The JFK assassination,
almost to the day 52 years later, is still subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation. Rightly so – the event was of extreme significance and is a telling reminder that the people who run this world are far above the level of prime ministers and presidents. Like 9/11, the JFK assassination was a severe blow to the psyche of the public in America and the world. It was mass trauma, not only crafted to remove a man who opposed the New World Order manipulators in many ways, but also designed to shatter innocence and send a powerful message: that the controllers can kill whomever they want and get away with it by controlling the key power centers of society (White House, CIA, FBI, Texas state governorship, local police and sheriff’s departments, etc.) so that any subsequent investigation will go nowhere.
The implications of the JFK assassination remain large to this day, a fact lost on Noam Chomsky when he stated that “Who knows? Who cares? Why does it matter? … The evidence against [a high-level conspiracy to kill JFK] is overwhelming” and thus revealed himself to be either unintentionally narrow-minded or an intentional gatekeeper of truth. Hollywood actor Bruce Willis summed it much better than Chomsky when he declared: “They still haven’t caught the guy that killed Kennedy … I’ll get killed for saying this, but I’m pretty sure those guys are still in power, in some form. The entire government of the United States was co-opted“. Indeed – it was co-opted, and still is.
Why The JFK Assassination Still Matters Today, 52 Years On
So, why does it still matter today? Quite simply, because the killers are still at large and on the loose. I don’t necessarily mean the actual killers or even the actual conspirators coordinating them, but rather, the same shady families, bloodlines, organizations and Secret Societies that executed the murder. The JFK assassination was a coup d’etat. The New World Order conspirators took over the US Government in broad daylight, and managed to escape scot free, only needing to sacrifice a few of the lower men in their conspiracy. The Mafia, CIA, FBI and military-industrial-intelligence complex (including secret groups like MJ-12), as well as Zionist Israel, are just as out-of-control today as they were in JFK’s time, if not more so. The Bush bloodline has become even more entrenched in American politics, not less. The same group of white-collar thugs and criminals still have their hands on the reins of power. The effects of the JFK assassination can still be felt today just living in the modern United States, watching it descend more and more into a police state of surveillance and tyranny.
A Brief Background to the JFK Assassination
Thousands of books have been written on the subject of the JFK assassination, so it’s obviously far beyond the scope of this article to cover it all. Instead, this article briefly summarizes the who, how and why. Before getting into the who, people unfamiliar with the JFK assassination will need a brief background on John F. Kennedy.
To begin with, JFK was maneuvered into power by his father, Joe Kennedy, a shady character in his own right, and a former US ambassador who made a fortune from importing alcohol into the US in the days after prohibition. Kennedy had developed enough power and contacts to push his son into the candidacy – but Joe and John had to meet and cut deals with various groups like the Mafia in order for John to get into power. This would later come back to haunt him when he double-crossed the Mafia and by sending his brother Bobby (who was Attorney General from 1961-1964) after them. JFK was highly beloved and respected, but like any human, he was not perfect. Due to suffering from Addison’s disease, he was dependent on a daily array of numerous Big Pharma prescription drugs (including painkillers and stimulants). He was also a sex maniac – the list of his known mistresses was reportedly 33 at the time of his death – who likely benefited from using presidential mind controlled sex slaves like other US presidents after him (see Brice Taylor and Cathy O’Brien’s testimonies regarding former Presidents Ford, George Bush Sr. and Clinton).
The JFK assassination took away the last great US President to stand firmly against the goals of the New World Order.
However, despite his vices, Kennedy had courage and principle. He learnt pretty quickly that the military-industrial complex (to which outgoing President Eisenhower referred) was out of control, and had seized the reins of power in the US – especially the CIA. After the Bays of Pigs disaster in 1961, and almost being dragged to the point of nuclear war with Russia during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, JFK quickly wisened up to the shocking truth that psychopaths occupied high positions of power in America, and that many of them belonged to a close-knit network of Secret Societies. JFK wanted to pull out of Vietnam, making enemies in the military-industrial complex whose profits back then and still today depend on constant war.
He made another great enemy when he sacked Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, in November 1961. Some believe this brave and informed speech, dubbed “The President and the Press”, given by Kennedy in 1961, set the wheels in motion for the JFK assassination:
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
JFK seemed to bump up against this monolithic and ruthless conspiracy in many ways, making many powerful enemies. Let us now turn our attention to the who of the JFK assassination and name them.
As this declassified memo from then (1964) CIA Director John McCone shows, JFK assassination patsy Lee Harvey Oswald already worked for the FBI and CIA.
