The hijacked environmental movement is a symptom of the current general, collective state of humanity: good hearted but ignorant. Kind hearted but hoodwinked. Many people in the environmental movement are in it for the right reasons: ...
We are being presented with a choice between the Unipolar and Multipolar Word Orders. But what if they both lead to the same conclusion – Global Governance, UN Agenda 2030 and a NWO (New World ...
Did you know that SARS-CoV-2 is a woke virus? Did you ever notice how smoothly the COVID rhetoric has morphed with climate change rhetoric, Agenda 2030 rhetoric, Great Reset rhetoric and New World (NWO) rhetoric ...
The China Coronavirus 5G Connection is a very important factor when trying to comprehend the coronavirus (formerly abbreviated 2019-nCoV, now COVID-19) outbreak. Various independent researchers around the web, for around 2-3 weeks now, have highlighted ...
Coronavirus and climate change may at first glance not seem to be connected. One is a tiny invisible virus, and the other is an issue as big as the planet itself. However, there are some ...