The Top 10 Most Restrictive, False and Dangerous Religious Beliefs


The suffering perpetrated by religion (which continues to this day) stems from restrictive, false and dangerous religious beliefs – based on separation.

Restrictive, false and dangerous religious beliefs

abound throughout the world, and dominate the mainstream teachings of organized religion. Religion has caused a lot of unnecessary pain to mankind, despite whatever truth and good intentions it has. Some of these dangerous religious beliefs fool you into thinking you can out-source your morality, ethics or spirituality to some external organization. Others prevent you from taking full responsibility for yourself and your actions, thus hindering you from stepping fully into your power. Still others goad you into a false sense of security where there is none. All of them limit you and the deeper realization of Who You Are. Additionally, all of them stem from the single fundamental delusion of separateness, i.e. that we are discrete and separate beings, that some people are better than others and that there is somewhere better you need to get to. An idea based on separateness leads to judgment and exclusion, and can never be as true and powerful as one based on connectedness. All of the following religious beliefs are disempowering obstacles in the way of true freedom.

Believing Silly Things Can Lead to Dangerous Consequences

You may think that believing silly things is harmless. They can be, but they can also have serious ramifications. Remember Voltaire’s quote in the image to the left: “those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” If you can convince people to follow you or your group, and that they will get rewarded in some way by doing this (e.g. get to Heaven, get fame, money, sex, knowledge or power, receive safety and security, etc.), you are well on your way to getting them to commit acts of unconsciousness. Next comes tests of loyalty: will they lie for you? Will they cover up for you? Will they cheat for you? Will they die or kill for you? Believing silly, foolish or absurd ideas can have horrible consequences. If you can’t tell truth from lies, you pave the way for corrupt people to seize power, manipulate you with deceptive propaganda and establish tyranny. How many people have murdered in the name of God or committed heinous crimes in the name of religion, all stemming from their dangerous religious beliefs?

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #1: God is on My Side

So many people get stumped on this one, and all sorts of horrendous division, judgement, condemnation, war and bloodshed has occurred over it. It takes on various forms: god is on my side (not yours); my god is better than your god; my god is the correct god (not yours); god will favor and reward me (not you), etc.

So much of it stems from a false idea of what “God” is. Whatever you think God is, it’s important to realize that the “kingdom of God” or your own divinity is within you – not in buildings of wood and stone. Even Jesus confirmed this spiritual truth when he said (in various places in the Bible and in the missing Gospel of Thomas from the Nag Hammadi) that if you “split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me.”

Let’s reduce it to the basics. What is God? For most people, it’s their idea of the infinite being, the creator of all. Another way of saying this is that God = All That Is. If we literally insert the phrase “All That Is” into sentences that contain “God”, look at the results we get:

God is on my side => All That Is is on my side

How exactly can All That Is be on your side? How can All That Is have any sides? If it did have sides, how could it not be on all sides at the same time? After all, it includes everything.

My god is better than your god => My All That Is is better than your All That Is

How can you have my or your All That Is? How can you possess All That Is? It’s everything, so it belongs equally to everyone, if it is even able to be possessed. Now, you may have an idea of All That Is, which is your idea to hold onto, but that’s just your idea. It’s your perception or understanding of All That Is. It is not All That Is itself. So again, by inserting All That Is, we reduce the sentence to meaninglessness (reductio ad absurdum as they used to say in Latin).

My god is the correct god => My All That Is is the correct All That Is

Like the one above, this becomes nonsensical. How can there be a correct or right All That IsAll That Is is simply All That Is. It just is. It’s neither correct nor incorrect; it’s all of it.

God will favor and reward me => All That Is will favor and reward me

More exclusiveness. I’m “in” and you’re “out”. I’m part of the “in” club, and you are not. This is a powerful delusion and one of the most dangerous religious beliefs. It underpins many of the following religious beliefs.

