Don’t be fooled by all the talk of fighting fake news. Do you know what it’s really all about? Censorship.
Fighting fake news
is the new pretext given by the ruling cabal in many nations to enact censorship via the back door. Amid the rallying cries of “We must fight fake news!” both France (under would-be dictator Macron) and now Brazil are attempting to pass legislation to ban political content on the web that the government deems to be fake news. There is a theme to this, as it follows on from many acts of censorship in 2016 and 2017. Whether it’s Twitter shadowbanning, Facebook rolling our fake news checkers or deleting entire accounts, YouTube embarking upon soft censorship through forced sign-ins or hard censorship by deleting entire channels, Google’s search engine hiding websites (by de-ranking them) or – worst of all – Google demonetizing content and sites not to its liking, censorship is clearly getting worse and threatening to overtake a free and open internet.
All in the Name of Fighting Fake News
The big corporations of the internet have shown their true colors on the issue of censorship vs. free speech. Amazon has been caught banning certain books from being sold on its platform, e.g. in 2015 it decided to ban Jim Fetzer’s book No One Died at Sandy Hook, which exposed the false flag mass shooting at Sandy Hook. In reaction to the whole “Russian meddling in the US election saga”, which is itself fake news and a tempest in a teapot, Facebook decided to get tough and enlist the help of international fact checkers to do your thinking for you and decide for you what is real news and what is fake news. Funnily enough, it was recently reported that the rollout didn’t go so well, so for the time being Facebook has canned the idea because it was making things worse! Facebook has also been caught banning posts on certain topics (e.g. with and their posts on gun control) or even deleting entire accounts of users it didn’t like (as recently happened with David Icke, whose 700,000+ follower account just got reinstated after being down for 6 days due to an “error” – yeah right).
Twitter is no stranger to censorship either, with its employees boasting of shadow banning (aka stealth banning, ghost banning or comment ghosting), meaning blocking a user or their content from an online community without the user realizing they have been banned. At one point Google publicly floated the idea of deranking and delisting certain sites (they mentioned Russian sites RT and Sputnik), but they later did a U-Turn and claimed they would not be doing that. Obviously, it is easily within their power to tamper with algorithms to include or exclude anything they want, and virtually no one would ever know the search results were being skewed due to Google’s own ideological bias. Google was caught doing this in favor of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 US presidential elections. Indeed, after the firing of ex-Google employee James Damore (who has now initiated a class action lawsuit due to his dismissal), we have to wonder whether bias isn’t already coded into Google’s algorithms just as a result of their orthodoxy and culture (left-wing and promoting diversity at all costs). Recently, Breitbart reported that Google’s fact-checking almost exclusively targets conservative or right wing media.
It’s not just Google itself. Google-owned YouTube has been embarking on campaigns of both soft censorship and hard censorship. In many ways, soft censorship is more insidious, because then the company can claim plausible deniability and refuse to admit they are even engaged in censorship. In this case, soft censorship refers to when YouTube technically allows people to watch a video, but makes it difficult by putting barriers in the way, e.g. by claiming the content is “age-restricted” (forcing you to open an account, give your details to YouTube and prove that you are of mature age) or using other ways to force you to sign in before being allowed to watch the video. The adpocalypse of 2017 as it was called was perhaps closer to hard censorship, and involved a sweeping demonetization of videos due to “inappropriate content” for advertisers. Finally, YT has actually deleted entire channels on occasion, such as the deletion of ActivistPost’s account last year in 2017.
Fighting fake news is really about the end goal of narrowing the “allowable”, “permissable” or even “legal” range of thought … censorship and perception management.
