Pope Francis of the Catholic Church recently came out and released an Encyclical “Laudato Si” (although someone leaked it ahead of time and released it for him) focused on tackling the issues of poverty and ...
A currency crisis is coming to the US … and it’s only a matter of when, not if. Many have been warning about it for years, from politician Ron Paul to economist Peter Schiff to many ...
Operation Jade Helm 15 is coming to a state near you! People all over America are wondering what the true purpose of Jade Helm is, whether it is linked to coming emergencies or catastrophes, and ...
The JFK assassination, almost to the day 52 years later, is still subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation. Rightly so – the event was of extreme significance and is a telling reminder ...
The 2015 UN Summit will be held in September 2015 in New York. Like any UN summit, it will be full of UN buzzwords such as consensus, empowerment, rule of law and sustainability, all of which are fake ...
The glorification of Hitler is reasonably widespread among the alternative media. May 8th, 2015 recently passed, marking the 70th anniversary of the end of the European part of World War 2, a horrible event which ...
The Walmart closings of 5 stores in the southern US states has caused a big stir and plenty of speculation recently. It is patently obvious the reason for the shutdowns has nothing to do with the ...
Is Walmart connecting to the US underground tunnel network? Speculation is mounting after Walmart’s shocking and abrupt decision to shut down 5 of its stores, each for 6 months, in 4 different states (Pico Rivera, CA; Midland, TX; Livingston, ...
Legal corruption in the US has been exposed by a brilliant woman whose name is Tamah Jada Clark. She recently served a most unusual notice upon the courts in Georgia. It is highly unlikely you will ever have ...
Welcome to GMO Australia! While you’re there, welcome to Vaccine Australia too! Australia, a Western democratic nation with a very high standard of living, prides itself on being “the lucky country”, on giving people a “fair ...
Nascent iodine is a highly charged form of iodine. Iodine itself is an essential mineral for human health. You need a small amount every day to keep your levels up. It has been estimated that ...
The Syria agenda is essentially identical to the Libya and Iraq agendas. The Syria agenda is really quite easy to comprehend. The Rothschild-dominated Anglo-American elite want to take over all the Middle Eastern countries – ...
Bilderberg 2013 publicity was off the charts! The ultra-secretive Bilderberg Group just conducted their 2013 meeting in Watford, England. The Bilderberg Group was founded in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands and has ...
The NSA controls the world. Or, to be slightly more accurate, it’s not just NSA control, but rather the entire conglomerate of military-intelligence agencies which control the world. It’s the Shadow Government. In the US, ...
To defeat the New World Order, you need to be strong and healthy. You need to have your wits about you. The elite controllers of the world are throwing everything including the kitchen sink at ...
Were GM crops torched in America around June 22nd, 2013? According to this source and this source, yes! The authors report that 40 tons of GM sugar beets in Oregon – 2 full fields of ...
One mega corporation owns and controls just about everything you can think of, as it turns out. Researchers S. Vitali, J. B. Glattfelder and S. Battiston put the common intuition – or conspiracy theory – that ...
I strongly suspect we are looking at a Boston Marathon false flag operation, even though all the evidence is not in yet. Yesterday on Monday, April 15th, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish ...
Independence Day amnesia rears its ugly head every year in July in America. Yes, Independence Day is here again in the United States, but you wouldn’t know it. Everyone is walking around saying “4th of ...
The recent Catholic indulgence bribe offered by Pope Francis is utterly absurd – yet many poor and lost souls will probably dutifully go for it. Pope Francis recently offered “indulgences” (in Catholic Church jargon this ...
Police policy exposed itself recently, with the stunning case of Robert Jordan, who applied to be a New York cop but was turned down – not because he was too dumb, but because he was ...
Cop ticket quotas are another symptom of a society that has lost touch with the basic tenets of freedom. It conclusively proves that Government is out of control and has utterly exceeded its mandate to ...
Bankers’ wars account for all the major wars of the last 2 centuries, and probably many more going further back. When you go beyond the official version of history spoon-fed to you through shallow or ...
Glyphosate-caused diseases are more than just on the rise – they are skyrocketing – thanks to Monsanto’s toxic herbicide Roundup. Glyphosate is the main ingredient of Roundup, and alarmingly high levels are been found not ...