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #2: My Religion is the Only True and Correct Religion

The very word “religion” is derived from the Latin verb religare, meaning “to bind”. Thus, etymologically, religion describes the binding of oneself with God. Some people such as the founder of the Sufi tradition in the West, Hazrat Inayat Khan, have suggested that each and every human is a religion unto themselves, because of their unique and individualized relationship with the Infinite. (Sufism, by the way, is the Path of the Open Heart, and is inclusively open to anyone of any religion, and is not, as widely believed, a subset of Islam.) There cannot be one true religion, because religion itself is a belief system, a lens, a set of perceptions about what Life and God is. Most people adopt the religion they are born into through coincidence of birth. Life is about remembering and experiencing our own connection with the Infinite, not mentally adopting someone else’s belief system.

The non-believer, infidel, kafir or heretic threatens the basis of the illusion. The dangerous religious belief, in response, is often to neutralize him in some way. Inquisition, anyone?

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #3: Non-Believers or Infidels are “Evil”

Psychologically speaking, humans want to belong and to feel accepted. This primal need is exploited by many religions, and twisted into a compulsion to make themselves right and everyone else wrong. If you’re in the club, and your club is the true and correct one, then by definition, everyone else must be wrong – and sometimes evil too. The non-believer or heretic is not only an outsider, but also someone who doesn’t deserve full moral treatment, and often can be seen as less than human. History has shown us that just by thinking differently and independently, you frequently run the risk of being condemned and killed for your trouble.

There are a plethora of examples of how people outside a certain religion are considered evil. Look at the dreaded Inquisition whose goal was to suppress heresy at any cost. More recently, documents have shown how British 3 year olds were told that non-Jews are “evil” in a Kindergarten worksheet handed out at ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in north London. In the Torah, slaves taken from among outsiders don’t merit the same protections as Hebrew slaves. Islam has the concept of “dhimmitude” which is a set of rules to deal with non-Muslims (monotheists are more highly regarded than polytheists). You can check out these Bible quotes to see what Christianity thinks of non-believers. In the end, it is often simply too much for religions to tolerate the free-thinking non-believer, since he or she threatens the illusion and shows that people can be completely free, happy, kind and content outside of religion.

The extra special chosen people: one of the most deceptive, self-congratulatory and dangerous religious beliefs.

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #4: We Are The Chosen People

The idea that “God” has a favorite set of “Chosen People” is another one of these silly yet extremely divisive and dangerous ideas that you find in numerous religions. It is a central tenet of Judaism that Jews are God’s chosen people. The Bible states that Christians are the chosen ones. In the faith of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, there are exactly 144,000 places reserved in Heaven for the chosen people. Calvinism contains the concept of predestination which teaches that a certain special few (God’s elect) are to receive eternal life and salvation by grace, while the rest get eternal damnation for all their sins. In monotheistic religion in general, you are condemned to Hell, eternal damnation or some other kind of imaginary Doom for making the wrong decision in this life for not “believing” in the “official” way it is – according to the supposedly enlightened leaders of those organized religions.

More dangerous religious beliefs: worshipping Jesus instead of following him creates more tension and separation.

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #5: Jesus, Mohammad and Other Prophets Were a Special Kind of Human that You Can Never Be

Many of the world’s main religions love to teach that there is something special or magical about their prophet, as opposed to other religions, spiritual paths and traditions, and also as opposed to YOU! This is another example showing that most organized religion is based on separation, not connectedness. Jesus is the ONLY son of God – you are not. The false notion is that all the prophets are not leaders you can emulate, but rather godly beings who you need to put on a pedestal and worship. You can never be as good as they were, because you’re just a dirty little sinner. All this, of course, is in direct contradiction to what Jesus actually said, if we are to believe the Gospel of John 14:12:

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

Greater works than Jesus – I wonder how the Christian censors let that one through!

Another one of those dangerous religious-beliefs, indeed: always focusing on the future.

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #6: Sacrifice the Now for A Better Future

Many religions achieve power and popularity through psychological trickery. One of the most effective ways to control people is to promise them a better future – especially if that future is an afterlife about which it is difficult to prove anything. By making elaborate and grandiose promises of Heaven-like afterlives – whether they be full of angels, milk and honey, or hundreds of virgins – you can fool people into accepting horrendous conditions in their current lives. You can also stifle people’s motivation to do anything constructive about their situation now. After all, if this life is nothing compared to the pending glorious afterlife, why bother?

