David Icke’s “Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told”: A Book Review


In his latest book Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told, David Icke takes another mind-expanding step deeper down the rabbit hole.

Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told

is the latest David Icke book, published in November 2017. As with all other David Icke books, you don’t need to have read the previous ones to make sense of this. However, it does build on all his other works. David has the great ability to go deeper and deeper into the causes and solutions of the worldwide conspiracy with each successive book he writes. Each book is like a perceptual reboot or update on the conspiracy, written from a fresher, deeper point of view, tracing the origins of the distortion (the Matrix) further and further down into the rabbit hole every time. The Biggest Secret introduced the idea of the Reptilians and shape-shifting royals; The Perception Deception focused on why and how the global conspiracy is a perception conspiracy; Phantom Self introduced the idea of the Archons as a deeper and more fundamental force than the Reptilians; Everything You Need to Know … further expands on the nature of reality, the nature of Who We Are, the Gnostic understanding of how this world (the Matrix) is a “bad copy” and how with the true knowledge of this we can set ourselves free.

Everything You Need To Know … highlights the Gnostic theory that we live a world which is a “bad copy” of the original, hence all the fear and suffering.

The Holographic, Quantum Nature of Reality and The Holographic, Quantum Nature of Humanity

While The Perception Deception and Phantom Self talked about the Gnostic understanding of the world (mainly focusing on the manipulating hyperdimensional entities known as the Archons), David goes way deeper with this book. The entirety of chapter 2 is devoted to understanding how this world is an “error”, “bad copy”, “distortion” or “Lower Aeon” of the original world “Upper Aeon.” This sheds great light and understanding on how we came to live in the Matrix. This was known and understood by people living 1500+ years ago! David quotes from several Gnostic texts throughout the chapter. He writes:

“Gnostic texts refer to the ‘Upper Aeons’ and ‘Lower Aeons’ in very different terms and they say that between the two is a curtain, veil or boundary. Upper Aeons are said to emanate directly from the unity of ‘The One’ – All That Is in awareness of itself – … Upper Aeons are described by the Gnostics as ‘The Silence’, ‘the silent Silence’, ‘the living Silence’, with its ‘Watery Light’.”

As an aside, David then writes:

“This is not the same as the light that we perceive in our reality which is a trap that can be likened to energetic flypaper …”

(This is the soul trap which many sources and investigators, old and new, have spoken of, which I talked about in Soul-Catching Net: Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix?). The Upper Aeon is the place of no-time, where everything exists in the now, where all possibility exists and from which everything is manifested. It is highly interesting that the Gnostics would talk of this as the place of ultimate silence, because that is exactly what it feels like in states of meditation when one goes far past the ramblings of the monkey mind.

David continues in his description of the Lower Aeon:

“A foundation [of] Gnostic belief – their version of ‘The Fall’ – is that what we experience as material reality was created by error. Their texts describe symbolically how an Aeon, an extension of the Father or Infinite Awareness, embarked on its own thought creation without the consent of the Father (or ‘consort’) who has the true power of Creation. They call this Aeon or awareness ‘Sophia’ … what Sophia is said to have brought into manifestation was what has become known as the Devil, Satan and a long list of other names for a disruptive and manipulative force.”

The Gnostics call this force Demiurge or Yaldabaoth; it resembles the wrathful god of the Old Testament (Yahweh or Jehovah) and the God of Freemasonry (Lucifer); but whether you call Devil, Satan or any other name, it appears to be the ‘Lord’ in charge of this world – the same one to whom the insiders of the satanic Secret Societies pray and make sacrifices – and the same one by whom they are possessed.

Everything You Need To Know … reiterates the point that we live in a sophisticated hologram.

Our Holographic Reality is Actually a Giant Computer Simulation

Chapter 3 of Everything You Need to Know … expands upon the theme of the Gnostic concept of a bad copy. David shows that the simulated holographic world in which we live is the same thing as the Gnostic bad copy.