It’s Not Just Fighting Fake News; Censorship Also Thriving under Pretext of Fighting Terrorism, Fighting Hate Speech and Being Political Correct
Fighting fake news gives would-be tyrants a great excuse to censor, however free speech is also being eroded by the equally vague and nebulous concepts of terrorism and hate speech. The term fake news rose to prominence right around the time that Donal Trump was elected in November 2016, yet there is hardly a clear and widely-agreed upon definition for the phrase. It often gets used by people who seek to criticize information they don’t like, dismiss allegations against them, or even to defend themselves when faced with an unflattering report about themselves. As Glenn Greenwald writes:
Yet, as many have long been warning, few people, if any, ever bothered to define what the term [fake news] actually means. As a result, it’s incredibly vague, shifting, and devoid of consistent meaning. Do any news articles that contain false, significant assertions qualify? Is there some intent requirement, and if so, what is it and how is determined (does recklessness qualify)? Can large mainstream outlets such as the Washington Post, Le Monde, and Globo be guilty of publishing “fake news” and thus subject to this censorship, or is it — as one expects — reserved only for small, independent blogs and outlets that lack a powerful corporate presence?
Ill-defined terms that become popularized in political discourse are, by definition, terms of propaganda rather than reliable, meaningful indicators of problems. And invariably, they wreak all kinds of predictable havoc and inevitably give rise to abuses of power. More than anything else, such terms — which, by design, mean whatever the powerful groups wielding them want them to mean — so often produce arbitrary censorship in the name of combatting them. Just consider two similarly ill-defined but popular propagandistic terms — “terrorism” and “hate speech” — which have been appropriated by governments all over the world to justify the most extreme, repressive powers.
The fake war on terror has given the West – especially the US and UK – lots of mileage to suppress its own citizens. Egypt and Saudi Arabia also jumped in on the act with censorship laws based on terrorism. As for hate speech, it has been used to silence all sorts of opinions including those opposing Zionism and Israel’s continuous theft and murder against the Palestinians – because if you criticize Israel then you must be anti-semitic, right (even though true Judaism and Zionism are mutually exclusive)?
Political correctness is nothing but censorship at the end of the day. It is intolerance disguised as tolerance. As George Carlin said, it is fascism pretending to be manners. There is no right “not to be offended.” It is becoming more and more ludicrous as each year passes, with groups making lists of approved and non-approved terms and insisting that people using the non-approved, “politically incorrect” terms are therefore committing microaggressions against the people who hear them. How much more are we going to take before our range of “permissible” thoughts has been utterly diminished?
When you put all these nebulous but lethal terms together – national security, war on terror, terrorism, hate speech and fake news – it pretty much allows the government to do anything it wants to you, anytime, anywhere, including searching you, robbing you, jailing you and killing you!
Final Thoughts
Watch out anytime politicians invent a new talking point term which is vague and indefinable. That vagueness can be used against you. Fighting fake news is a joke. People are people. As long as humans have had free will and the ability to speak or write, there has always been the possibility of people lying, omitting, distorting or making false claims. It’s part of being alive to develop your discernment and work out what is true or false. Never allow government to pretend it can do this, for the result will always be that the ruling class filters out what its doesn’t want you to know out of self-interest and a desire for more power and control.
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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
*Rare* 1967 Record Exposes Everything
How to live a HAPPY and HEALTHY LIFE is based on HOW YOU THINK AND FEEL.
Changing YOUR MIND can do wonders!!!!
We are all participants in the nature of reality.
How Mastering Awareness Can Reinvent Your Reality (law of attraction)
For all the Indoctrinated SHEEPLE, PHD Ego so called intellectuals and commentators who are brain washed and ASLEEP or internet trolls and AI bots…your FAKE NEWS and Bullsh*t is destroyed in 3 mins
The Flat Earth Psy-Op is DEAD!
Here is SOME REAL NEWS for those that are not ASLEEP
and can HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!
Artificial Intelligence and Genetically Modifying Humans…MIND CONTROL,SECRET SPACE PROGRAM,BLOODLINES,VACCINES..
Many researchers have exposed this and there are many good articles on this site as well.
Dark Lab survivor, Starfire was born into the Illuminati and donated for experiments. She describes autism vaccines, brain implant technology and mind control products.The American military-medical-industrial complex recruited aerospace Nazi doctors to America using Operation Paperclip.Are humans being genetically modified to be more compatible with artificial intelligence for life in space?–Anna Starfire
How we got to this Fake World
deliberate and rampant psychological warfare being played against us – Israeli’s, Palestinain’s,Russian’s, Iranians,Euroepean’s,American’s and Eskimos alike.