The Who of the JFK Assassination
So who killed JFK? Kennedy made numerous enemies, including the CIA and the Mafia (basically one and the same thing), the Federal Reserve and the forever warmongering military-industrial-intelligence complex in general. According to sources such as LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson) mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown, who was also the mother of LBJ’s illegitimate son, the night before the JFK assassination, a group of men gathered at the house of Dallas oil man Clint Murchison. Many of the conspirators were among them. They included:
– Clint Murchison himself, who stood to lose a fortune if Kennedy changed the oil depletion allowance;
– Haroldson Lafayette Hunt, Texas oil tycoon, in the same position as Murchison;
– FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, who had invested millions into Murchison’s oil business, and who knew the Kennedy wanted to replace him;
– Vice-president LBJ (who had ordered 8 people to be murdered, including his sister, and was about to be found out before JFK’s death);
– Texas Governor John Connally;
– Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell (brother of CIA Deputy Director Charles Cabell, whom Kennedy had fired);
– Richard Nixon, who had lost the 1960 election to JFK;
– The 2 Brown Brothers, of Brown Brothers/Harriman, who were involved along with the Bushes in funding the Nazis;
– Joseph Sevilla, head of the Dallas mafia;
– John McCloy, head of Chase-Manhattan Bank, a confirmed Nazi who shared a box with Hitler in the 1936 Olympic Games;
– Carlos Moncello, Mafia don;
– Jack Ruby (Rubinstein), who later killed the patsy Lee Harvey Oslwald on live TV, and who worked for Mafia boss Sam Giancana;
– Malcolm Wallace, world-class marksman, serial killer and LBJ hitman, whose fingerprints were found on the weapon in the Texas School Book Depository.
Interestingly, Madeleine quotes LBJ as saying, as he left that fateful meeting, that “after tomorrow those SOBs [sons of bitches – the Kennedys] will never embarrass me again. That’s no threat – that’s a promise!” Then we have the deathbed confession of CIA agent E. Howard Hunt (Operation 40), who was also highly involved in the JFK assassination plot and later in the Watergate burglary. Hunt named CIA operatives Cord Meyer (whose wife was apparently having an affair with JFK), David Morales and William Harvey as being involved as gunmen. Hunt also hired Frank Sturgis and Bernard Barker. Other people involved in the JFK assassination were Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker, Dallas Police Chief George Lumpkin, the men that New Orleans District Attorney tried to prosecute (Clay Shaw, David Ferrie and Guy Banister), Joseph Milteer (see FBI agent Don Adams’ research on this) and presidential limousine driver William Greer, the secret service agent who slowed down and brought the limousine to a stop after the first shot was fired. This action alone, in violation of secret service protocol, allowed the subsequent sniper shots to successfully complete the JFK assassination.
Researcher Ole Dammegard has done a great job exposing CIA Operation 40, a super-secret team of assassins composed of around 40 crack CIA agents, created in the late 1950s by President Eisenhower and VP Nixon. It was behind many of the most famous high-profile assassinations of the last 6 decades, including the JFK assassination, as well as those of MLK, RFK, John Lennon, Che Guervera, Bob Marley and more. Dammegard named the exact names and positions of the gunmen at Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1963 in this radio interview with Roxy Lopez (around the 34-minute mark) as follows, which closely corresponds to this list and also this one in his Veterans’s Today article:
Dal-Tex Building
George Bush was in this building. The men on the 2nd floor were:
– Chucky Nicoletti (Chicago mafia, gunman/shooter);
– Nestor Izquierdo (Operation 40, Cuban mercenary, spotter);
– Johnny Roselli (link between Chicago mob and CIA);
Texas School Book Depository Building
The men on the 6th floor were:
– Eladio del Valle (Operation 40, gunman/shooter);
– Hermionos de Garcia (Operation 40, exiled Cuban, spotter);
– Richard Cain (Chicago mafia);
Grassy Knoll/Picket Fence Area
– Frank Fiorini or “Sturgis” (Operation 40) or Rosco White (Dallas police);
– James Files (gunman/shooter);
– Lucien Sarti (Marseilles mafia assassin, gunman/shooter);
– Bernard Baker (Operation 40, Watergate burglar);
– Harry Weatherford;
– Roy Hargraves (Operation 40, “Umbrella Man”);
– Charles Harrelson (father of actor Woody Harrelson);
– Felipe Vidal Santiago (Operation 40, exiled Cuban, who also took the alias of Charles Morgan);
Storm Drain/Sewer
– Curtis Crayford (brought in by Jack Ruby);
– Jack Allen Lawrence.
