Conspiracy is becoming a subject that can no longer be denied, as evidence mounts daily of the sprawling surveillance state, the burgeoning nanny state and the escalating police state. The fascist agenda of the NWO (New World ...
Gun control is the stealthy plan to confiscate guns from the public under the pretense of making society safer. For the record, I don’t own a gun and don’t believe in violence. However, I do ...
The Sandy Hook conspiracy is now coming to fit the classic mold for staged false flag events, as more and more information comes to light. The Intel Hub recently reported that a shooting drill – ...
The conspiracy is over – just as John Lennon proclaimed on a New York billboard that war is over – if you want it. The conspiracy is us! We hold it in place, we feed ...
What is the New World Order (NWO)? It is a rich and powerful group of mostly genetically-related individuals, including many of the world’s top politicians, international bankers, heads of military and intelligence, corporate elite and so-called “royal” bloodlines, ...
Do vaccines cause autoimmune disease? Many who are educated in natural health have long suspected that vaccines cause autoimmune disease, and now the scientific studies are beginning to prove it. It is no coincidence that ...
Hillary Clinton 2016 are three words a lot of people would rather not see in the same phrase – not because it wouldn’t be fine to have a female US president, but rather because Hillary ...
The cell phone cancer link has taken a major step from being a theory to becoming a provable fact, as the Italian Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of (and awarded compensation to) a man ...
If you want to join the military, stop and think carefully. What is your motivation? Do you think you’re going to be defending or serving your country? Do you think you’re brave or that there’s some ...
We are in the midst of a geoengineering methane crisis – one which is already causing a sharp increase in the rate of extinctions on the planet, and which threatens to change the atmosphere on ...
The gap between the rich and poor has become so extreme in the US, and all over the world as well, that it causing severe (and preventable) suffering, disease and even death. If you think ...
Disinformation is outright lies packaged as the truth or real information, and disseminated with the purpose on deceiving, confusing and leading people astray. The New World Order Controllers running the planet often use covert deceit ...
Micronutrients are the vitally important minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other tiny nutrients within our food which are essential for good health. They are small in size, but huge in influence. Micronutrients are almost always completely ...
Israel vs Palestine. A violent struggle between two roughly equal enemies, as the propaganda goes. That’s the framework which the heavily-biased Zionist mainstream media uses to report on the “ethnic cleansing” of the Palestinians that ...
The Secret Space Program had more of its secrecy exposed by Project Camelot in their pilot TruTV show called “Shadow Operations – The Mars Project” featuring Gordon Novel, Brian O’Leary, Andy Basiago, Richard Hoagland, David ...
Free energy, also known as zero-point energy or over-unity energy, has always existed. The natural state of the universe is plentiful and infinitely abundant. The state of the world on Earth right now is an ...
The Zionist delusion is the story that Zionist Jews have have telling themselves and the world for millenia: we are special, and everyone else isn’t. Zionist Jews are the “chosen ones” (whatever that means) and ...
A key part of the 9/11 inside job evidence is the jet fuel. The “official” 9/11 explanation (an absurd cover story concocted by the US Government) attributes the collapse of the World Trade Center Twin ...
Sovereignty is something to be asserted and upheld. The degree of sovereignty established by the individuals of a nation over their government is clearly a reflection of their awareness of their inherent rights and their ...
When it comes to sovereignty, every generation must fight for their rights, again and again, else their rights will lapse and Big Government will step in to the power vacuum. When it comes to an ...
The Illuminati now refers to the general group of NWO (New World Order) globalists who are plotting a centralized world government in the form of a planetary-wide totalitarian dictatorship, with themselves at the helm as ...
Early diagnosis: do radiation-emitting medical devices really help reduce your risk of cancer in the long term, or do they increase it? Is it a Big Pharma money-making scam? We’ve all heard the propaganda, repeated ...
The natural cancer cure laetrile (also known as amygdalin or vitamin B17) works far better than chemotherapy in destroying cancerous cells and leaving healthy cells alone. It is an absolute absurdity that chemotherapy even contains ...
Iraq Iran same lie. The parallels between the two are strikingly obvious. In each case, the Zionist dominated mainstream media in the West (esp. the US and Britain) are demonizing a sovereign nation, painting their ...
The US Defense Budget is truly a bottomless pit. The US allocates a staggering 50-60% of its tax dollars to war. It provokes new wars, funds UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or drone attacks in the ...
Israel’s right to exist needs to be questioned. Israel is essentially a private country of the Rothschilds – who own around 80% of the land, built the Israeli Supreme Court and were instrumental in setting ...
Monsanto forms part of the corporatocracy that really rules America and the world, not the puppet politicians we are led to believe hold the power. There are former and current Monsanto employees and agents everywhere ...