The existence of a mind virus
that plagues all of humanity – every man, woman and child – at first may seem like a far out concept, but it’s an idea that has been around a long time in a lot of different cultures. Religion has grappled with the problem of evil for aeons. Deep down the rabbit hole of conspiracy research you will eventually get to the same theme – that there is some dark force coordinating the many nefarious schemes and agendas we witness daily in our world. Although there are definitely outside beings and forces coordinating these agendas, including the hybrid royal bloodlines, negative ETs such as Greys and Reptilians, discarnate entities such as Djinn or Archons and some kind of self-aware AI, we ultimately have to ask ourselves: is this evil actually a real force outside of ourselves, or is it rather the collective unconsciousness of humanity that appears as its own force and entity but is not? Are we infected with an actual mind virus installation, as the shaman warrior Don Juan of the Castaneda books suggested? Or are we facing the collective shadow, the disowned, unloved and unacknowledged parts of ourselves, which have been shoved down and repressed so much that they have become twisted and emerged as a monster appearing as its own lifeform?
Paul Levy on Wetiko, the Mind Virus of Humanity
It’s a big question, and the answer is not necessarily one or the other. I was recently impressed when watching the book release presentation of Paul Levy, who authored Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil. Paul shows a deep understanding of the mind virus theme, and explores it by talking about wetiko. Wetiko is a native American Indian term describing evil spirits. According to Paul, wetiko is a mind virus, but unlike other viruses, it won’t mutate itself. It forces us to mutate by tricking us into identifying with it. Like any virus, it needs a host to survive. As Paul writes in his article The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity:
“Wetiko is a virulent, psychic pathogen that insinuates thought-forms into our mind which, when unconsciously en-acted, feed it, and ultimately kills its host (us). It doesn’t want to kill us too quickly however, for to successfully implement its agenda of reproducing and propagating itself throughout the field, it must let the host live long enough to spread the virus. If the host dies too soon, the bug would be prematurely evicted and would suffer the inconvenience of having to find a new residence.”
This, of course, is virtually identical to what Don Juan had to say about the Mud Shadow Flyers (Archons):
“Indeed we are held prisoner! This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico … We have a companion for life … We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master.”
“The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind … It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so.”
What follows are some direct quotes and approximate paraphrasings from Paul’s presentation, along with my commentary beneath the quotes.
What is the Origin of Wetiko?
“The origin of wetiko is the psyche, the collective unconsciousness.”
“[Wetiko] synchronistically explicates itself through the medium of the outside world … it’s as if this virus that’s in the collective unconscious somehow extends itself and actually configures outer events so as to … express something that’s happening inside of us.”
“It works through the unconscious, the blind spot, the shadow. It acts itself out in life, yet hides itself in the process.”
This is a brilliant way of encapsulating the essence of the mind virus. It is a master of distraction, making us look outside of ourselves and find issues and problems there, rather than looking within. We find people or groups outside of ourselves that match our projections of evil or darkness, then falsely believe the darkness is (only) outside of ourselves. This becomes a self-perpetuating feedback loop where we become unwitting propagators of wetiko.
These ideas are exactly in line with what famous psychologist Carl Jung said about the shadow. Jung said that, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” The qualities and aspects that we don’t like, acknowledge or love in ourselves are the ones we judge, criticize and attack in others. Yet, on an ultimate level, your world is a reflection of your inner state.
Does Wetiko Actually Exist?
“Wetiko doesn’t ultimately exist. It has no intrinsic objective existence, yet it can destroy our species. Wetiko is a blindness that believes it is sighted, and arrogantly believes it is more sighted than anyone else (in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king).”
Paul believes that wetiko has no fundamental ontological existence of its own. Yet, if this true, we have to be careful not to be lulled into a false sense of security about the mind virus. Just because it may not independently exist does not mean it is not powerful. Some people get so overtaken by the shadow – falling into depression, addiction, compulsiveness and schizophrenia – that they are driven to suicide. This mind virus is undoubtedly strong enough to drive some people to kill themselves just in the hope of becoming free of it.