We are enmeshed in a web of lies and deceit that is a scientific process like never before. Propaganda is five layers deep. Just when you think you understand the game, another variable pops up.
All is true, yet not one person is willing to state the obvious except bluewater.
The TRUTH will always come out,so what is the purpose of LIES!!
John Rappoport destroyed this year’s flu scam
“Massive flu outbreak? Here’s the real story the media won’t touch. The lies, the hoax, the scandal.
This is a beautiful piece of work. You need to read the whole thing, click the link, it is GREAT.
The truth about vaccination and the lack of evidence for a flu virus being present goes even deeper: Germs morph according to their immediate environment. For human health this means that harmful viruses are present only to the extent that our internal milieu is contaminated.
See the phenomonon of “pleomorphism”
All mammals and most likely all other animals have two parasites. They are in a particular relationship and supplement each other.
Those two parasites or endobionts are called Mucor racemosus Fresen and Aspergillus niger van Tiegham.
Bechamp, Rife and Naessens could demonstrate that they are virtually indestructible. Neither carbonizing temperatures nor radioactive radiation can harm them.
Enderlein believed that they entered the cells of higher differentiated cell colonies as parasites while Antoine Bechamp believed that they are the essence of life in the cell.
The endobiont is always present and cannot be removed from the living cell; the clinical symptoms of a disease depend on the stadium of its development. This “fungal parasite” can be present in all tissues and organs.
Today’s mainstream medicine is governed by consent of opinions rather than hard scientific evidence. This is the reason why false and fraudulent teachings can survive even though the truth has been known for a long time. There are basically three dogmas that are still adhered to:
The first and probably most disastrous error originates from Ferdinand Cohn, who in 1870 proclaimed that all microbes and bacteria have only one form (Monomorphism). This was also taught by Louis Pasteur. This teaching was opposed to the teaching of Antoine Bechamp who, roughly at the same time, could demonstrate that microbes can alter their form and appear as different germs (pleomorphism). Enderlein basically confirmed this and many other researchers after him.
All microbes that permanently live in our organism go through the same stages of their development. According to Enderlein they are as follows: Colloid — microbe (primitive phrase), bacteria (middle phase), fungus (end phase). Royal Rife could show that with increased toxicity the transformation goes into non-filterable forms, not visible with ordinary light microscopes (viruses). This also disproves Pasteur’s infection theory as the “pathogenic bacteria” do not have to come from outside and in fact hardly ever do. The state of development depends on the medium the germ lives in:
Primitive phases live in a strong alkaline pH
Bacterial phases live in mild alkaline pH
Fungal forms live in a medium acid pH
Viral forms live in a strong acid pH
In order to keep the right environment, every microbe produces an organic acid:
Mucor racemosus — lactic acid,
Aspergillus niger — citric acid.
The pathogenity of a particular germ lies only in one phase of its development. Our “constant tenants” are the only exemption where all but the very early stages are pathogenic. Only what Enderlein termed protit and chondrite are completely avirulent and play an important regulatory role in reducing higher virulent forms to primitive forms by copulating with them.
Very well said. It is nice you took a brake from INFOWARS. Someone does not want that information out…the link opens up as Hotels in Rio….things that make you go HMMMMMMMMM. I guess the AI is and google will always send you to something else,if they do not want you to see a certain sites!!
That is why it is very important to keep the body/organism well balanced.
PH is very important as we all were born PH 7.2.
OUR BODIES are 70% water,so is the Planet..coincidence? I do not think so…
Most disease thrives in a body that is below 7.0 PH
Cancer thrives in a very ACIDIC BODY as well as viruses. That is why it is very important to make the body alkaline by drinking plenty of GOOD WATER. Eating green vegetables..Alfalfa,Spinach,Wheat Grass etc.
Meat and processed food will make the body acidic.
Taking Lugols Iodine is crucial in today’s world with so much radiation and viruses and infections (mostly bio weapons by the govt)..Consuming Himalayan Pink Salt,Magnesium,Vitamin C ,Vitamin D,
CBD OIL can only do the body good.
Excellent article, thank you
MockingBird In Hawaii Alert Center Hours Before Missile Warning.