This summary contains a fuller list of all the people involved in the JFK assassination.
Masterminds of the JFK Assassination
The above people were some of the main conspirators, or at the very least knew about the planned JFK assassination in advance and were in favor of it. However, evidence shows that the actual masterminds of the JFK assassination were probably more like these 4 men:
– Allen Dulles (CIA);
– David Atlee Phillips (CIA);
– George H. W. Bush (CIA); and
– Sam Giancana (Mafia).
The man in the above photo at Dealey Plaza on the day of the JFK assassination looks suspiciously like George Bush.
Allen Dulles was an elite lawyer who co-wrote the Treaty of Versailles – the one that severely and unfairly punished Germany for WW1 and created fertile grounds for German discontent, cheap German stocks, the rise of a tyrant like Hitler and WW2. As has been well documented by people like Anthony Sutton, Wall Street funded the rise of the Nazis, and helped ensure many of them escaped at the end of WW2 into America under Operation Paperclip. Dulles became a director of the elite think tank Council on Foreign Relations in 1927, and later in 1950, Eisenhower promoted him to CIA director, where with Nazi assistance he helped to create the MK-Ultra mind control programs. He was rumored to be head of MJ-12, in charge of advanced UFO and ET technology. David Atlee Phillips became the CIA’s head of operations for the Western Hemisphere, head of Operation 40 and Lee Harvey Oswald’s handler. Sam Giancana was a Chicago Mafia boss who was approached by the CIA to assassinate Cuban president Fidel Castro. Giancana reportedly said that the CIA and the Cosa Nostra Mafia were “different sides of the same coin” and that “the CIA and the mafia are one organization who keep a low profile while they control the whole world as a business”.
As Francis Conolly narrates in the excellent film JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick:
“[The spy agents of the US Government] function essentially as a goon squad of mercenaries and murderers, hardly any different to Hitler’s gestapo, and are used a private intelligence service and as personal hit men for America’s richest families – their only role being to cover up the dirty tricks which the rich people are playing on their fellow countrymen, every day.”
The role of George Bush is central. Many have claimed it is him in this photo (above) at the scene of the crime. John Hankey explores the evidence in his film Dark Legacy: George Bush and the Murder of John Kennedy. We know that Bush was working at the CIA in 1963 (despite his claims under oath that he only began there in 1974) from this declassified FBI memo written by J. Edgar Hoover which names him as being part of the CIA, supervising “some anti-Castro group” that was implicated in (or responsible for) the JFK assassination. This declassified document (scroll to bottom) places Bush in Dallas on the day of the shooting, 11/22/1963. Russ Baker also provides more evidence of Bush’s involvement in the JFK assassination. George Bush, like his father Prescott and like Averell Harriman, was a member of the Skull ‘n’ Bones Club (which engaged in sexual Satanic ritual or black magic) – the exact kind of secret society JFK was speaking against in his 1961 speech. It seems George Bush was the man in charge of operations on the ground that fateful day in Dallas.
Part 2 of this series deals with the how, and part 3 with the why of the JFK assassination – and the occult masonic symbolism surrounding it.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
A lot to absorb and assimilate and impossible to unravel and so we will never know for certain as it was designed to be. The only thing for sure is that it was not as we were led to believe.
Very well researched…just beautifully done!!! I met JFK Jr. 6 months before he was murdered and I told him him and we talked much about what you have written. JR. told me something at the time most did not know except those that killed him that he was going to run for president. He told me that he had 600 million in the bank,had a magazine called George and that he was going to tell the world who killed his father and he was going to run for president. NOW everyone would have voted for him to be senator and moved to be president and who had the most to lose…HILLARY and she became senator when she did not live in NY and now wants to be the first lesbian president and the darling of Wall street and the NWO.
One day at a country club in Manhasset NY soon after 9/11 , I met a man who was in his 70’s and said he ran the small business administration in Washington D.C. He liked me very much and we talked about many things. I told him who killed JFK and why and then he said to me “Raymond I like you very much and I want you to know that I was JFK’S campaign manager and you are right but I want you to never repeat what you said because something might happen to you and you are a good person”
This confirms and fills in some of the gaps of my own understanding of what happened to John and Bobby Kennedy and why. Thank you Tools For Freedom!
Search on YouTube . ‘ Israeli’s Mossad Did 911 & Assassinated JFK ‘
I hadn’t heard of this before, so it is appreciated – even if it isn’t the whole truth.
Jack Ruby was a mobster AND a Jew.