Via so-called “toxic masculinity” and declining sperm counts, they’ve been coming for the men. Now they’re coming for the women, too. An anti-human force is attacking the hormonal basis of both genders.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and , the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble and Odysee.
It was Naomi Wolf who was censored and lost her social media account for speaking to the menstrual problems many women were having, even women who had stopped menstruating years before!!
What comes to mind, Makia, and thanks for your video and links, is what is written in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 3.
And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.
Adam and Eve had eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which represents their decision to live without God’s guidance to think they know best what to do in any given situation. We really don’t have God’s vantage point to know what to do when and by whom which would keep us in harmony. This is why when JeSus came and as He was leaving again after the resurrection, said He was sending us a counselor/advocate/comforter to help us in all truth. John 16: 7-14. This would be Man, the Angels. JeSus did say He was the Son of Man. It was Man’s genetics which was put into Mary to bring forth JeSus.
God certainly didn’t want them to eat of the Tree of Life either and live forever, because that is a dead end road from which we would never return even though many are now in pursuit of it. Partaking of the Tree of Life is all about genetic engineering and the destruction of the ability to procreate so that we would have to clone ourselves if we wanted to get into the future. Once done we would have to continue to clone ourselves as our bodies wore out, thus the living forever idea. We have read of the transfer of the “soul” to new bodies and even that movie Avatar portrays the possibility of it.
I’m pretty sure that the Deros, degenerated robots, of whom Richard Shaver spoke, were a species which had come to this point. This would most likely be the Greys of the UFO genre, which are mentor, Bab the prophet, saw in the spirit as demons. However, I also think they have a real body and perhaps live underground in the many military bases, though they did not come out until our government started their nuclear detonation program in the deserts which harmed and stopped the species who was keeping them down. Woo – woo, huh? (The Time Machine book might allude to this.) The Deros are a brilliant mind and are at the root of many of our problems today and aid the elite in their war against humanity, sometimes without the elite even realizing the final endgame. They hate humanity because God loved us and saw that many of us would evolve and is still here working on the planet to overcome the madness creeping upon us more rapidly now.
A number of years ago there was much talk about cloning but there is little now. However, without mentioning the word cloning, they do speak of the incubation of babies outside of their mothers. However, I’m not sure of which Speciel Mind they would be a part.
Right on, again, Makia. This Cosmic Androgyne agenda has been pushed incrementally for millennia. The bizarre introduction of exotic non-terrestrial technology in the late 1800s and the (now obvious) advent of Hollywood has lead to the slow but steady mesmerization of everyday folks who have been unknowing, unwilling subjects in thousands of experiments just since the machination of Rockefeller pharmakeia.
The “X” we see everywhere amongst “celebrities” along with the new Twitter name is a Luciferian sign/symbol/sigil denoting the crossing-out of full-spectrum humans in favor of Male-to-Female and Female-to Male trannies becoming non-reproductive slaves . . . and/but also, as a grand long-term Luciferian laboratory experiment, the hybridization of humans with animals. I have seen this in degenerate artwork within “high society” “artists.” It’s barf-worthy and can’t be un-seen, so I didn’t go back to my Substack articles to find the links to post here.
Yes, you are right in the essence of leveling the concepts of Yang and Yin energies. But this is not Lucifer and his programs, this is his antipode – Satan!
I researched the term “toxic masculinity.” It first appeared in a major newspaper in two articles on September 26th, 1999. One was “Great Expectations: The Masculine Mystique and the Reality of American Life.” This was an article about a book written by the feminist, journalist, and likely Jew Susan Faludi.
The phrase itself appears to be a cunning manipulation to further emasculate men. To presume that some masculinity is toxic likely is meant to divide and conquer. Feminist men will come after good men who oppose feminism.
Bravo! These are the programs of Darkness, the antipode of Lucifer, the demon Satan (Devil) and all devil-Satanists, gender mutants and degenerates of Earth-Terra!