Of course, the tendency to deny the (real) now and live in the (imagined and not yet real) future is ego-driven dysfunction and insanity. Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now sums it up best:

“(The ego) constantly projects itself into the future to ensure its continued survival and to seek some kind of release or fulfillment there. It says: “One day, when this, that, or the other happens, I am going to be okay, happy, at peace.” Even when the ego seems to be concerned with the present, it is not the present that it sees: It misperceives it completely because it looks at it through the eyes of the past. Or it reduces the present to a means to an end, an end that always lies in the mind-projected future. Observe your mind and you’ll see that this is how it works.

The present moment holds the key to liberation.”

There is a place in life for thoughtful planning and long-term thinking, however this is not the issue here. The problem is compulsive thinking and too much attention focused on the past and future, rather than an embracing of the now and the present moment – which is all you truly have anyway.

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #7: Obey Us or Go to Hell

Invented afterlife notions provide further fodder for the cunning to exploit the foolish. Bribing people with eternal life works well, but conversely, you can also blackmail people with eternal damnation. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and others have all concocted ideas of a fire-and-brimstone Hell-like afterlife, replete with pain, never-ending torture and demons. As Valerie Tarico writes:

“Most Buddhists see hell as a metaphor, a journey into the evil inside the self, but the descriptions of torturing monsters and levels of hell can be quite explicit. Likewise, many Muslims and Christians hasten to assure that it is a real place, full of fire and the anguish of non-believers. Some Christians have gone so far as to insist that the screams of the damned can be heard from the center of the Earth or that observing their anguish from afar will be one of the pleasures of paradise.”

The Indulgence System: based on the dangerous religious beliefs that a middleman priest can absolve you of your sins.

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #8: The Indulgence System (Paying for the Right to Do Evil)

Organized religions such as Catholicism championed an ingenious business model during the Middle Ages, which still persists in various forms to this day. It was the Indulgence System. Indulgences were the right to do evil. If you have the say over what God allows or not, why not make some money off it? As the website Grand Design Exposed states:

“Apparently, the Indulgence System had been a Church tradition since Pope Leo III had begun granting them in the year 800, payable in the money coined by Pope Adrian I in 780 … Indulgences were floated on the Church’s credibility, rather like government bonds are issued on the credibility of states today. In 1491, for example, Innocent VII granted the 20-year Butterbriefe indulgence, by which Germans could pay 1/20th of a guilder for the annual privilege of eating dairy products even while meriting from fasting. The proceeds of the Butterbriefe went to build a bridge at Torgau. Rome’s indulgence economy was as extensive as America’s income tax system today. And it was every bit as fueled by the people’s trembling compliance, voluntarily, to a presumption of liability.”

In 1515 Pope Leo X (whose father happened to be the great Florentine banker Lorenzo de’Medici, of the Venetian Black Nobility) issued a Bull of Indulgence, which authorized a whole array of indulgences:

“(Leo) authoriz(ed) letters of safe conduct to Paradise and pardons for every evil imaginable, from a 25-cent purgatory release (the dead left purgatory the instant one’s coins hit the bottom of the indulgence-salesman’s bucket) to a license so potent that it would excuse someone who had raped the Virgin Mary. For the payment of four ducats, one could be forgiven for murdering one’s father. Sorcery was pardoned for 6 ducats. For robbing a church, the law could be relaxed for only 9 ducats. Sodomy was pardoned for 12 ducats. Half the revenues from Leo’s indulgence went to a fund for the building of St. Peter’s Cathedral, and the other half to paying 40% interest rates on bank loans subsidizing the magnificent works of art and architecture with which His Holiness was establishing Rome as the cultural capital of the Renaissance.”

What a profitable racket! It’s business as usual for the Vatican, who still use the Indulgence System to manipulate people, such as this absurd attempt to get Pope Francis more Twitter followers

More dangerous religious beliefs: the wages of sin is death. Utter nonsense – literally.

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #9: Christ Died to Pay for Our Sins

This one is obviously from Christianity, but you may find parallels in other religious doctrines. This one requires a serious perversion of reasonable and clear thinking. Christian doctrine declares something like this:

“We celebrate Christ’s death, because it is only through his death and atoning sacrifice that we are reconciled to God and have forgiveness of sin. Every time we partake of the communion of the bread and cup, we are celebrating the death that purchased our redemption.”

