Although the main object of attack by the Agenda 2030 climate alarmists is carbon, they’re going for broke and attacking many natural things, including auxiliary attacks on nitrogen and methane. The point of getting you ...
Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA) is a technology that measures car speeds and can force the car to slow down – by limiting engine power. It doesn’t control brakes (yet). This tech is being rolled out ...
The overall Agenda 2030 UNDRIP scheme is a land grab, best summed up by the WEF: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” Indigenous people are being used to destroy private property and ...
The overall Agenda 2030 UNDRIP scheme is a land grab, best summed up by the WEF: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” Indigenous people are being used to destroy private property and ...
Whether via the demonization of carbon, or now nitrogren, the worldwide attack on farming continues. Farmers are being forced to stop farming and kicked off their land. Shownotes: ...
The new buzzword is decarbonize, but what does it really mean, or better said, what do “they” mean when they use it? Shownotes: ***** Makia Freeman is the ...
The cries are growing ever more hysterical as the UN and its Agenda 2030 promoters try desperately to scare people into believing in manmade global warming. ***** Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media ...
Discover the deeper aspects of the DEW attack on Lahaina, Maui – including predictive programming, hijacking of our subconscious, the DEW laser beams caught on video, foreknowledge, 15 minute city or cities, smart cities, Agenda ...
Agenda 2030 is approaching. Communism is coming to America and the world, this time cloaked in green, not red. Private property is under attack. Land is being grabbed by stealth. The US Federal Government is ...
Apparently, a new disease has emerged, which allows the NWO manipulators to perfectly cross-pollinate their narratives. Ticks, red meat allergies, climate change, fear, guilt … there’s something in this for everyone. Shownotes: ...
You are the Real Target of the Russo-Ukraine conflict. Over the last 8 months, the intensity of the attack against the average Westener and average world citizen has increased. We have been subjected to skyrocketing ...
Green New Deal = Agenda 2030 Ocasio-Cortez is just a naive poster woman for a sinister agenda about which she is ultimately clueless. She has been given an undue and exorbitant amount of media attention ...
Did you know that SARS-CoV-2 is a woke virus? Did you ever notice how smoothly the COVID rhetoric has morphed with climate change rhetoric, Agenda 2030 rhetoric, Great Reset rhetoric and New World (NWO) rhetoric ...
The PCR Test is the Cornerstone of the Fake COVID Pandemic. It’s a technique that can easily be altered at will to fabricate the number of cases, creating trends in the upwards or downwards direction ...
Coronavirus and climate change may at first glance not seem to be connected. One is a tiny invisible virus, and the other is an issue as big as the planet itself. However, there are some ...
While the coronavirus epidemic continues, with people debating on both sides whether it is being overplayed or underplayed, it is worthwhile pausing to consider what agendas – and I mean which NWO agendas – are ...
DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) are no longer the stuff of conspiracy theory. In the last few months in the US, there have been a number of incidents where DEW, laser weapons and perhaps other high-tech ...
False flag mass shootings continue to be a favored strategy used by the New World Order (NWO) controllers to further their agenda of fear and domination. It seems that every time a gap of time ...