Interestingly, this concept of “the one-eyed man being king in the land of the blind” has also been cropping up lately in the work of David Icke. David uses the metaphor in his latest book The Phantom Self to describe the mind virus as a type of AI computer virus which has hacked life itself. He also labels it blind, saying that the only way it can gain the upper hand over us is to bring us down to below its level, since if we both operated at maximum capacity, the virus would be no match for us.
Paul also describes the wetiko mind virus as a vampire, which is another symbolic entity, not a real thing:
“A vampire is not a human figure, but rather, is a soulless creature, a being who has lost its soul … One of the undead, a vampire is death taking living, human form. The wetiko virus is ultimately not a living life-form, but rather, a living form of death. Wetiko, like a virus, is “dead” matter; it is only in a living creature that viruses acquire a “quasi-life.” Members of the living dead, vampires are neither truly alive, nor truly dead. Like a full-fledged vampire, “full-blown” wetikos have forfeited their humanity, becoming a conduit for the impersonal, transpersonal and depersonalizing wetiko virus to incarnate through them.”
It is written that a vampire cannot see its reflection in the mirror (more symbolism). That is because it is not solid or “real”; it has no soul, life force or consciousness which animates it; it is a virus, parasite or shadow which owes its existence or sustenance to another life force off which it feeds.
Wetiko Making Us Look Outside: A Trick or a Gift?
“Is wetiko destroying us or waking us up? It depends on how we dream it. It’s a dreamed up virus.”
“If we don’t recognize what it is showing us, the gift it is giving to us, then it will kill us. It’s like a lethal mirage. But once we recognize it, and identify it and its tricks, then it will dissolve into the nothingness from which it arose.”
Left unchecked, the mind virus runs rampant, and can destroy your life and bring you untold suffering and misery. However, if the mind virus has no will or existence of its own, then it is really YOUR life force, trapped and distorted, which is wreaking the havoc. Paul suggests that whether we look at wetiko as a cunning enemy out to destroy us, or a cheeky challenger out to prod and poke us into a fuller awareness, is a matter of perspective. Obviously, it is more empowering to view the created situations and outcomes of the mind virus as gifts rather than as curses or burdens, because the former view may spur us on to become better people, while the latter may lead us to anger and hate. We do, at least, have that much choice, but unless we are already a fully awakened or enlightened individual, we do not yet have the choice of whether to invite wetiko into our lives or not. It’s already here, and it’s not going away, unless every last speck of shadow is fully acknowledged.
How Do We Defeat Wetiko?
“The only way to defeat wetiko is to find the place inside of yourself which is invulnerable to wetiko. If you fight it, you become it.”
“How do you deal with a demon? Find its name. Once you name it, it loses its power.”
“Imagine waking in the dream and putting together your dreaming power with other awakened individuals.”
When Paul talks about “finding the place of invulnerability within” and “naming the demon”, he is not saying anything that great spiritual teachers and prophets have not already said. Many of them have stressed the importance of meditation, inner silence, of becoming the watcher or observer and distancing yourself from that insane voice in your head. To name the demon is to be the watcher. To be find a place of invulnerability is to remember Who You Are – an individuated but powerful part of All That Is.
Overcoming the shadow is all about integration, not destruction. You can’t destroy the “dark side” – it will be always be there as part of the whole in contrast to love, so that we can know what love truly is. The spiritual path is about healing whatever split we hold within by integrating the disassociated parts of ourselves into a fully aware whole.
Conclusion: Learn to Spot the Wetiko Mind Virus Within Yourself
As Eckhart Tolle writes in his book The Power of Now, it is better to refer to the darkness as unconsciousness rather than evil, because “evil” as a description connotes more separation rather than inclusion, and therefore decreases the likelihood of integration. The ultimate solution to the problem of wetiko is to see it in yourself. It will always be easier to see it in others, but as long as we remain focused on changing others, we neglect the crucial shadow work we must do ourselves. Only you can integrate your own shadow. Sorry to break the news to all you billionaires out there, but shadow work cannot be outsourced. No one else can do it for you, no matter how rich, persuasive, entrepreneurial, charming, sexy, beautiful or intelligent you are.