This is utter nonsense – and I mean that literally. It is non-sense. It is completely non-sensical. It requires a suspension of ordinary logic and the adoption of a twisted way of thinking to even try to turn this idea into something resembling a cohesive notion.

First of all, why focus on the bloody and gruesome death of Jesus, when the point of his life was his ability to love unconditionally? This is twisted perversion by turning black into white, reminiscent of Satanism, as covered in the article Are Parts of Organized Religion Satanic?

Secondly, how can a person dying 2000 years ago “pay” for our “sins”? Your own actions, thoughts, feelings and state of being determine your outcome – period. Only you can “redeem” yourself – by forgiving yourself, apologizing to another, and changing your behavior going forward. What Jesus did or didn’t do a long time ago can’t absolve you from the fundamental truth that you are the creator of your own life and destiny. There is nothing to “pay” for, because a real God of Love doesn’t require humans to prostrate down before it and sacrifice themselves.

The word “sin”, by the way, can be better translated as “to miss the mark” or to err, which strips it of all its moral guilt-laden overtones the Catholic Church loves to use on its followers. If you merely make a mistake or error, which every single human does all the time, depending on whom it affected and how it affected them, there may not be anything to “pay” at all for it.

Dangerous Religious Beliefs #10: Holy Wars

Many of history’s wars and genocides have been fueled by dangerous religious beliefs, including the Christian crusades of the Middle Ages and the many bloody battles recounted in the texts of the Koran and Torah. Even within religious sects there can be a holy war, as can be seen with the constant in-fighting between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Sadly, today we have still not as a species risen above the delusion that war and mass murder can be holy, noble, pious and “the will of God” … although the will of God always seems to be interpreted for us by learned religious scholars and leaders whose word is untouchable. The recent rise of ISIS shows that religion can still be used by some to justify heinous crimes such as large-scale theft (of oil and land), rape and murder.

The only thing that really matters with any religion: living from the heart and being kind.

Conclusion: Religion is Beset With Madness

These 10 dangerous religious beliefs just go to show that most organized religion has long been infected with madness and insanity. The history of religion shows that, overall, it is a highly distorted lens through which to see the world, whatever good it may bring to individual cases. Ultimately, humanity is entering a new era of consciousness where religion and priestly middlemen are no longer necessary. If religion is to survive going forward, it needs to drop all its dangerous religious beliefs, rigid doctrine, stale dogma, sense of superiority and outdated notions in a big hurry – before it becomes an antiquated irrelevance.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.


Are Parts of Organized Religion Satanic?


Tim January 5, 2016 - 2:35 pm

About time someone wrote the Truth about Jesus the messenger who somehow became the Message.

Makia Freeman January 6, 2016 - 9:28 pm

Thank you for seeing Jesus as someone we can follow rather than worship.

Sunny May 5, 2016 - 3:31 pm

This is for you –

(provided you have patience to go thru each lines)

John Smith January 5, 2016 - 3:17 pm

To M Freeman:

Some of your 10 points make sense, but you are also throwing out the baby with the bath……You are nothing, not special, not smarter, not more understanding, and simply – not aware.
Your article does more damage than any good you had hoped for.

In the end, your article, you are: Utter crap

Makia Freeman January 6, 2016 - 3:43 am

Instead of getting offended, how about you offer some thoughtful points in response?

Don’t shoot the messenger. I am holding up a mirror to your face about the shortcomings of religion. Sometimes, the truth can be painful.

breck March 18, 2016 - 4:54 am

God has caused all the problems of the world.If you really want to see him so badly put a gun in your mouth and go see him. Or are you afraid:)

R McLean January 6, 2016 - 1:40 am

If you took the time to study early history, anthropology, mythology you will soon see how, when and why gods came to exist in humanity. Sadly there are no gods so to speak we are just a micro dot of a planet in the existence with billions of others.

Warren ward January 6, 2016 - 3:21 am

Interesting. Must be written by a humanist who knows nothing about God. He doesn’t change. His laws don’t change. He has defined His way, but we just make up our own way.

Makia Freeman January 6, 2016 - 9:25 pm

I am not a “humanist”. Like many, I am spiritual without being religious; I think religion has hijacked spirituality; I don’t think God is some old man with a white beard sitting in the clouds.