Hawaii False Flag:
There was TWO missiles that were SHOT DOWN…
It was a FALSE FLAG to blame NORTH KOREA,to start WW3.
FLU…that is being dumped is a CHEMICAL WEAPON.
clean your Nostrils with SEA SALT and lukewarm water.
use essential oils on the bottom of your feet when you go to sleep.
-GERMANY. 87,000 Pedophiles arrests but there is way much more.
-HAWAII FALSE FLAG…People have taken photos of a Diamond shape craft that TOOK OUT a Submarine and Missiles 2 Missiles were shot down by Pleiadians. The USA Military was contacted,but they were not ready to do it,so the Pleiadians took care of it!!!
-URANIUM ONE…The Clintons might be given a PASS on this .PUTIN paid for it…so it has to be handled with KID GLOVES and not get PUTIN ANGRY.
He is very well protected by the FSB.. people will go down for this but maybe NOT THE CLINTONS.
-USA will be going on the GOLD STANDARD.
your FIAT money will be exchanged for the real money,it is on HOLD and waiting for the right moment.
-JEFF SESSIONS..was paid 150 Million from DADDY BUSH to leave the Hillary ALONE!!! he was also paid money from the tobacco companies to go after Marijuana
– DO NOT GO FIND OUT YOUR DNA…The government is looking for ONE of 8 TRAITS so do not send your DNA into these SCAMS,because if you have the trait,you will be abducted and taken to a FEMA CAMP( What Hitler was trying to do with his perfect race)
-Steven Greer Fake Alien Invasion… ridiculous… but to many are STILL ASLEEP..IF YOU SEE ETS..just live your LIFE..forget it!!!
Hawaii Confirmation:
A chartered vessel with 9 tour boat guides and about 13 tourists witnessed some type of explosion in the sky about 100 NM offshore of Maui at the time the nuclear alert went off in Hawaii. Witnesses that were in a light house 100 miles away also saw the explosion, which would mean it had to be huge and visible from two different vantage points at least 100 miles apart. This would likely have been a nuclear weapon used to take down another nuclear weapon…JimStone
DNA test…THE Ancestry SCAM.
They are looking for a certain type of DNA
1 of 8 traits they are looking for.
Blood that is A,B,O NEGATIVE,,,has Alien genes.
A,B.O positive does not carry it.
If you have negative blood,the govt will abduct you because they need the genes to harvest it.
RH NEGATIVE has always been followed !!
THE RAREST BLOOD is ABO TYPE BLOOD which is Alien Mix Race
From Jim Stone..EX NSA
go to his sites to see photos
UPDATE: I have been all over this for the last few hours and the only explanations are obvious blatant trollage. The pictures are genuine, there are many others of this same event from different angles but these are the best ones, that prove the beam going upward is NOT lens flare, and the event was absolutely massive. There’s no freaking way any kind of a flame like this one (half mile across at least) would not be in the news unless it was classified. FINAL ANSWER.
These were also called “meteors” by the Pentagon. Folks, this is obvious “Independence day” stuff. I have confirmed the pictures are not fake. I have also confirmed other people got pictures of the same thing but they are not as clear. For the record, there was a real meteor in Michigan last night, but this is an event that is separate from that meteor. CONFIRMED: This city where the beam is coming down was visited by presidents Bush, Obama, and Clinton. That’s VERY odd, when Taylor is ranked 543rd among American cities. Something is there, and it probably just got the death ray.
UPDATE: The meteor happened in New Haven, and the photo below happened in Taylor on the same night. It is NOT the same event. UPDATE: After gathering a lot more evidence and looking over alternative explanations, I see absolutely no reason to back down on this. You simply can’t explain the light beam in the photo to the right as being anything other than what it appears to be.
There is definitely something important in Taylor Michigan (or was) because three presidents did indeed visit that town, and it is not a signifiant town by it’s own virtue, being ranked 543rd.
IMPORTANT: The trolls are VERY sensitive to people posting the fact that three presidents have been to where this event happened, flatly stating it is false. Well folks, look what came up as the first hit:
Without question something was in Taylor that drew the attention of three consecutive presidents, and it probably just got fried.