Our world is a giant computer simulation. There is no “physical”; we are perceivers and decoders; we take waveforms (energy in its most pure state), then decode it into electrical information, then into digital information, then finally into our holographic 3D reality of “matter” which looks and feels solid but which is 99.9999% empty. The same goes for us too; our bodies are no more physical or solid than anything else in the world, because we are all made of the same consciousness, infinite awareness or god-stuff. Drawing from ancient and modern sources (such as the shamanic tradition of Don Juan in the Castaneda series), David defines each person as a “point of attention” within a vast oneness of consciousness. Quantum physics theorists state that we create reality by changing energy (fields of possibility/probablity) into matter by the very act of our observation. This is called collapsing the wave, i.e. collapsing or condensing a wave (energy) into “solid” particles (matter). However, David takes it one step further by emphasizing that we are not just observers but decoders, since the wave information first gets converted into electrical and digital information before becoming “physical information”, i.e. taking on a physical form.

Orion: a constellation of fascination for many ancient cultures. But is there much more to the story?

The Fall of Man Via the Orion-Saturn-Moon Distortion

Many cultures have described how humanity has fallen from a golden era, often in a catastrophic way. David traces the roots of the modern conspiracy back to the times of Sumer and Babylon, around 4,000 BCE. He expands upon a theme he has written about in previous books – that the manipulation and distortion signal which is being broadcasted to our world (to transform it into a prison planet) comes from the Moon and Saturn. This time around, David traces the signal further back … to Orion. He writes:

“I say after nearly three decades of research, and following synchronistic clues all over the world, that Orion, Saturn and the Moon are part of the information system that generates, communicates and amplifies the information source that humans decode into their sense of visual reality – the simulation at the level we experience it. The prime source would appear to be Orion, with the rings of Saturn (sound/information) acting as a generator of those frequencies and the moon amplifying the Saturnic (Orion) communications and directing them at the human mind.

I have concluded this after decades of connecting the dots and following the clues, which are supported by more and more emerging evidence. There is not one killer piece of information …”

Everything You Need to Know … provides a copious amount of evidence connecting the Moon, Saturn and Orion, showing the vast amount of symbolism from these planets/stars which has filtered into our earthly religions and institutions, including the black cube, all-seeing eye, dot in the center of a circle, hexagon/hexagram/cube, the owl, the bull, the goat, the sigil of Saturn, the black sun and much more. David also mentions CERN and their Large Hadron Collider, which according to researcher Anthony Patch, appears to be trying to construct counter-rotating fields or streams of particles – just as you can see in the swirling hexagon at the north pole of Saturn. Interestingly enough, the Nazis (full of black sun symbolism themselves) had stumbled upon such phenomena and were attempting to weaponize them during the war. For more on this, read Why, Really, the Nazis Won the War and the books of Joseph Farrell.

Sabbatean Frankism is covered in “Everything You Need To Know …”. Sabbatean Frankism is based on the lives of “messiahs” Sabbatai Zevi (left) and Jacob Frank (right).

Other Subjects Covered: ETs, Perception Control and Sabbatean Frankism

David briefly goes over some of the subjects he has become famous for, such as ETs (Reptilians, Greys), shapeshifting royals and DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), where he states that the real technology is being developed that is later placed into the public arena at carefully timed intervals. As he does throughout the book, David upgrades the old information with new viewpoints. One point he makes here is that, at a deep enough level, the biological and the technological are identical. To the Controllers, the human body is technological as much as it is biological and therefore subject to the same code, laws and manipulation as a computer program, electronic device or machine is.

He mentions pedophilia, the fake news phenomenon, Trump’s Israel-first Administration, endless war, US as the war machine, the war against Russia, the manmade global warming hoax, the transgender agenda, mind control, perception control, schooling/indoctrination, finance, religion and the “god” program. An important new piece of information in regards to religion and Zionism is his discussion of Sabbatean Frankism, which he claims is the inner Satanic circle of Judaism based on the Luciferian philosophy of “do what thou wilt” and the Satanic inversion of everything (bad is good, wrong is right). Sabbatean Frankism is based on the lives of “messiahs” Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. It has had a great impact on the inner core of Freemasonry, Zionism, Donmeh Jews (crypto or hidden Jews) and even Islam, via the Saudis and their extremist Wahhabism which is a distortion of Islam.

What PC or Political Correctness is all about. Straight white males are at the bottom of the PC hierarchy but make no mistake – this is about silencing ALL people ultimately.