BDBinc January 7, 2016 - 5:50 pm

Yip any belief systems can be dangerous, as you can see from the aggressive comments of believers. People that have identified with a set of beliefs and think of it as ” their very identity ” and so they feel though they are being personally attacked as the belief becomes part of their “self” identity.
And they will fight, kill people and die protecting a belief.

Silly beliefs, one that makes God into something outside yourself . Externalizing God and then separating you from God.
The religions and their manuals were constructed by the elites for the purpose of control through the beliefs and set of rules.

Greg January 7, 2016 - 7:16 pm

This article is the most real, based on my own experiences as a Roman Christian Catholic, religion robs you of your awareness and puts you asleep. David Icke says the best all religions are mind conscripts and blocks you from seeing who you really are. Makia I have to say you are truly awake and aware a real human being living. Thank you for your article and understanding. Hopefully more and more people will wake up and live spiritually. One more observation on Roman Catholic indulugences is the fact the it still goes on now in their sacrament of confession which is totally wrong.

Godson Okechukwu January 8, 2016 - 2:54 pm

@ Makia Freeman, I sincerely will like to know what you believe in ? You wrote in your comment that “you are spiritual.” I sincerely will like to know what forms the bases of your spirituality ? Regards!!

Makia Freeman January 8, 2016 - 8:30 pm

To sum it briefly, I believe we are all sons and daughters of God, equally. God is All That Is, and you and I are part of that. You and I are God. God is not something outside of ourselves. It’s our divine nature within. We are creators. We create whether we like it or nor, whether we know it or not.

It’s not as simple as that though. God is a Force, roughly half of which remains pervasive throughout the Universe as a Force that can be called upon and used, and the other half of which because individuated units of consciousness (humans, animals, plants, etc.).

However, God is not a noun; God is a verb. It would be more accurate to say we are “Godding”, i.e. creating our worlds as we go along.

To quote Alan Watt, “But at any rate, the point is that God is what nobody admits to being, and everybody really is.”

Also see the wonderful series of books, Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch, as well as the Anastasia/Ringing Cedar series of books, which explore this topic in greater detail.

michael January 10, 2016 - 4:40 pm

Please visit

Peter January 14, 2016 - 11:06 pm

Your article seems to scream, “there’s no such thing as the supernatural”. Here is hard evidence to the contrary. Q. What is the greater part of what is? Is it matter or is it nothing? Is nothing what we are mostly composed of? How so? Looking inside an atom at just its nucleus and elections, consider the size of the nucleus relative to the size of the orbit of its electrons. What are the distances between these fundamental units of matter? If a hydrogen atom’s nucleus (proton) were the size of an orange, the orbit of its electron would be about the length of two football fields away from that nucleus. That is, relative to the radius of the nucleus, the distance from nucleus to electron is 99.9999999 times greater than the radius of that nucleus. Therefore only 0.0000001% of matter is matter, the rest is nothing.
It is vastly more correct to reason, “everything is nothing”, rather than “everything is something”. That my friends is the observation of physical science, and as a starting point, that’s how supernatural ‘everything’ is. And remember that Voltaire quote: “those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire was a Jesuit! Go figure?

Makia Freeman January 14, 2016 - 11:11 pm

Actually I do believe there are many supernatural and paranormal phenomena that exist, that materialistic science cannot explain. However, both mainstream religion and mainstream science are based on separation, thus neither of them promote full truth and freedom. They constitute a false dichotomy:

Religion has hijacked spirituality. You can be spiritual without being religious.

Jackson January 21, 2016 - 10:38 pm

Something about this article smacks of jesuitisms.

Knight2 January 22, 2016 - 2:43 am

Makia, I thought one was to suppose to understand and have knowledge of what they are writing about? Never the less, gave me some laughs especially where a person actually wrote this.

Makia Freeman January 22, 2016 - 2:52 am

Care to elaborate on what you mean here?