There is, without question, a scorched patch of earth a half mile across smack dab in the heart of the Detroit suburbs, and it is completely expunged from the media. There is simply no other way the picture above, and others that confirm it happened, could possibly happen without massive damage somewhere and the fact no “scorched earth” photos are on the web only proves that whatever happened was classified, the area it happened in is shut off, and people posting about it are getting expunged.
Too many “meteors”
There is something going on in space. This morning there was a video of what the Pentagon declared to be a meteor, and it was obviously spacecraft flying back and forth. It was caught on a security camera a woman had set up at her house. I don’t know why I did not save it, and now the video is gone from Youtube.
All I can do is describe it. There were five different spacecraft that appeared to be friendly to each other flying back and forth at about the same altitude. They appeared to be above the atmosphere at night, with the sun reflecting off of them brightly. They faded in and out, which would indicate that they were doing manouevers in space with the craft reflecting more or less sunlight depending on which way they were turned. It was OBVIOUS UFO activity. I did not think the video would be banned, but it got banned. I did not save it. Too bad.
The bottom line is that all the reports of meteors, where everything, no matter how much it can’t be a meteor being called one, have to be B.S. There is something going on in space right now, and I’d bet it is related to the missile alarm in Hawaii. That particular event is too well documented to have been anything other than a sub based missile launch, my question is, how exactly did the missile (or missiles) actually get destroyed?
Due to the fact that I don’t have an answer for exactly how the missiles were shot down, I’m not going to make any statements, but I will say there is without question open and active UFO activity going on right now that needs to be looked into. They could be ours. We all know a lot of tech is hidden but the behavior of the UFO’s in the video that is now deleted did not make it look like people were controlling them, they instead appeared to be operated by an intelligence that functions differently than ours does.
The title of the video was “Meteorite? I don’t think so” recorded at 8:08 PM (just perfect for having spacecraft be in the sun in space after the sun has set on the ground) on January 16 and it is completely expunged from Youtube now. There’s little question the Pentagon considered it a sensitive issue. Maybe it was our stuff up there and the pentagon did not want video of it circulating but I think there’s more to this than that.
It is also important to note that it was widely observed, this particular woman saw it along with many others, went home, and checked her security video to see if any of her outdoor cameras caught it, and one caught it perfect.
EVEN WEIRDER, the video was posted by Lucky Puppy and if you look at that channel you’ll really scratch your head, it was posted by a super high class dog sanctuary, NOT any sort of UFO hoaxer! There’s no freaking way the video was a hoax.
It originally had this description:
Around 8:08pm, January 16, 2018, everyone in our community and nearby communities (more than 60 mile radius) reported seeing a bright flash of light in the sky and many people heard a loud BOOM. II thought it was lightening and thunder and then I started thinking… that’s silly, it’s like 10 degrees outside and clear. I called my daughter, who was driving home and she saw it too and she also saw a bright light, like a beam of light in another direction. I checked our outdoor security cameras and this is what I found…. –Let me tell ya, I love living in the country but this creeped me out a little bit. I’m just glad all my kids here have 4 legs and LOTS of teeth. LOL What do you think it is. To be clear, I, personally, don’t believe in aliens.
My comment: It is one of two things. Alien spacecraft, or black budget spacecraft, operating in space just after dark with the sun hitting them. The craft were operating in a way that made it obvious they were for deep space, not any kind of crap that uses rockets that we already know about. Video DELETED. Gee, I wonder why.
I think it might be safe to say that there is a nuclear war on the horizon, someone knows about it, and it won’t be happening without interference.
Taking WOMAN Seriously…SERIOUSLY!!!!!
#MeToo: Hollywood Satanic Witches TakeOver!?
Beyoncé: DNA Test Says I am a Reptilian Illuminati Tranny …
WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON is explained in this
EXCELLENT VIDEO about our FUTURE and what MAKIA has told in so many articles…..
-Government Shut DownUnited States Corporation did final papers for bankruptcy on Sunday in Las Vegas.