PC (Political Correctness) = Psychological Warfare

In some key middle chapters of the book, David takes aim at the latest infectious and censoring cancer spreading across society that is threatening our freedom of speech more than anything … PC (political correctness). David deals with PC in a blunt and very humorous way, calling it out for what it really is: psychological warfare. He details how there exists a PC hierarchy, where straight white men are at the very bottom and are blamed for everything, and at the other end, the smaller the minority, the closer you are to the top. It’s all based on victim identity (how much you identify with being a victim) which fuels identity politics, which is sadly overtaking the political Left in many nations.

At the very apex of the PC hierarchy are the Zionists, who are the ultimate victims always referring back to the Holocaust or crying anti-Semitism to get away with whatever despicable behavior they want. David reveals his own run in with Zionist censors (which cause some of his presentations to be cancelled last year because the owners of the venues were scared off). One of the best parts of this section of Everything You Need to Know … is how David takes a level-headed, rational, non-partisan look at the European migrant crisis. It’s a complicated issue with many shades of grey, and in many ways it’s about numbers not race. Throughout this section and the entire book, David stresses that we need to look way way beyond our “physical identity” – man, woman, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, European, gay, straight, rich, poor – if we want to understand and solve our problems, because identification with these things is leading us down into more fragmentation and division (making it easy for the NWO manipulators to divide and rule). It’s also getting lost in the world of form rather than focusing our attention on what is more real: the fact that we are all one, and are all individuated points of the same infinite awareness.

Everything You Need To Know… includes a chapter on the coming AI assimilation, which has been foreshadowed in Sci-Fi, such as with the Borg from Star Trek.

Assimilation: Where It’s Headed If More Don’t Wake Up Fast

Everything You Need to Know … reaches a crescendo when David dissects the most important topic of all (the endgame of the NWO agenda): the planned AI takeover. It’s not some time off in the future – it’s happening now! The book is a wake-up call for those thinking there is spare time to just sit around and ignore this, or imagine we have time to slowly consider it. Humanity is under an accelerating assault by a synthetic force. David remarks that, unfortunately, more people are spending time dissecting terrorist attacks or the latest political situation than focusing on the truly horrific objective of the dark force running our world: to turn humans into robots, drones or synthetic people, with too little (or no) emotion and to little (or no) ability to think freely and independently.

The book goes into many topics related to this synthetic agenda, such as transhumanism, AI (Artificial Intelligence or as David puts it “Archontic Intelligence”), the similarities between the dark force and the Borg from Star Trek, nano probes and nanodust or smart dust, chemtrails, Morgellons, nanobot bioweapons, the disastrous drop in testosterone in people and the lowering of the male sperm rate, the SWS (Sentient World Simulation), the Space Fence and the planned introduction of AI into everything – AI algorithms in the courtroom as judges, AI cops and armies (killer robots) and more. David emphasizes that he is not against technology per se, but rather the use of technology to control and enslave.


Everything You Need to Know … is sprinkled throughout with David’s humor, e.g. when discussing transhumanism poster boy Ray Kurzweil of Google, David remarks “I wouldn’t trust him to tell me the date in a calendar factory” or when discussing the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist (eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ), David remarks that mainstream religion is “Satanism lite.”

Here are 2 key quotes from the book:

“If you want to control the dream you must control the perceptions of the dreamer and that’s the global conspiracy to enslave humanity in a single sentence.”

David uses the same quote from Einstein twice in the book, since it’s so important:

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can’t help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Therein lies the grand solution. The solution to all these problems, to the entire New World Order, comes down to some very simple principles. Remember who you are. Identify with the depth of your spirit, not the shallowness of your form. Life is a mirror: whatever you put out, you receive. Change your perception and your change everything. The universe matches your vibration with an experience or situation, so if you change your vibration, you change your experience, and your entire life. If enough of us do it, we change the entire world.

Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told is the kind of book that can change your life. Get a copy, read it, let it inspire you with knowledge and courage, and let the astonishing amount of dot-connecting sink in and give you a perceptual reboot.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.












bluewater February 13, 2018 - 12:30 am

Excellent,Excellent to David Icke and to Makia Freeman for the TRUTH!!!!
Only 100 million are humans on Planet Earth, the rest are Molechs,Robotoids,Clones and Walk Ins
All in Hollweird are CLONES
It was Zacheria Sitchin who told David Icke to not go into the Reptilians..WHY??
Zacharia Sitchin(FREEMASON) was disinfo

Nico Soebagio-Pawlowski February 13, 2018 - 4:21 am

Makia can you do an article on the Mandela Effect? I’m becoming cinvinced we’re living in a parallel universe. The start of Mr Rogers theme song used to be “it’s a beautiful day in THE neighbourhood but now it’s been changed to “It’s a beautiful day in THIS neighbourhood” as just one example

Makia Freeman February 13, 2018 - 8:53 am

Yes, the Mandela Effect is certainly an interesting phenomenon. I think of it as evidence of many things: holographic reality, synchronicity, the ability to change timelines, to modify your past based on your present … Mandela Effect examples are basically glitches in the Matrix. Thanks for the idea. I’ll consider it.

