This is a spiritual and psychological war/campaign for the mind of humanity and we cannot afford to lose. The psychopathic usurpers are relentless; but the tide is turning in our favor, continue to resist! They cannot arrest all of us and when they become more violent and repressive people will see them for who and what they are and more will overcome their media induced fear and join the resistance. All it takes is a committed few, we can win!!!