Lahaina, Maui was hit by DEW – the same as deployed on 9/11 and also in California for the so-called wildfires of Santa Rosa (2017) and Paradise (2018). See the evidence for yourself and make up your own mind.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Break Your Chains, the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble and Odysee/LBRY.
Thanks, Makia. Was looking for a reason and think you gave it with Sasha’s article.
Just saw this on
9/11 was thermite. Maybe there was some DEW, but I haven’t seen any evidence, yet. That said, I haven’t deeply researched 9/11. It is just that I know the official explanation is nonsense.
While conspiracies exist, people need to avoid the trap of thinking that everything is a part of a conspiracy. Conspiracies are subjected to proof in court. Just because a person isn’t in court, doesn’t mean that he has license to disregard a high standard of proof.
Many years ago I saw steel girders, perhaps several stories tall of one of the towers, just turn to dust after the controlled demolition had brought almost everything down. Clean up, perhaps.
Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11 Directed Energy Weapon
Thanks for video, Cliff. 20 minutes is are the beams turned to dust.
The DEW hypothesis with regards to 9/11 is false.
Buildings are more than just steel. The idea that any steel could turn to dust is unscientific. Explosions would create dust with regards to materials that can be pulverized, but all materials aren’t of this kind.
Thanks for the link, Shawn. While I agree that the buildings were brought down with thermite, my eyes saw the elevator beams turn to dust. I still think that no planes hit the buildings, only holograms, a la Project Blue Beam, with timed explosions. They just melted into the fascades of the buildings. I can still see the opening of one building before it was brought down, very little smoke, a hole not that deep, no plane parts, and a human standing on the edge looking out over the devastation. Coupled with the missing plane at the Pentagon, and missing plane and bodies in Pa, I think it was, it was again media driven. Believe what I tell you or perhaps believe what we give you to believe through thought projection.
Knock it off with the nonsense. It was poor forest management, a drought, building homes in the middle of a forest , lightning and … wait for it … STUPIDITY!
“Poor forest management”. Right. sure.
Except there were no forests near the town.
yearite. What burned, volcanic rock?
Basically dry grasslands …no controlled burns … and forests a mile from the town.
I created the following useful document that provides resources concerning the use of advanced technologies on the continuum of violence on 11 September 2001, advanced weapon systems, free/zero point energy, etc.:
Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Advanced Technologies and Strange Events
By Irucka Embry, E.I.T.