The Dark Force that Caused WW1 and WW2 … and is Aiming for WW3 – Part 1 – Video #75


This is the topic of Sabbatean-Frankist-Zionist manipulation throughout history, especially in creating two world wars. We need to know our true history. We need to know the past to make sense of the present.



Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and The International Satanic Network Exposed, the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.


Shawn February 24, 2024 - 7:52 am

Before I watch the video, I will make a comment.

My understanding is that the Jews were behind both world wars.

The man who murdered the heir to the throne was a member of a secret society. What actually happened is that there was one failed murder attempt. Then a treacherous driver drove the vehicle to where the attempted murderer succeeded on the second attempt. This clearly points toward a plot which likely was orchestrated by the Jews.

The origins of WWI aren’t very clear to me, but its alleged halting can be found in the book “The Secret World Government or the ‘Hidden Hand’ : The Unrevealed in History.”

The Jews weren’t identified, but the document “The Red Symphony” does point towards financiers as behind WWII. What happened is that Hitler “succeeded” because of the Jews in the 1930s (via the money “lost” during the Great Depression which was caused by the Jew-owned Federal Reserve to punish the United States for not entering the League of Nations.) because the revolution in Russia hadn’t taken the course that the Jews wanted it to. Stalin wasn’t under the control of the Jews. So what appears to have happened is that Stalin was persuaded to – to an extent – work with Jews instead of against them. He – like Hitler – may not have known that it was the Jews who he was working with.

Three world wars were “predicted” by the Freemason Albert Pike in the 19th Century. Freemasonry is allegedly controlled by the Jews.

Shawn February 24, 2024 - 7:52 am

Before I watch the video, I will make a comment.

My understanding is that the Jews were behind both world wars.

The man who murdered the heir to the throne was a member of a secret society. What actually happened is that there was one failed murder attempt. Then a treacherous driver drove the vehicle to where the attempted murderer succeeded on the second attempt. This clearly points toward a plot which likely was orchestrated by the Jews.

The origins of WWI aren’t very clear to me, but its alleged halting can be found in the book “The Secret World Government or the ‘Hidden Hand’ : The Unrevealed in History.”

The Jews weren’t identified, but the document “The Red Symphony” does point towards financiers as behind WWII. What happened is that Hitler “succeeded” because of the Jews in the 1930s (via the money “lost” during the Great Depression which was caused by the Jew-owned Federal Reserve to punish the United States for not entering the League of Nations.) because the revolution in Russia hadn’t taken the course that the Jews wanted it to. Stalin wasn’t under the control of the Jews. So what appears to have happened is that Stalin was persuaded to – to an extent – work with Jews instead of against them. He – like Hitler – may not have known that it was the Jews who he was working with.

Three world wars were “predicted” by the Freemason Albert Pike in the 19th Century. Freemasonry is allegedly controlled by the Jews.

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