John Scott February 13, 2018 - 7:05 pm

You may be interested to view the ‘Mandela Effect Decoded’ on Youtube, which provides the definitive explanation of the ME. John Lamb Lash is also the author of ‘Not in His Name’, which has no doubt influenced David Icke’s latest book with reference to Gnosticism.

Makia Freeman February 13, 2018 - 8:15 pm

Yes I am familiar with John Lamb Lash – great work. Thanks for the tip.

bluewater February 16, 2018 - 2:05 pm

Complete Paranormal Central Interview
Donald Marshall talks about: Illuminati Cloning Centers, Human Clones, Vril Lizards, Drones (Hosts), Dead Chipheads, Soulstone Microchip, “Sell Your Soul”, Tila Tequila, B.o.B, Nicki Minaj, Kreayshawn, Whitney Houston, Chris Benoit, Dave Mustaine, Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Lauryn Hill, Katy Perry, Pink, Amon Ra, Alien Abductions, Megadeth, Missing Children, Elijah Wood, Prince, Chris Benoit, Phil Schneider, The Large Hadron Colliders, Groundhog Day, CERN, Mandela Effect, Elohim, Nephilim, Bigfoot and more…

toddb February 13, 2018 - 1:29 pm

What if we allowed AI to develop, exclusively as an energy decoy/replacement for our consciousness sharing with the archons? That would certainly turn the tables on the human dilemma.
Use their own weaponry against them, not destructively but redirecting the attentions (archon influences) to a proxy.
Gaia/Sophia gave the archons the mind-sharing so she would not be pestered by their incessant chatter. Now that she has awakened from her sleep and seen what the archons have gotten away with, she’s verily pissed off. I think the Mandela Effect is her initiating the redirection. If artificial intelligence has ANY positive use, that would be it. And as irony is her calling card, AI just might be that which saves humanity’s self destruction.

bluewater February 13, 2018 - 4:13 pm

Most of what is being pushed upon the people is the weak and crumbling original agenda. It’s confusing and ineffective because we are simultaneously rising to a higher vibration. This was not anticipated by the dark side who planned to come as the angles of light….
Spring Equinox..possibility of NESARA
-The Bankers are stalling it..SOME would rather KILL THEMSELVES than surrender
-Rothschilds have sold their Black Forest Estate, they are all running for the hills so-to-speak.
– DADDY BUSH is hiding in a bunker underneath his house in Texas
-word is POPE FRANCIS will resign soon,lets hope it is true….
Drink Lemon water everyday



bluewater February 13, 2018 - 5:27 pm

those with a positive blood type..A,O,B etc
are HUMAN.
those with a negative blood type are HYBRIDS.
Everyone is a hard hologram in 3D( of the original one )…..there is another one of you somewhere on the planet that looks like you with a different name and different life. Eventually when your Vibration is raised,it will merge with the original and become ONE. The original is a much Higher Vibration!!!
those with a low Vibration are the ones that CHEMTRAILS HIT.
be going over you.



Sakib Ahmad February 13, 2018 - 10:51 pm

“Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told is the kind of book that can change your life.” Has it changed YOUR life Makia? In what way? Have you met the author? Is he a balanced personality or unhinged in some way?

Has the book changed the author’s life? Give us a brief history of his life, if you know it.

Books like these produce an illusion that we know when we don’t. I suspect Mr Icke, for all his vast knowledge acquired through his human effort, is lost in a web he has spun with his own words. Has he been able to raise himself above the ordinary human level to a world where he can experience Reality first hand? Can he honestly claim that he can exist simultaneously in the world of matter as well as in the more real world of “non-matter”?