In this respect, we are all equal. Death and the wetiko mind virus level the human playing field, beyond all categorizations and classes. Both are an inevitable part of life, and both must be faced without fear if we are to move into our true power and full awareness.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at (FaceBook here), writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
Thanx for a wonderful sermon. I came across it sittng in my easychair with my laptop..Will make an effort to apply it as a routine in every day life.
The article neatly encapsulates the ability of Lucifer to pretend he doesn’t exist, and by a short hoppity-skip, that therefore neither does evil exist. Alternatively, it wasn’t me. It was the one-armed man. So-called intellectuals are forever trying to wriggle out of facing God. It will do them no good. One day all of us will. In that Great Day, your sins will be your own, no one else’s. No one made you do anything. No gene. No collective virus. No gland. Your sins are all yours. As are mine.
Screwtape Letters, anyone?
Thanks, Meltonmark. And to add God’s word …
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
John 3:36
I enjoyed your baseless claim about god and magic and such. Maybe one day you will realize that this religion stuff was created by evil men in order to control your thoughts and actions.
Click the bomb for complete information.
If you are a HUMAN you must read this.
There shall be no religious traps, when you look at the universe and all that’s in it that we are aware of right now, as life is put on this Earth,where time and event, cause and effect, are put through the forces under the Sun, even though time mathematically in itself and in its own true nature, flows equally without relation to anything external, so far as time and space are modes by which we think in and not a condition in which we live; however, with the repulsive forces in empty space, causes objects to be separated by distance proportionately separating them. This means that objects separated by a distance greater then a certain distance, will be moving apart from one onther faster then the speed of light, opening the door to anything that can happen, the spooky kind of stuff.
Thanks for the article..makes total sense; refreshingly deep and straight to the point; its a fear feeding frenzy becoming a global franchise under our noses. Yes i totally agree, face your demon/sidekick,name it, show it love and all will shine on..the next level is here already, we just got to trust it, move with it and accept! ‘the cockless devil’ i once feared, is now my peripheral mate ‘mc shady’ and he is looking pretty damn good on the love diet..Like that ole saying ‘its better the devil you know than the devil you don’t’. And yeah all pretty peachy ✌ peace fun and love vibrations to you all and thanx for the article; happy days x
Virii are generally demonised as scapegoats – as a symbol of invasive contagion they are given ‘evil power’. I don’t support that – though I see they now have a symbolic meaning that is being used here.
From something I read just moments ago that pertains – I feel – to the fake or false mind:
“Intrapersonal conflict arises from the same basis as interpersonal conflict. One part of the psyche perceives another part as on a different level, and does not understand it. This makes the parts strangers to each other, with-out recognition. This is the essence of the fear-prone condition, in which attack is ALWAYS possible. Man has every reason to feel afraid, as he perceives himself. This is why he cannot escape from fear until he KNOWS that he did not and could not create himself. He can NEVER make his misperceptions valid. His creation is beyond his own error, and that is why he must eventually choose to heal the separation.” ACIM
(Which is but one form of help for those who resonate to their own inner recognition through it).
A true foundation is not the fixing or empowering or deepening of a false. A mis-taken identity is not an uncorrectable sin and its own judgement of itself is not final. Though it will experience itself and its world loveless no matter how it tries to manipulate otherwise. A call for correction or re-alignment needs answer at the level error operates, and not in the framing mind of the downstream effect of mis-identification.
The belief in evil is warranted in recognizing the true nature of its attack on your integrity of being – but then “Resist ye not evil” is vital to the decision to focus wholly in the true.