-Hillary has made a PLEA DEAL WITH THE DOJ. 100 people very dirty will be going down
– DACA is about the 666 CHIP..US MILITARY and CITIZENS. 200 million must take the CHIP.Republicans want you to take the chip. They will use it for IMMIGRANTS and you. It will be placed on your RIGHT HAND around the thumb by the soft part. It will have an explosive device ,in case they want to Kill You. Those with a gun will shoot as they do not want the Chip. HERE IS HOW TO REMOVE IT: take a bowl with ICE and COLD water and ADD SALT to it. Place hand in it for a minute,this will stop it from exploding. Cut it out by the sides,and pop it out this way. You can get rid of it,but you can hold it in your hand when they scan your hand,but at least you will not have inside your skin.
-Police raided NEWSWEEK IN NYC..slowly the Cabal will be going down. We are talking about 100 million.
-NEW California has already been instituted NOT THE STATE PER SE……not HOLLYWOOD and GOV BROWN, many underground bases under Hollywood and LA have are being destroyed were pedophilia is rampant. IT IS THE WILD WEST. Many Mangers in Hollywood wear boots that have been made with children’s skin.
-WHEN YOU SEE THE CHEMTRAILS HAVE STOPPED..then you will have RV(Financial Re Evaluation)
-MICROSOFT controls everything..GOOGLE etc. Most browsers are watching everything you write and do. BEST WAY to circumvent MICROSOFT is to use and duckduckgo.
-SOROS those he answers to have agreed to give back Humanity their power back…THEY HAD NO CHOICE!!!..Godfather deal!!
– THE GOLDEN AGE will start with THE BLUE MOON,FULL MOON,SUPER MOON,ECLIPSE on JAN 31st..which has been known for I 1/2 Billion years. and many ancient civilizations like Inuit have know this.
– There are 250 million inhabitants on the dark side of the moon,which looks like Manhattan,that is why you never see it.
– When your Vibration is HIGH….Satanic Entities,Negative ETS will stay away..LAUGH RAISES YOUR VIBRATION…
Hillary Clinton Sacrifices Chickens to Moloch…
Hollywood,Bohemian Grove,Secret Societies,FBI
William Mount is an INTEL person.He gets his info from Intel and Military high ups and Ashatar Command.
There are TWO Ashtar is full of BS and one is real
Speaking Of FAKE about the MEDICAL MAFIA!!!
Psychic Utsava about future arrests-Obama,Clintons,McCaine,Comey-Storm coming!
Stock Market Retreat
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
US and British stock markets on the retreat – a panic in the bond market is spreading.
For the first time in history the Trading Programs are revealed with proof showing the contracts (verified) revealing how the secret gov / secret space / Deep State is funded! This group is putting their lives on the line to get this info to the public!
Kerry Cassidy
The Storm is here.
The releases coming over the next few weeks will expose the details
of the methods by which the cabal rules the world through the control of
money by showing you trading contracts with proceeds as high as $3
Trillion and $25,000 Trillion. Enough to fund every TRUE humanitarian
project on Earth in addition to advanced technology, free energy, the
exploration of our universe, housing, hydroelectric projects for
undeveloped countries, turning deserts green and other infrastructure
projects all over the world. Instead, the money is used to subvert the
production of the people to a select few bloodline families. This is how
these people control Planet Earth.
Signatories to the trading contracts:
Federal Reserve:
Alan Greenspan
Ben Bernanke
Roger Ferguson
Janet Yellen
Timothy Geithner
US Government:
Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Jack Lew
Paul O’Neill
Neil Wolin
Trading Programs
Trading programs were created as a way to raise funds for projects
that relate to humanitarian endeavors, ie. Creating, maintaining and
rebuilding infrastructure, assistance with bringing undeveloped
countries up to current technologies, rebuilding communities after
natural disasters….are just a few of the applications.
But, as with anything to do with the financial world, the rat pack of
bankster cabalists have infested it at the highest levels to subvert
the program for their own devious plans to control the world. History is
replete with personalities whose aspirations to run the world are well
known: Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Adolph
Hitler….are just a few who come to mind. Why is it such a stretch to
believe that that same lust for power is not present today? Rather than
be accomplished by might and power and strength and armies all out in
the open, now it’s being done in secret by conning the people of the
world utilizing a usury system of currency control akin to immoral
grifters running a game of three card monty.