MsConcerned January 28, 2016 - 2:13 pm

Good morning you stated, “…Secondly, how can a person dying 2000 years ago “pay” for our “sins”? Prior the arrival of Jesus, Adam and Eve broke the covenant with God by exploring the forbidden area in the garden. Because of this act the door to evil was slammed wide open. Moving forward the ability to have sins forgiven after following all 600 or so laws and having one priest once a year go in the holy place, God loved us so much that (1) He wanted us to love Him; (2) He allows us to make the choice. With that said to follow the many laws and wait once a year was cumbersome, hence the birth of Jesus. With the occurrence of the “Sacrifice” on the cross, Jesus has “paid” for our sins by giving us a simple way to receive forgiveness and to be saved. We can now go directly to God with our sins and receive instant forgiveness. With His action on the cross he “paid” for us to have a less daunting process of living in peace. TMSAISTI

Makia Freeman January 28, 2016 - 11:31 pm

Yeah, I know the story. However, you and you alone are responsible for your actions, good or bad, heroic, mistaken or sinful. That’s a plain fact.

you fool January 28, 2016 - 4:54 pm

You are a fool. Not on everything here. But when you get to the bottom line…you are a fool and a joke

Leo May 8, 2016 - 7:30 am
free your mind January 28, 2016 - 5:49 pm

This was an excellent article and one I will keep in my files and share with friends. One observance I’ve noted, is that as human’s slowly awaken from matri religions, they face the inevitable void. That is a major reason I think so many avoid objectively analyzing religious beliefs. Because increasing numbers of humans view matrix religions as ridulous, they fill in the blanks with scientism, which is funded by corporate & government monies with an attached agenda, or materialism and worship of the self. We now know that even the New Age religion was infiltrated to socially engineer the populace. Also it must be noted that the Abraham religions are based on Yahweh, who was a pantheon, tribal war god.
Research and you will know this to be true. The god of the Torah/Old Testament was a psychopath. Jesus was the peace god. WAR=PEACE, the perfect matrix religion to keep the masses in perpetual cognitive dissonance. Also, youngsters are traumatized by the instilled images of hell and everlasting burning of their flesh if they don’t accept Jesus, this is definitely trauma-based mind control used under the quise of Spirit. It goes on everyday, and keeps people in line, out of fear, not love. I do think it is good that cultures have morals and to an extent matrix religions help with that goal. But natural law is really what all religions should be based upon. Thanks!

Leo May 8, 2016 - 7:34 am
Nancy January 28, 2016 - 6:28 pm

Why aren’t satanists never written about? Oklahoma City is crawling with them.

Nancy January 28, 2016 - 6:29 pm

Ever. Not never.

Abdullah February 15, 2016 - 9:47 am

In my opinion I think you made an error in your statement that Sufism is not from Islam. Real Sufism or tasuwaf is a science of Islam, always has been. the term wasn’t coined till a few years later but it goes back to the beginning. The process of cleaning your heart of arrogance, pride & the many other ills that we have, the inward journey to God. I had to mention it because that’s the real Sufism; Islam. It’s only been like the last couple hundred years since some people have broke off from the tradition. It’s dangerous though because a lot of people have really polluted it. It’s said “be a scholar & a Sufi but not one without the other” a Sufi without knowledge of the path becomes deluded and a scholar without tasuwaf becomes hard hearted.

P.s I think it’s really interesting that Islam acknowledge’s the truth in the bible & other religions. The law is different but the path is always the same: submission to the absolute reality/ truth/ creator who isn’t in creation but also isn’t separate from it, in Islam that’s Allah.
Btw I came to Islam through Sufism and to this day I’m still discovering treasures it’s an ocean that can’t be exhausted.


Presley December 31, 2017 - 3:54 pm

Good reply,but from what I’ve read,Sufism, especially the techniques of using body&mind,are a result of the Islamic Moghul invasion of India(the largest genocide in known history). Islam never had a mystical aspect :it doesn’t allow for personal ,direct experience of God/Truth etc…there is not 1 Muslim who told me that anyone else can hear the Qur’an or see God(everyone will cease to exist in some fiery explosion or something,from what I’ve heard…that’s a strange Father we all have). Sufism has too many elements hinting at Hindu or Yogic “borrowing/stealing”. invaders came upon Hindu teachings & especially Yoga,which isn’t a religion &is far older than even the Vedas. I like Sufism,I totally hate Islam,as I’ve had very life threatening experiences dating Muslim females & I’ve seen what most Muslims do(&others deny or remain silent) to any non-muslim marrying or dating 1 or their females. The above article is a perfect reflection of my very own 30yrs of exploring religions(I’m 39 so you can understand how young my spiritual quest began). Only a Christian felt she was able to call me a Satanist(for not having a religion),only a Muslima saw it fit to tell me that Islam is the only religion recognised by God etc.ive never known any Jews but I’m well aware of the problems the Abrahmic religions have caused globally. I personally will kill my Father if he favoured 1 of my siblings over the other&went so far as to encourage us to kill each other…simple as that