This may seem paradoxical – but the recognition of error or sin is the call to immediately drop it and go forth in peace without it. Jesus shows this – but the mind of self-righteousness does not want to be dropped and so Jesus has to be neutered and subverted to a god of sacrifice – where a god of wrath is appeased or gotten favour from.
That the hateful fear love is evidenced by their denial of it – by whatever guise. Self-righteousness is like the trojan horse. Lured into a sense of persona salvation by seeking power for one’s own survival or protection instead of abiding and yielding to a true sense of worth regardless the temptation to hate. Forgive the effects (immediately) and attend to cause within. True Cause is unconflicted. The true is recognized in its embracing of your wholeness – as a living movement of being. Grow in true by living from true foundation – and beware of hating and fighting and fretting over the false. Recognize it is false – that’s it! Why tarry with the dead?
We argue much the same thing, although we belive Jung’s collective unconscious is knowledge of GOOD, that which is assailed by the EVIL which dominates and shapes this reality.
We believe humanity can reshape reality, in fact believe that this is our destiny and that such a moment is overdue. “truthers” are the core of this awakening, currently misled and divided. We’re trying to create unity, therefore kick-start the new civilisation of humanity.
Tall order, but we have to try:
You might not know it, but an evolution is beginning:
I reccomend this site if you want to understand these things from a clear functional perspective which can be very useful to you.
I hope this isn’t too spammy but since there are many links here already then i guess i will link here.
TO really understand THE NATURE of humanity being DUMB and DUMBER with DEBT SLAVERY by the CABAL and the TRUE HISTORY of this planet and were we are going ..learn from ALEX COLLIER and Ashayana Deane
and Len Kasten…
The extraterrestrial presence on Earth is widening and, as we enter the Aquarian Age, will be admitted officially, causing shock and an urgent universal need to understand the social and technological changes derived from our space brothers. A primer for the explosive advances humanity will experience scientifically and spiritually in the coming years, this compendium explores the ET phenomenon and its influence on humanity past and present. The book surveys contact with ETs and abduction accounts, unexplained public and undisclosed military technology from aliens including anti-gravity devices, exopolitics (the influence of ETs in human affairs), the Iraqi Stargate, the Hybrid Project of alien interbreeding by abduction, Nazi ties to UFOS and their secret underground base in Antarctica, government cover-ups of alien interactions including Roswell, and the transformation triggered by the Hale-Bopp comet. Based on interviews with people who are witnessing the coming changes as well as those visionaries who are actually bringing them about—including John Mack, Major Jesse Marcel, Paul LaViolette, Robert Bauval, Michael Salla, and Helen Wambach—this book sketches out a breathtaking vision of the planetary revolution just around the corner.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and plainly state what “I know and believe” this really is and it’s not a virus, although it certainly can seem that way.
Plainly stafed: Demons.
Demons are unclean, ungodly spirits without bodies, why they seek a host to inhabit and to wreak havoc upon. They reside inside your “mind, will, emotions”, which basically is your soul. We have a physicsl body, soul, AND spirit.
You can disagree, that’s fine. I’m not trying to push my beliefs about God and religion upon anyone, but I will say this..
God IS very real, so is Jesus, son of God.
All thruought the Holy Bible demons are described. So are the sicknesses (mental, physicsl, emotional) they cause. Jesus spent his life casting out these demons (unclean spirits without bodies seeking a host) and taught his disciples how to do this. It only works for true believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am one of them.
Forget the exorcist movie, get that out of your head, Catholics got it wrong, they are also a false religion, (worship of Saints = idolatry!) rooted in witchcraft. Vatician means “Hill of the Soothsayer”. Go figure why they got issues with so much pedophelia.
One does not need religion to be a believer in the Lord Jesus persee. God did not come up with all these different religions and doctrins.
It is only asked you BELIEVE Jesus is the son of God, that he died for you, and BELIEVE in the Word of God, and live properly by the Holy Bible. A “personal” relationship with him is all he requires.