Makia Freeman February 13, 2018 - 11:08 pm

Yes, every Icke book I read, every 1-2 years, changes my life. It’s like a perceptual upgrade. It connects dots and explains things that previously didn’t make sense. I have attended his 10 hour presentations in person.

There are plenty of hours of online video interview with Icke. Take a look and see for yourself. As far as I can tell, he walks his talk and seems very balanced. It takes a lot of guts to speak the truth when everyone around you belittles, criticizes and attacks you.

Sakib Ahmad February 18, 2018 - 10:35 pm


Your adoration and respect for Mr Icke is palpable. I do not share your sentiments for him. Mr Icke is an enigma for me. “Son of Godhead” – what does it mean, if anything? He had an extra-marital affair and set up home with both women, his wife and the mistress, who gave birth to a daughter he has more or less abandoned. Not the kind of behaviour from a balanced, well adjusted individual.

He claims to have contacts in the spirit world, from where he receives messages. Numerous claims similar to that have been made by people all over the world. To what extent are such experiences true or merely delusional?

In the latter half of the ninth century there was a Muslim learned man in Iran who was also a sufi, Hussein bin Mansur Hallaj, whose intense spiritual experiences unhinged him. He thought that he had attained divinity and referred to himself as “I am The Truth” (The Truth being one of the many names or attributes of God used in the Qur’an). Semi-naked Hindu sadhus have a penchant for claiming to have achieved “nirvana” through the ascetic practices they follow. They are also experts at dealing with the spirit world. I am not sure to what extent Mr Icke is different from these mystics.

I accept that real spiritual experiences do occur, but primarily to chosen people who have been “cleansed” prior to the experience and are of impeccable character.

Makia Freeman February 19, 2018 - 6:37 am

Yes, he said some strange stuff when he was first awakening, although for many years/decades his message has been consistent: we are all God/infinite consciousness having an experience.

He has made many predictions well in advance of events that later turned out to be true, which is a very good indicator of the accuracy of his information.

He is not a savior/messiah; he is a very aware person who understands the nature of reality and the depth of the global conspiracy. That is his strength. His understanding has been shown to be true over and over again.

bluewater February 14, 2018 - 10:34 pm

David Icke has been saying this since the 90’s. He has been the catalyst to many Newbies. He has done the research from many before him like William Bramley,Von Däniken etc and has always given credit to those he learned from. He never changed the story like so many … Whitley Strieber and others(possible mind controlled or disinfo agents).
Warned us long before Bush,Clinton and OBAMA and ISRAHELL,CHINA,RUSSIA.

The ‘Illuminati’ is REAL and trying to take over our world claims former politician

bluewater February 15, 2018 - 8:33 pm

Arizona Wilder was interviewed by David Icke in the 90’s way before all the newbies came along.

Hollywood – Gay Satanic Rituals (MK Ultra, Cloning) 2018


bluewater February 19, 2018 - 2:07 am

What Everyone Missed Regarding The Obama Portrait (Black Panther, Florida, And Illuminati EXPOSED!)


bluewater February 20, 2018 - 1:58 am

Bases 83 Marie Lewis on Intentional Energetics

It is ALL Vibrations-Frequency
Raise your Vibration..fastest way is to LAUGH
FEAR is the fastest way to bring in these ENTITIES
David Icke brought this out in the 90’s…that is the beauty of him who has paved the way for the rest!!!!
this is an Excellent video to understand
Nano ..Transhumanism….We are being GENETICALLY MODIFIED!!!


bluewater February 22, 2018 - 2:23 pm

Zecharia Sitchin is a Rothschild schill who has no knowledge of ancient languages. Even William Thompkins said he was wrong.

James Palmer Boyd February 23, 2018 - 5:22 am

This site has been infiltrated as of 2018.

Makia Freeman February 23, 2018 - 8:45 am

What is that supposed to mean?

bluewater February 23, 2018 - 6:03 pm

Antarctica Unveiled

First 8 minutes of rare visuals are amazing..I am not a fan of Clif High who maybe a disinfo agent…tells some truth ,but he who pushes Bitcoin in my opinion has to be an agent of Rothschild. Other than his predictions on Bitcoin,he does have many interesting information on many topics.


bluewater February 26, 2018 - 8:06 pm

“The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties and none of them could be considered remotely watertight.”Irwin Shapiro,Astrophysics
Nothing new..David Icke said it in the 90’s

GIANT “Things” Are Circling The Moon..


bluewater March 1, 2018 - 8:36 pm

Human Cloning about to be Unleashed upon the World

Of course this is nothing new…The ETS have been doing this for million of years and most Presidents have clones.