Harold W. April 8, 2016 - 6:00 am

This is not the truth. You don’t know the truth. Truth is not in you.

Sunny May 5, 2016 - 3:28 pm

And its not in you too 😉

Charles Stanley May 19, 2016 - 6:15 pm

#9 Indicated that the author has no better than an elementary understanding of theology. He writes: “Christian doctrine declares something like this:

“We celebrate Christ’s death, because it is only through his death and atoning sacrifice that we are reconciled to God and have forgiveness of sin. Every time we partake of the communion of the bread and cup, we are celebrating the death that purchased our redemption.”

This is true if the people you are talking about are a 3rd grade Baptist Sunday School Class. Makia is unaware of the way early Christians tried to understand the death of Christ. It was the very fact that Makia refers to, that Jesus came preaching unconditional love of God for us, and what summarily tried and executed by corrupt men on peacock thrones, that makes Jesus so decisive.

Instead of Jesus, Makia proposes his own religion: “Your own actions, thoughts, feelings and state of being determine your outcome – period. Only you can “redeem” yourself – by forgiving yourself, apologizing to another, and changing your behavior going forward.” While this might sound optimistic, it actually borders on delusional. When have we, even for a moment, shown this capacity? Rather than trusting in the one who loved unconditionally and died for it, Makia wants us to trust in the “enlightenement capacity” of the kind of people who hung Jesus on the cross. Sorry Makia, after reading your article, I am even more firmly trusting in Jesus to (in some way I will never understand) save the world.

Makia Freeman May 19, 2016 - 10:56 pm

We have made Jesus into an external “savior” and “lord”, rather than realizing he was one of us – just like you and me. He’s an example to follow, as he said in his own words, not an object to be venerated and worshipped. This is just giving away your power.

We have made God into an external entity who judges and punishes, rather than realizing God is in All of Us – you and me. We are God.

We are all capable of unconditional love. We all have moments of enlightenment. I trust in the true nature of all people, including you, me, Jesus and the people that hung him on the cross. Some are just more identified with form and the illusion, while others remember more Who They Are.

Salvationist religion can be very disempowering. It’s all about making you wait for some time the future to “get saved”, and all about making you wait for someone – Jesus, God – outside of you to “save” you. How about you save yourself?

Carin July 10, 2016 - 5:24 pm

#9… Sho this person is very delusional, I actually laughed out loud. Wish some people would read the New Testament before they go spreading nonsense.

And I guess then my mother and I are crazy ‘non-sense’ people, the demons that attacked us in our rooms must be imaginary…

Terrell Freeman Dey September 9, 2016 - 6:09 pm

M Freeman, your articles are informative, refreshing, and inspirational… This one right here–simply liberating!

Continue to “Shine your Light!”

Frenetic Zetetic November 14, 2017 - 8:46 am

The most dangerous ideology of all is materialism, and it’s derailing physical science as we speak.

Dan Morton December 20, 2017 - 7:45 pm

All forms of spirituality dulls the thinking. Get rid of all forms of god. Why? This form of teaching is by others.By not learning, for one’s self about the reasons for life it dulls mental capabilities of the mind. In MY OPINION, mental problems are caused by this ancient war mindgame.Maybe, the Romans were conquered this way? This applies to all worldly religions. Not just Christianity.

bluewater December 21, 2017 - 3:09 am


The prophet Muhammad’s mother was Aminah, who claimed to be descended from Abraham, and who was reportedly Jewish.

Reportedly, Muhammad decided to reject idol-worship and adopt the Jewish religion.

