Satanism is the cutting edge and the sordid core of the NWO conspiracy. Yes, Satanic ritual and child sacrifice happens under the Vatican Catholic Church. Find out more.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and , the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.
Interesting info–but would not throw the baby out with the bath water as
Catholic prayers are quite powerful to kick out the demonic force from our
world. Given Makia’s video here, it would certainly explain why the
Israelis–demons on two legs–are carrying out a slow motion genocide on the
Palestinians right now in the most horrific ways. It is certainly not a war at
all. They also have plans right now to build a bustling ‘JEWISH’ city–as they
describe it–over the Palestinians and Palestine–their dead, dismembered and
tortured bodies, which also includes hundreds of thousands of children they
have murdered there as well. They are turning the Holy Land demonic to the
core. We will have a chance with these demons at the root level at which they
must be encountered at and dealt with:
And to replace the soulless, destructive and harmful Corporate-Law system in
Makia — good work. My response below is to Frankie’s comment. Please shift it back there if you can–thanks.
Hi Amber, Thanks for your comment. Sorry, I can’t move the positioning of them.
o.k., understand, thanks–but people who go to the comments will still know who the reply was meant for.
What most people don’t know, is the vatican is the Temple of Set, overseen by High Priests of Dagon. This Temple, also oversees all legislation, all laws throughout the world. There is a reason why they’re so wealthy. The Royals, are the executive branch executing legislative instructions, controlling interests and power in politics coming from the Temple of Set. Ever noticed how the royals are subservient or lesser in authority than the High Priests of Dagon? They headed the colonialism it seems, sending their lackeys and armies to establish bases and pillage and extract it back to the ole Temple for their chief. And to think, I was once catholic not knowing this eh. All of them, lackeys of the illuminati(four brothers who are now released from their underground imprisonment and are also the four horsemen which are actually the illuminati) control all human agents. They can do nothing, think nothing or create nothing without those four who have been instructing them since days of yore. Every powerhouse on earth, every who’s who in the zoo, get their authority and fame from them. The american families, like rockefellers, fords etc are the Federals who oversee the judiciary systems, courts and politics etc in the US. But now china owns the whole US and South America I’ve heard. Keep in mind the whole of religion and the world itself is based on the Babylonian System of Slavery of Selene. They still revere this evil woman, who created the corporate/law system the world is based on, or what they call the company store system. These are the same ones who wrote the bible by the way, and inserted their gods eg. ‘Lord=Ba’al’, ‘God’=european pagan god title or alias representing ba’al, jesus=tammuz who are all an alias for the head honcho or chief of spirits of error. The original name of the Creator, YHWH pronounced ‘Yahuah’ in our tongue, and His Son ‘Yahshua’ was removed from the ancient texts, patriarchs names were changed and hellenized, syncretism changed the meaning and pronunciation and completely mistranslated, probably deliberately the originals, and plagiarized their experiences. All this for the company store system to assume control of the mind. The whole world or continents as we know it, are witches covens, subdivided into several covens, with each fallen one being a prince over them, ruling it and deciding what goes down and when. Wait until you find out who the commander in chief is as Bob Dylan so casually mentioned. Sick man, sick world.
thousands of children they have murdered there as well. They are turning the
Holy Land demonic to the core. We will have a chance with these demons at the
root level at which they must be encountered at and dealt with:
And to replace the soulless, destructive and harmful Corporate-Law system in
Disgusting degenerates they are. They will pay their dues and receive their reward in full. Nobody escapes the Most High.
Disgusting degenerates they are. They will pay their dues and receive their reward in full. Nobody escapes the Most High.
The correct title of Paul VI is Antipope and not pope. He was likely a Freemason. I have come across a picture of him making the Freemasonic handshake. The papal conclave of 1963 “re-elected” Pope Gregory XVII (a.k.a. “Cardinal” Siri).
The “smoke of Satan” comment was likely a code. It was ostensibly a warning to “Catholics” that there were serious issues with the “Catholic Church.” In reality, it probably was meant to affirm to the conspirators behind his antipapacy that he had control over the “Catholic Church” and that they needn’t worry about “Catholics” being informed of their material schism and/or (material) heresy.
Levy is a Jewish surname. Given that he is likely a Jew, I don’t trust that Paul Levy is being honest. Jews aren’t noted for their honesty, especially when speaking to non-Jews.
I don’t believe that you – especially relying upon the work of a likely Jew – are correct concerning a “mind virus.” It sound a lot like a fancy name for the spread of evil dressed up in false psychobabble.
It must be noted that good spreads as well. The Catholic Church led by Pope Gregory XVIII is in the best position to accomplish this mission. That is its purpose. As a lay Catholic, I do what I can. Given the current strength of Satan and the Jews, it is too risky for the Hierarchy to take risks.
People lie and spread errors (i.e. falsehoods that they honestly think are true). It would seem like the former leads to the latter. But the latter are likely promoted because of the conspirators guilty of the former.
What the video is describing is organized crime associated with the evil worship of Satan. So what about getting law enforcement involved? Assuming that any possible corruption can be overcome, then the those proven guilty of these alleged crimes ought to be punished with execution.
Given prior reading that judged the alleged Satanic ritual abuse (e.g. daycare) in the 1980s as a witch-hunt, I am skeptical of these allegations, but they must be investigated. That is the job of law enforcement or a moral private attorney using a private investigator and/or court methods. If the alleged victims aren’t willing to make police reports, then they ought to be suspected of dishonesty. Generally, making a false report of a crime is itself a crime.
The Order of the Snake