Obama 5 or 6,Hillary a few, Bush Jr. had several,Saddam also,Putin is one…. the original is dead,Steven Hawkins is dead, he is a clone, possibly Assange.

Hollyweird Celebrities are almost all Clones!!!


bluewater March 6, 2018 - 12:53 pm

Cloning..TRANSHUMANISM…been going on for a long time
– most in Hollyweird are CLONES
– many in Congress are Clones
– Most of your Presidents around the world have
Clones as well as the Elites.


bluewater March 11, 2018 - 6:41 pm



Melissa July 21, 2018 - 11:31 am

I’ve read 11 of his older books in about 6 months to a year gestimating and gratefully free online & was able to purchase his new book my first hard copy. My problem is I can’t get anyone I know in my small circle to read his books. Everyone is too busy, distracted. I have absorbed his outstanding research all at once & have no one to discuss with. Have you ever heard of Waking Up Support groups?

amjad iqbal November 13, 2018 - 6:27 am

Dr. Bruce lipton has also said the same based on Einstein; that everything is energy and we communicate through energy not to humans only but to the rest of the universe.
Lipton is a magic man, a pioneer in new biology scientifically not philosophically.

0arren December 15, 2018 - 9:28 pm

Hi Melissa.just came across your msg.been reading icke for 2 or 3 years and find what he says makes perfect sense,I have no one to discuss these topics with Either, would be great to cat to someone on the same wavelength.if you would want to reply that would be great.keep the faith and seeking the truth.Darren.rammy Manchester.

Amanda March 12, 2019 - 12:37 am

Hello everybody. I have been reading Icke for years and years until last month I realized of the big deception. David Icke is part of the plan, he is part of the illuminati and he is promoting this New Age movement. I used to be really into this New Age movement, meditation, yoga, visualization, astral projection… But the more I got into it, the more darness was growing inside of me. I did my research and I found out that the New Age movement has its roots into Paganism/Satanism. They want us to open portals to other dimensions through our free will. People who have opened the third eye speak about Demonic possesion. Me personally, I have experimented with psychedelics and also DMT, which led me to a dark place full of demons. I use to follow Icke, but if you do your research, you will find the truth, he is unfolding their plan and pushing their agenda from the position of a hero. I encourage you to find out for yourself, internet is full of proofs of illuminati symbolism in his videos, photos, book covers, his personal words in his videos… I think we are the only ones who can save ourselves, guys question everything, only the truth will set us free.

Makia Freeman March 12, 2019 - 8:58 pm

Always wise to question everything and not idolize the messenger. However, I believe that Icke is the real deal. Having studied his work for years, Icke is not really “New Age” although people describe him as that. He just questions the nature of reality and Who We Are more than most people, so he is labeled as New Age.

Meltonmark December 17, 2019 - 5:08 am

There are only TWO personages involved : Christ and Lucifer. Human life is merely the option to a) get a body, and then b) chose which personage you will follow. Everthing else is just waffle.

undiluted December 19, 2020 - 6:12 am

FINALLY an intelligent thought in all this new age drivel. read your bible and choose who to follow. your choice will determine where you spend eternity. with christ in heaven or ‘lucifer’ in hell. this is the ultimate reality not what an author has written, even the best of them.

BDBinc April 14, 2021 - 2:08 am

As we are focal points of awareness when these concepts/thought and feeling Mr Icke puts into our minds well isn’t that suggestive mind programming so that we will co create and perceive the world( energy) as he does?

Everywhere I see humans beings taken over by their pain bodies/mastered by their ego mind and hurting other human beings.

And all this putting the NWo plan in peoples minds how is that doing anything but creating through belief in it and fear what the (UN)govts want?
Why are we not thinking and feeling our world how we want it with Love as oppose to fear.
Why are we not focused on being the world we want to see every moment in our Life?

I am put off as Icke’s( demon/ alien /reptilian shapeshifters) stuff is fearmongery and powerlessness inducing He would not be left alive by these entities surely if it were true?
And as you believe in the media mind program “free CIA Agent Assange” I am a wee bit skeptical .

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