Muhammad the Jew

The original Kaaba was at some point dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and contained 360 idols. According to Ibn Ishaq, an early biographer of Muhammad, the Ka’aba was itself previously addressed as a female deity.[18] Circumambulation was often performed naked by male pilgrims,[19] and linked to ancient fertility rites.[20]

When the prophet Muhammad was born, the people of Saudi Arabia were a mixture of Jews, Christians and idol-worshippers.

Muhammad, as a merchant, came into contact with many Jewish merchants and landowners.

Muhammad decided to reject idol-worship and adopt the Jewish religion.

Safiyah, one of Muhammad’s Jewish wives.

Two of Prophet Muhammad’s wives were Jewish.

“Muhammad clearly saw himself as part of the Jewish tradition. …

“Islam was a radical call back to the basic values of the Torah and even talmudic stories.”

Muhammad bio

The Dome of the Rock marks the spot from which Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven.[92]

Muhammad regarded himself as the last prophet of the Jewish-Christian tradition.

The Koran is based mainly on the Old Testament.

Muhammad required that his followers were kosher.

Muhammad required that his followers keep the fast of Yom Kippur.

Muhammad required that his followers be circumcised.

Muhammad required that his followers pray facing Jerusalem.
The Prophet Mohammed, a Jewish Messiah. Muhammad only fell out with the Jews when they refused to accept him as their prophet. Joseph Smith
Muhammad said that God had spoken to him through the angel Gabriel.

Muhammad is a bit like Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon branch of Christianity.

Joseph Smith claimed that he was spoken to by an angel who directed him to a buried book of golden plates inscribed with a Judeo-Christian history of an ancient American civilization.

Ali, one of the members of Mohammed’s family reportedly had an affair with Mohammed.

Mohamed’s closest friend was Zaid, his male slave. Mohamed’s first wife was Khadija. She was was aged forty at the time of their marriage and ‘well past her youth’. Mohamed was about fifteen years younger. Handsome fifteen year old Zaid was the wedding gift given by Khadija to Mohamed. Mohamed and Zaid became very close friends. Zaid’s family found their son and tried to rescue him. Zaid told his family that he wanted to stay with Mohamed. Zaid said: “I would not choose any man in preference to Mohamed. He is to me both a father and a mother.” Mohamed said: “Zaid is my heir and I am his.” Muhammad’s youngest wife Aisha believed that if Zaid had not died, Mohamed would have made Zaid his successor. Later in his life, Mohamed spent a lot of time with Zaid’s son, Usama ibn Zaid. ~ A group of people from Mecca plotted to kill Mohamed. When the murderers burst into Mohamed’s room they found Mohamed’s 23 year old cousin, Ali, lying on Mohamed’s bed. Mohamed had escaped. Ali was a handsome youth. Mohamed said that “Looking upon Ali is worship,” and that “Ali would appear (even) to the dwellers of paradise as a morning star.” Reportedly, one historian wrote of Mohamed: “He often made (Ali) sleep by his side, and Ali enjoyed the warmth of Muhammad’s body and inhaled the holy fragrance of his breath.” Mohamed, reportedly, said: ‘Ali and I, fourteen thousand years before the creation of mankind, were one light. When Allah created Adam, he split this light into two, one of which I am and the other is Ali.” (Salman) We have read the Koran and we have lived in a Moslem country.

Kékavian January 3, 2018 - 7:38 pm

Minden ISTEN és belőle vele általa lett ami lett.
TE is Én is mindanyian.
Részei vagyunk.

All ISTEN and it made him become what he did.
You too are all of me.
We’re part of it.

(Google Translator … English to Hungarian)

akima tendo January 16, 2018 - 6:16 pm

Nonviolence, avoiding aggression, and Nonsinning, avoiding harm to others, is the whole of the Law and the Way of a Heaven of three Multiverses of Universes of Folds – all else is commentary. Now please go forth and Learn and Meditate – as the Buddha said, “Don’t believe it because I said so – figure it out on your own”. There is room for all Faiths and Nonfaiths out here in the Outer Multiverses with other Mortals – and in Heaven with many Kami/Gods and Megami/Goddesses. Buddha, Tao, Kami, and Megami Bless from this humble little Shinto Shamaness to all who trust in Nonviolence and Nonsinning.

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