By doing so, Jesus gives his people authority in HIS NAME to cast out demons. It is scriptural. Man and science do not have the answers, God does. Look at where we get ourselves by listening to man and not God!
Satan’s biggest trick is is making everyone believe he doesn’t even exist.
Kinda like the deep state or shadow government pushing the NWO agenda. (Food for thought) who do think is running the show with all the false flags, fake news, and disinformation spreading? Helloooo! Wake up sheep!
Now you may disagree with all I’ve said and that is fine. I would not suggest anyone take my words at face value either without reading it in the Holy Bible and experiencing it for themselves anyway. I recommend it however, but it’s up to you. God gives us free will. It is our birthright, even to disagree and not follow him, but Satan? He wants to enslave you. Who is not becoming a slave or is not enslaved by SOMETHING? That’s the name of the game for him, his minions are the demons.
Demons cause every sickness, mental physical, spiritual imaginable. Feeding off all negativity. Love to us is hate to them and visa versa to every good God-given thinng in the earth and universe.
The world is becoming more evil and demonic. Look at our Government. Open your eyes. Don’t be blind sheep! Consider what I’ve said.
God bless you all.
Hi, here are few thoughts about this mind virus, about the reptilian mind taking over the so called civilized world, versus the native people.
For me it seems that they are not affected by this virus, this madness, that we face from our birth in our life and the life of the people surrounding us.
I have read a beautiful book, Continuum concept, written by Jean Liedloff – she stayed 4-5-6 years with the Amazonian natives and I was astonished by their culture, relations, behavior, inner harmony, harmony with the earth and nature.
I have also read all the books of Daniel Quinn, starting with Ishmael – and he’s making a parallel between our way of life and thinking and the native’s way.
I have watched some beautiful documentaries by Bruce Parry – The tribes of Bruce Parry – who travel all around the world looking for different tribes who are still living their ancient way – he lived with them for a while and make extraordinary documentaries about their life and culture.
And so many other things I have found about them; Their culture and knowledge is so deep, their skills – they are so fitted for living here, on Earth, not like us, we need a lot of things to live here, houses, domestic animals, you understand what I mean – and they manage to live without destroying the environment and themselves.
It’s like we are two, not different, but like opposite cultures here on Earth and it seems the natives are really The Natives here, not like us.
So, they know about the reptilians and the mind virus – Wetiko.
They know about a lot of things that we are not aware of and we even don’t believe…
Taking in consideration that here, on Earth, it seems that were many stages, many cultures that were born and disappeared, I would be very interested in some points of view about this.
thank you very much and all the best,
Dana…You are spot on.
That is why they came to the Americas and killed the native Americans who were spiritual and respected the land and the planet..they said they were DEVIL WORSHIPERS and BURNED ALL THEIR BOOKS which were the who was really the devil worshipers?
Every indigenous culture was destroyed on all the continents and taught PAGANISM…CHRISTIANITY.
Books were destroyed in THE LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA and some taken to the VATICAN,along with BIBLES that taught the real history of EARTH and not the FICTION taught in SCHOOL,BOOKS,and the man made bible all written by THE ELITES…FREEMASONIC SECRET SOCIETIES.
But do not worry…we are going to be doing much of what used to be….POWERFUL SPIRITUAL BEINGS.
That is what you see now awakening of the masses. More and more people are connecting to Spirituality(NATURE) and wanting to get away from the CEMENT ,CONCRETE CITIES that are Debilitating to the SOUL…
Do our minds control the Universe?
Is our reality created with our thoughts?
What did ancient civilizations know about the mind?
If humans only knew how much more stronger they are than the ones herding them like cattle in consciousness, everything would change.
Consciousness Evolution and Base Reality
^^^ Understanding and Mechanics for Consciousness Evolution
^^^ Immunity – Freedom from all emotional pain
^^^ The source of all the world’s problems – Demons/Archons/Weitko/Parasites
^^^ Develop abilities such as Wipes – the ability to wipe thoughts from your head
Psychic Gear Drops