Zio Islamic Terrorism is the same old playbook for 75 years: starting with the Lavon Affair of 1954, then the big one of 9/11, then Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS and Hamas. Get wise to ...
Radical Islamic Terrorists are everywhere, it seems. They’re all over Syria and Iraq. They’re in Libya and Nigeria too. They attacked the former Soviet Union from Afghanistan and modern day Russia from Chechnya. We’ve seen them ...
War on Terror has become a catchcry phrase after the biggest of all false flag operations, September 11th. While it’s true that 9/11 became the pretext for the War on Terror™, and catapulted the doctrine from an ...
Zionism vs Islam. Which is more dangerous? Zionism is a massively important piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding the forces that shape the world today. It is a fundamental part of the drive ...
The Independent Media in general has done a great job of counterbalancing the corrupt and mendacious MSM (Mainstream Media). However, it’s disappointing to see how certain leading alternative media researchers, journalists and websites have gotten caught in ...