I have nothing against almost all of these people (unless they are Israeli Intelligence agents or NWO agenda pushers). They understand much more than the average “normie,” but the danger is when people look to them as thought leaders, or even worse, as “saviors” who are going to fight the NWO and restore freedom to the world.
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles. He is author of the books Break Your Chains and , the book series Controversial Truths Revealed (Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and 40 Incredible Real Life Alien Abductee and Contactee Experiences) and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com. Makia is on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee.
Why aren’t you mentioning the masons? I agree on 5 of the 6 points:
WARNING: Aliens, the next psy-op?
The full PLAN exposed:
Yes, you’re right. Secret Societies, including of course the Freemasons, are of course a HUGE part of it.
I could also have have pointed out another litmus test: whether people grasp the concept of False Flag Operations, and recognize all the ones throughout history (Lusitania/WWI, Reichstag 1933, Poland 1938/9/WWII, Gulf of Tonkin 1964, USS Liberty 1967, 9/11 and all the rest of them).
Shapiro is a disgusting little Zionist and so is Avi Yemmini (2nd from the bottom left).
Complete pieces of shit.
The savior of the world was and is Jesus Christ the Son of God.
The Jews are the spiritual descendants of the Pharisees who MURDERED Jesus.
The Catholic Church led by Pope Gregory XVIII can save souls and make the world happier. See the website tcwblog .
The Catholic Church teaches that breadwinners have a right to a job sufficient for the needs of their households.
Imagine if a company could be held criminally liable for not hiring you as an unemployed breadwinner. Or imagine if you could take a company to court and receive compensation for insufficient wages.
One of the sins crying out to Heaven for vengeance is to defraud a laborer of his wages.
However, one must stop following Antipope Francis.
I will probably watch the video. The idea is correct. Any newsman who doesn’t speak the truth is either a traitor or a dupe.