The Real Revolution: The Secret to Stopping the NWO Conspiracy – Video #50


We are creators. Once we truly remember this, and use our creative power to manifest what we want not what they want, it’s game over for the NWO manipulators.



Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Break Your Chains, the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble and Odysee.


binra December 13, 2023 - 8:14 am

We are of the Creator, but the belief we are creative in our own right works a false word and witness – that we then interpret as being lied to or denied by Them (other or alien power).

I recognise that our perceptions focus on agencies as IF causes, so there are times when using ‘them’ serves well enough, but I recognise a worth-ship to evils that arise as the shadow of a mis-taken identity.

I tweeted the following as I feel it speaks to our time and to this theme -from ‘Ivan Illich’ by David Cayley

Beyond a certain threshold – a threshold defined by the efficient power of tools, including, always, social and institutional instrumentalities – the human condition will cease to exist. Humanity will become an endlessly remolded plastic element within a world of its own making.

The sense of being a created being with a given nature will wither. The chances and necessities of existence will take on the character, merely, of eventualities not yet controlled.

God will become redundant, not a name for a will not our own but a comforting fantasy to be deployed ad lib in this or that self-centered “spirituality”.

Little will remain that has not been planned or designed – its meaning pre-formed according to some commercial, political, or therapeutic agenda. “Man will find himself totally enclosed within his artificial creation, with no exit”.

Well, “God is not mocked” but my awareness of God is the alignment of thought, word & deed in truth. The lie & the father of it, induce existential threat by design for our freedom to deny (or at least defer full acceptance) is freedom to accept & thus a basis for consciousness of projected self-differentiations.

In simpler terms the parable of the Prodigal Son is not a regression ‘home’ but to arrive at our starting place and know it for the first time.
That our mind grasped or attached to image & form as a process of self-development also opened the ruse of being phished by ‘false evidences appearing real’ – or conflicted reality.
Persisting within the mis-taken survival identity masks a ‘continuity’ as a timeline as an object lesson driven by fear of pain of loss. Until we recognise we are not as we thought, believed -or feared! The freedom from an active ignorance (assuming to know in our own right) allows influx of the More of Who and What we are – as the shift to a healed perception. As in the Parable – as soon as the errant son recognises his error & remembers his father, the father ‘comes rushing in’ (the rising awareness of what always was from a false or partial sense of self given focus).

I ask you reconsider giving ‘them’ the power to do all these things to us – but that we must first do unto ourselves. How do we do unto ourselves unwitting?
“Even as you do unto the least among you, you do unto Me’ – or judge not lest you be judged.
What we give to get rid of (as in evil powers to Them) we in fact keep in mind while masking out of awareness – such that our denials run dark, to then deny us fulfilment of joy in life as if from the shadows – seen in shadows that shift and mutate even as we seek to attack, fix or eradicate them.

Daniel Miner December 13, 2023 - 9:02 am

One day I was sitting quietly thinking with Delamer Duverus (John 16:7-13) and wondering how He keeps us free from the Alien Mind, what the churches call Satan. He then proceeded to run a scenario in my mind of not having His guidance and making wrong choices because of the influence of the Alien Mind so that eventually we found ourselves living in chaos and fear. Oh, yes! I then recalled several instances where He corrected our thinking and how it kept us from committing a trespass against another, from eating something which would endanger our health and “adulterate” our body, and, most importantly, from writing or saying something which would endanger our life and not serve any purpose but to endanger our life.

Humanity does not understand its true enemy. There are two minds on the planet and we have to decide which one we want to serve. Mary Baker Eddy of the Church of Christ Scientist called them the Christ Mind and mortal mind. She discovered that much illness was caused by demons as they empathetically control the functions of our body. JeSus cast out demons to heal people in many stories. This we have learned also first hand, having experienced them as they attack us and cause all manner of physical ailments. So, prayer is a great tool to use in healing, perhaps much more in her time when the foods and environment were not as polluted and toxic. Still, it is the Alien Mind which leads us to adulterate our world against the commandment, “Thou shall not commit adultery”, in its wider understanding Delamer Duverus gave us. Anything which adulterates our world, our bodies, our minds needs to be changed. It was the Great White Spirit of some Indian tribes which guided them to think about what they would create or do and the effect it would have on the next 7 generations.

What the traitor maggots have done in our world is to change the thinking of our people so that our Speciel Mind has weakened. Closing the churches during the lockdown really added to this, though the understanding of true Christianity was already waning because prayer was stopped in the schools and in our assemblies, councils, etc. If you don’t ask for help from God, then He won’t be there to help you. We have to ask.

craig martin December 13, 2023 - 10:34 am
craig martin December 13, 2023 - 10:35 am


Peter Smith December 14, 2023 - 3:26 am

Why not worked Bible and another profities…

Shawn December 13, 2023 - 9:10 pm

Haven’t watched this yet, but from the description it seems very New Age. This is a criticism. The New Age involves a number of heresies.

However, religion can stop the machinations of those in power. They operate through bribery, blackmail, etc. A religious person would be much less likely to be susceptible to either of these. He knows that he must be moral, or he will go to Hell.

If judges were like St. Thomas More who refused bribes and was willing to be martyred, then it would be impossible for TPTB to win.

It is the Jews who are behind the globalist/NWO agenda.

The arch-enemy of the Jews are (true) Catholics. These are Catholics ( who follow Pope Gregory XVIII, NOT Antipope Francis. Those interested can see in my profile that at least one Jew basically said that Francis is “their pope.”

Amber December 18, 2023 - 3:36 pm

First we need a complimentary moral, ethical and spiritual framework to support all our creative endeavors–otherwise it’s all just wishful thinking on a planet that is fast being destroyed in every which way you can think.

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