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What is Sovereignty and How Does it Benefit Me?


What is Sovereignty and How Does it Benefit Me?


Sovereignty is not an exclusive club you sign up for, but rather a way you choose to experience life: free, self-reliant and responsible

Sovereignty is not something you sign up for.

It’s not an exclusive club you join where you get benefits as a matter-of-fact, but rather, it is a way you choose to experience life. It is a state of mind. True sovereignty begins with your choice to be free, to be self-reliant and to take responsibility for your own actions. You are born sovereign and then as you enter into various contracts and private agreements, you unknowingly give up your sovereignty, little by little, until one day you wake up and realize you are a slave. So, stop accepting government issued benefits, or any so-called benefits that come with a hook to ensnare you into servitude and dependency, and begin to reclaim your natural rights you inherit from God.
Strive to become financially independent. Get out of debt and stay out. Use your creative potential to make money instead of borrowing it from dishonest bankers. If it means lowering your standard of living temporarily so you can start living within your means, that will free your spirit to be more creative and eventually help you to achieve a higher and more fulfilling standard. I really encourage you to become self-employed. Follow your passions, express your uniqueness in the marketplace and you’ll have the potential to make more money than you ever made before and have more time to spend on more important things in life. When you have more than enough money to support yourself and your family, without being a slave to an employer, or a bank, then you will have obtained financial sovereignty. With adequate finances at your disposal you can be free to travel virtually anywhere on the planet, if you so choose. If a war breaks out, or if a conflict occurs, or say you get stuck in a natural disaster, you simply move away to someplace else that is more accommodating. If you don’t like the weather, with adequate finances you can chase your favorite seasons around the world! For example, it’s summer in the Southern Hemisphere when it’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Or you can choose a variety of tropical destinations to go to year round. Freedom to choose your own weather is what I call climatic sovereignty. Learn a second language or multiple languages, get second citizenship, expand to multiple nationalities, and residencies, explore the world and make it your playground and achieve global sovereignty.

When you stop relying on doctors to heal you and begin to get in touch with your own body and can learn to simply boost your immune system so your body can heal itself, then you will have achieved health sovereignty. This may be a new concept for some people, but you do have a choice. Sickness starts as a dis-ease of the emotional body or energy body, which exists outside the physical body as an energy distortion or blockage, and if not dealt with will eventually manifest as a physical aliment, and if still not dealt with, may become a chronic or terminal condition. If you have a bad attitude about life, don’t manage stress very well and have lots of unresolved emotional issues, then your immune system will be more taxed and your body will be more likely in a state of dis-ease. So, your health is your responsibility and once you fully decide to make it such, you will no longer be a sucker for the pharmaceutical companies (Big Pharma) who really have no desire to cure you of anything – and why should they when it is your responsibility to begin with?

Another important area is energy dependency. If you are like most people you have been lead to believe that you must run your car on gasoline or diesel, you must buy electricity from the power company and you must use heating oil, propane or natural gas to heat your home. Once again, dependency on these fuels makes you a slave to them. Many viable alternatives already exist that you can employ to gain greater energy independence or energy sovereignty. When you stop relying on others to tell you how to have a relationship with God, and develop the ability (intuition) to go directly to God by whatever means you choose without dogma or power games, then that, my friend, is spiritual sovereignty.

Overall, sovereignty can take on many different shapes and sizes, but understand that sovereignty is not something you achieve once, only to forget about later like hanging a college diploma on your wall to collect dust. Sovereignty is a daily practice and ongoing responsibility of the highest magnitude. Every choice you make will help you foster greater sovereignty or greater servitude. This realization will help you to be miles ahead of the game as restrictions on your liberties increase to the degree that someday you won’t be able to use the toilet without first asking permission from Big Brother.

So consider this: what will you do when the day comes that in order buy food, fuel, medicine, see a doctor, borrow money, open a bank account, enter a federal building, board an airplane, train or cruise ship, etc. that your identity won’t first have to be verified through your driver’s license (Federal ID), your social security account number, a retina scan and eventually a clever little microchip that will be implanted under your skin (for convenience and easy tracking, of course)? Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that if you and the majority of the people simply says no and become more self-responsible and self-reliant. So this is crucial … your well-being, your freedom, your sovereignty, and your very future is your responsibility and it comes about by the choices you make starting today, not next week or next year. It must start today!

The ToolsForFreedom.com website contains thousands of alternative resources that can help you reclaim your sovereignty in a variety of ways. I recommend that you look through the various pages, and when you feel a feeling in your gut about an item (an impulse), that is a message that you are on target to reclaim that aspect of your sovereignty. These resources will act as tools to assist you. But know that only YOU can reclaim your sovereignty and nobody else can do it for you. Keeping that in mind, I encourage you to choose the highest path for your own well-being, and it’s my sincere hopes that one or more of the resources we offer will help you to obtain the level of sovereignty you are striving for.

Makia Freeman

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles, a long-time truth researcher and a promoter of freedom. He provides insightful, non-partisan, unique and cutting-edge analysis on who's running the world, how they're doing it and what the deeper agenda is – as well as solutions for restoring peace and freedom to the world. He writes articles exposing propaganda and the numerous aspects of the worldwide conspiracy, in addition to geopolitics, sovereignty, health and higher consciousness. His articles are regularly syndicated and featured on sites such as David Icke, Wake Up World, Activist Post, Waking Times, Global Research, The Sleuth Journal and many more.


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