The Anti-Human Agenda that underpins the NWO (New World Order) is moving sharply into view with the advent of the COVID scamdemic (Operation Coronavirus) and its experimental nano-infused mRNA tools of destruction they are calling ...
Would you like to have your freedom and rights stripped in a sustainable, diverse, equitable and inclusive way? Join Makia Freeman for a quick look at how the New World Order is now being pushed ...
An Australian New World Order is coming into being, judging by the frequent uses of the phrase in the Land Down Under. In yet another slip of the tongue, which can hardly be considered anything ...
It is crucial to be aware of the New World Order mindset as we experience the intensification of its longstanding agenda. While each passing week seems to bring us more and more bizarre news in ...
Pineal gland activation may be the key to the overcoming the global conspiracy and reclaiming our superhuman abilities. Since the culmination of the Mayan Calendar on December 21st, 2012, many have been wondering what the ...
A 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper now proposes the next phase of the solution to the coronavirus crisis – after the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Paper which predicted and analyzed the problem and reaction. It’s problem-reaction-solution, Rockefeller-Gates ...
Emergency powers are the name of the game right now as governments around the world are collectively engaging in power grabs – all justified by the convenient coronavirus crisis (the same coronavirus crisis that various ...
“It’s all a Jewish Conspiracy!” I have seen and heard many people write and utter these words in reference to the worldwide conspiracy and the New World Order. Indeed, this idea has been around a ...
North Korea deception is being used by the mainstream media to trick you. The mainstream media is trying to give the impression that North Korea is itching for war and is constantly parading its tanks, ...
Alex Jones explains why Lindsay Lohan, and by extension millions of Americans are being poisoned with methamphetamine style drugs like Ritalin that cause brain shrinkage, heart problems and a myriad of other disorders. Alex also ...
The ultimate scheme of the elite Controllers is to use the US – the military arm of the NWO (New World Order) – to pick off poor, defenseless countries, one by one, and bring them ...
Obama’s handler Zbigniew Brzezinski, a big-time NWO (New World Order) globalist insider, put the matter rather bluntly by asserting that it was now harder to control, but easier to kill, a million people. Specifically, he ...
The Illuminati now refers to the general group of NWO (New World Order) globalists who are plotting a centralized world government in the form of a planetary-wide totalitarian dictatorship, with themselves at the helm as ...
Be yourself – unreservedly. Be yourself – without fear, without worrying about the future, without being anxious about failure, without caring what other people think. This is part 2 of the series on The Way ...
Hillary Clinton 2016 are three words a lot of people would rather not see in the same phrase – not because it wouldn’t be fine to have a female US president, but rather because Hillary ...
If you want to join the military, stop and think carefully. What is your motivation? Do you think you’re going to be defending or serving your country? Do you think you’re brave or that there’s some ...
What is the New World Order (NWO)? It is a rich and powerful group of mostly genetically-related individuals, including many of the world’s top politicians, international bankers, heads of military and intelligence, corporate elite and so-called “royal” bloodlines, ...
The gap between the rich and poor has become so extreme in the US, and all over the world as well, that it causing severe (and preventable) suffering, disease and even death. If you think ...
I strongly suspect we are looking at a Boston Marathon false flag operation, even though all the evidence is not in yet. Yesterday on Monday, April 15th, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish ...
Change the Constitution or the terrorists will get us – this is the basic sentiment of New York Mayor’s Bloomberg’s recent treasonous suggestion that we change the Constitution, the very foundation of US law since ...
ET disclosure is a hot topic right now, with the recent release of Sirius with Dr. Steven Greer and Citizen Hearing on Disclosure led by Steven Bassett. The movement will be getting a big boost ...
The People’s Voice is a daring idea of David Icke – renowned conspiracy, truth and consciousness researcher – to start up a new internet radio and TV broadcasting center to go worldwide 24/7 putting out ...
Gun control brainwashing has been a key item on the NWO Agenda in the last few years, especially after the false flag events of Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston. Whatever other ulterior motives these events ...
Bilderberg 2013 publicity was off the charts! The ultra-secretive Bilderberg Group just conducted their 2013 meeting in Watford, England. The Bilderberg Group was founded in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands and has ...
Commercialization and weaponization are the two chief obsessions of the New World Order, which aims to turn everything in existence – the Earth’s natural resources, people’s labor, creativity and imagination, and the sum of human ...
One mega corporation owns and controls just about everything you can think of, as it turns out. Researchers S. Vitali, J. B. Glattfelder and S. Battiston put the common intuition – or conspiracy theory – that ...
To defeat the New World Order, you need to be strong and healthy. You need to have your wits about you. The elite controllers of the world are throwing everything including the kitchen sink at ...