Trading programs are initiated, administered, operated and controlled
by the Federal Reserve. Sound familiar? You should know what’s coming
Now that the information is out in the open about how the Federal
Reserve and their bankster brethren are operating a massive con game on
the public, we’re going to take you to a deeper level, never seen before
and never revealed to the masses on the scale we’re about to unveil.
The elements of a trading program contract are very simple, an
investor, an amount, a time period, collateral, earnings and payout
schedule. The investor puts up the collateral (asset), the Federal
Reserve administrates the profit generation mechanism (program trading,
bank to bank) and the proceeds of the trading profits are split between
the parties to the contract and the project fund. There are two parties
to the contract, the investor and the Federal Reserve Bank (NY), a
The scam is simple although the protocols and mechanisms of the
process are sophisticated. Find an investor with vast sums of cash or
gold or equivalent asset value, enter into a contractual agreement where
their humanitarian objectives are accomplished, then when the proceeds
are paid from the inter-bank trading platforms, steal the proceeds and
use it for a variety of means, all of which are crimes against humanity
and serve to keep us all in chains.
Over the years, we’ve documented the thefts on Falcone, Tropos, Wanta
and others, accomplished by bribes and payoffs in the millions of
dollars. When you generate multiple trillions with each trading
contract, what’s a few hundred million paid to the Clintons, Romney,
Herzog, Guenette, Biden and others to keep their mouths shut? When you
generate $25,000 Trillion ($25 Quad), you could pay every debt on the
books, fund all governments for decades and of course, trigger a
financial reset to enrich every person on the planet.
But no, that’s not how it’s done when you run the world. You coerce,
bribe, blackmail, steal and deceive your way into controlling the planet
by controlling the flow of money, creating a process by which you are
the ones at the top of the pyramid. The majority of money generated from
these programs is OFF BALANCE SHEET. This means it is NOT
reported…..recall the old joke about “two sets of books.”…
Federal Reserve CONTRACT Trading Program..DIRECT LINK…
The History and Deception of the Archon/Reptilian Agenda
“Human beings are on a journey of awareness, which has been momentarily interrupted by extraneous forces.”
Carlos Castaneda, Magical Passes
How I Took The Red Pill And Realized Everything In Our Cult(ure) Is a Lie
911,Medical Mafia,Moon Landing…
The Matrix
The TRU MAN Show
“…In my new book, The Invisible Crime – Part II – A Targeted Individual, Synthetic Telepathy And Global Criminal Biomedical Human Experimentation, I expose and reveal aspects of the crime of covert human experimentation never before discussed.
Here are a few of the subjects I cover in great detail in the new book:
1. Synthetic Telepathy – The bidirectional information process between a human being’s mind and a supercomputer. The capability of reading and interpreting a person’s brainwaves and also putting back information in real-time.
2. Trans-humanism – The idea of human beings evolving beyond normal physical and psychological limitations through science and technology.
3. The Cabal – A secret government or political clique, group or faction. Secret Societies that are believed to exist within the current DOJ and FBI and large Multi-national Corporations. It is the Cabal which I’m lead to believe that are behind my specific victimization.
4. Covert, illegal human experimentation being performed on innocent American Citizens and people around the globe without their knowledge, permission or consent. This includes advanced medical testing and psychological experimentation.
5. Advanced Camouflage or Invisibility Cloaking Technologies currently being employed and reported by hundreds of Targeted Individuals around the world.
6. Morgellons Disease is a condition that I suffer from, a rare, unexplained and unusual skin condition which is believed to be caused by a synthetic pathogen also referred to as a highly evolved weaponed biological micro-organism. It’s widely reported that Morgellons Disease is part of the Military’s Biological Weapons Program.
7. Remotely Induced Mind Control achieved through Electronic Harassment/Bioelectronic Torture is believed to be at the heart of the Psychological Warfare Program, now reportedly being scaled to the entire human population.
“Secret Societies” that may exist within the DOJ and FBI.
My websites have been updated to include all of my current research:
Patriots DIE and 33 Eagles Win 74 Score JESUS