The Israel-Hamas War is about the push for Greater Israel, which is all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. All of this connected: 1. The fact that neocons are overwhelmingly Zionist; 2. The ...
There are numerous 9/11 COVID similarities to be seen and understood as the world goes ever deeper into Operation Coronavirus. Many nations around the world, including Canada and Australia, are making moves to roll out ...
Although officials are not using this exact term, we are now in a War on Bioterror as government after government has declared war on the new coronavirus strain COVID-19. These are truly life-changing times through ...
The fake war on terror is a brilliant yet devilish invention of dark governmental propaganda. The war machine needs to new victims and new targets in order to keep churning. And what better way to ensure ...
The war on drugs is an illusion, cleverly designed to give you the impression the Government is doing something to stop widespread drug use and abuse, while secretly encouraging it and profiting from it – ...
War on Terror has become a catchcry phrase after the biggest of all false flag operations, September 11th. While it’s true that 9/11 became the pretext for the War on Terror™, and catapulted the doctrine from an ...
Modern day conspiracy propaganda is plentiful. This article is the final one (part 4) of the series exposing modern day propaganda (click here for part 1, part 2 and part 3). The conspiracy goes way ...
Zero evidence is required for the global bully, the US military, to do what it wants, when it wants, to whomever it wants. US political and military leaders (or as I prefer to call them, ...
Are you a terrorist? According to the US Government, you may well be. For decades now, and especially since the false flag attack on 9/11, the Government has been using its intelligence agencies (the CIA, ...
9/11 was an inside job says former German Defense Minister and Member of Parliament Andreas von Bülow, who points out that the event was planned in part by PNAC (Project for a New American Century), ...